Confession of a Ghost. 22. 19. To gather stones

a novel by Alexandra Kryuchkova


*****PARS MORTIS*****

Somewhere in the Universe

We returned to the Universe dotted with myriads of fireflies the stars and headed towards the border point visible in the distance.

“It’s funny, Earth is so far away and looks like a small multi-colored ball. I can’t believe I’ll be there soon! Stop, who is there?” I stopped when I noticed 12 giants surrounding Earth.

“Earth’s Guardians.”

Soon we came to the border checkpoint guarded by dogs. Having scanned me, they didn’t move.

“Hi, Rukh!” Uranus appeared suddenly and laughed. “Meet your Pars Mortis, we talked about it in House No. 8. The point of your Death, or rather coming back home! The 23rd degree of Aquarius, in addition to what you’ve already known, indicates major and unpleasant changes in life. You’ll repeatedly face Death, both your own and of those close to you. The most important is that it’s the degree of Pluto falling, and he is the symbolic Lord of Death. So, you won’t be afraid of Death and defeat it!”

“I’m not afraid of Death anyway, Uranus!”

“You are not afraid of it now, because you haven’t incarnated yet! This degree is also a symbol of mysteries.”

“Will my Death be shrouded in mystery?”

“My soul, any accentuated degree carries a lot of information about one’s destiny or character,” the Guardian clarified. “Both your Death and childhood are shrouded in mystery. It’s also a degree of artistry, an unusual disclosure of talents. You’ll come to visit us, and then write about what you have seen. About Earth’s Guardians, for example.”

“Moreover!” Uranus remembered happily. “It’s a degree of astrology, the science of stars and planets! You have a lot of indications of stargazing, you just haven’t got to them yet! I love stargazers because they love my Heavens! Such people boldly voice their ideas to others and have a critical mind, going beyond earthly possibilities.”

“Stop, why do the guard dogs differ? One is white and the other is black!” I asked.

“In the 23rd degree of Aquarius,” the Guardian sighed, “there is a tense struggle for one’s soul, the Prince of Darkness himself is interested in it. He doesn’t care for all souls personally. The symbol of the degree is the cross of St. Andrew, one side of it is dark, the other is light. The Forces of Darkness usually tempt souls. You are tempted by Death, since it’s the degree of your Pars Mortis.”

“Another indication of early leaving the body?”

“Not only. Everything related to Death can become a subject of the exam you won’t pass at the Judgment. I don’t know what exactly it’ll be and how they’ll tempt you, they don’t share their plans with me.”

“I’m not a murderer, am I?”

“You are not a murderer, but it’s a degree of mystery shrouded in darkness. Be careful in all matters related to Death and the competencies of Uranus, especially in Sphere No. 9.”

“Sky, air, astrology, aviation, electricity, programming,” I recalled, “foreign countries, foreigners, followers of another religion, travel-wanderings, including out-of-body, spiritual practices, meditations, dreams, teachers, universities, publishing, courts, religion, churches and temples?”

The Guardian nodded silently. There were a few steps left before the Door to House No. 10, when I noticed … water in front of me.

“Where does it come from?” I wondered, frozen at the edge.

“My domain ends here,” Uranus smiled, “And this is…”

“A sea?” I supposed.

“No, my soul,” the Guardian smiled, “the Ocean!”

Library of the Universe

Involuntarily scanning the visitors of the Library in the Secret Knowledge sector, I noticed a woman sitting at a table by the window with a mountain of books. I was drawn to her, I went up and said hello.

“Ah, Rukh,” she sighed and smiled, “hello.”

“I’m sorry to bother you,” I apologized. “You live on Earth, don’t you?”

The woman nodded.

“Why do people come here?”

“Everyone has their own. I need to read some books from the Library of Alexandria.”

“I’ve seen my Future Self here. I’ll come too.”

“It would be better if you became an ordinary person, an earthly one,” the woman sighed. “It’s easier to live that way, since you incarnate on Earth!”

“Yes, but on Earth I’ll meet a woman the Teacher, she’ll tell her seminarians to go to the Library of the Universe to find their book as a hint.”

“It’s very interesting,” the woman said thoughtfully. “Do you happen to know her name? I would like to meet her!”

“Her name is … Oh, yes! Raisa Akhmetovna Mansurova!”

“Aren’t you confusing anything?” the woman asked, looking at me strangely. “I am Raisa Akhmetovna Mansurova.”

“Wow!” I exclaimed. “They will call me Alice.”

“Well, see you on Earth, Alice,” she smiled.

I nodded happily and rushed to the Guardian who was waiting for me at our table.

“Have you heard it? That’s she!”

“As you see,” the Guardian smiled, “something good can be found even in the worst scenario.”

The book about ghosts opened at the page with the story “A Photo Film”. A professional photographer fond of non-standard images visited the place of a plane crash and picked up an interesting trophy with him, but he couldn’t hear the story told by a ghost woman.

“My whole life flashed before my inner eye, like a film. I wondered whether I had been happy in it. Yes. Even in the hardest times, I never gave up and tried to find something good, aspired with my soul to the Light and went towards It. And these photos found by you are just another proof of my words. It’s a pity only that I was sent to warn you never to fly to Thailand for Christmas, and you don’t hear me at all, young man.”



“The 2nd of January?” I supposed, seeing Dimitra not happy.

“The 2nd or the 3rd, yes. Everyone just comes in and leaves immediately.”

“And what about Peter with the keys, hasn’t he materialized yet?”

“Take Peter without keys and hang the key to him at home! You’re all about icons! Let’s go to the stone store, show me some interesting ones!”

“It’s time to gather stones!” the stone shopkeeper greeted us, and I glided along the shop windows, looking for where to start.”

“Alice, is this coal?” Dimitra was ahead of me.

“SHERL, black tourmaline, a stone of sorcerers and magicians. The raw one looks like coal, and after polishing it partially loses its qualities and becomes closed. You can keep it under your pillow. Not every magician is able to wear it. It’s a powerful stone that protects from the entities of the Lower Astral at a distance of at least one and a half meters, but drives Evil from everywhere, including its owner.”

“Do they cast out demons with it?” Dimitra was surprised.

“Demons are cast, rather, with prayers. Sherl is more a guardian. Rutile quartz with the inclusion of sherl, AMOUR’S ARROWS, is used to attract male love. They give their loved ones a stone as a gift. They say that the constant wearing of a bracelet with Amour’s arrows attracts a soul mate. They learned to fake the stone, although natural is cheap. Quartz with gold threads, the HAIR of VENUS, prolongs female beauty and youth, is bewitching too, attracting female love.”

“Stop, Alice! I wonder about protection against evil spirits!”

“THREE EYES – bull’s, falcon’s and tiger’s, as well as stones with eye effects, for example, a cat’s eye. It’s ideal to combine three eyes of quartz in one jewelry. They are warm, give energy and protect against the evil eye, spoilage and the Other World entities. I added the TIBETAN DZI STONE to my bracelets. The real Dzi is a rarity. It’s a very expensive stone of the ancient Tibet magicians, the eye patterns on it appear by themselves.”

The shopkeeper watched us with interest, and then took out a stone from a drawer and handed it to me.

“The Black starry diopside, the STAR of INDIA. It’s stronger than Sherl. When it is exposed to direct light, a radiant star runs across its silver-black surface. The usual size of stones is 7–9 millimeters, a thin bracelet costs about 200 euro! I found a ring with a 3 cm stone, and it’s a real mirror! Look into it and — hello, Heaven!”

“What do you mean?” Dimitra twirled the stone under the lamplight.

“Any mirror is the door to Another Reality, and the black diopside is the guide to it. Sherl drives the Evil away from and out of you. Black diopside mirrors Evil from you, but at the same time it takes the soul out of the body. The photo of my diopside ring shows a rainbow emanating from the stone with a flow upwards. In the tunnel of the spine, there are 7 partition doors, each has its own color, which in total line up in a rainbow. The stone nullifies the partitions in the spinal column, removes energy blocks, and a person can suddenly lose consciousness, the soul will leave the body. If one puts on a ring with a stone at night, one’s dream will be a conscious journey to the Other World, and not a false illusion. The main thing is to formulate a goal, what you are going there for. It’s better not to try for ordinary people.”

“It turns out,” Dimitra exclaimed from a sudden insight, “if one has been suffering from an illness for a long time and cannot anyhow…”

“There is a special church prayer for the separation of the soul from the body. But I met an even stronger stone. Its energy is sharp, it doesn’t go around but instantly throws you out There. If you resist and don’t come out, it’ll squeeze you out the juices and … Even I felt bad from it. Scientists haven’t yet come to the conclusion what kind of rock it is, and it doesn’t have an official name, only a numeric one. It’s a stone of a heavy mountain. It’s no coincidence that local residents draw on it protective symbols as amulets, and it’s used only by the strongest magicians, who urgently need to go There, for example, to communicate with one of the dead.”

“Horror! I’ve got goosebumps without even seeing the stone!”

“I like KYANITE, a deep fragile stone of blue color, a mirror with the eye effect and glow, with characteristics close to those of sapphire, the stone of nuns.”

The shopkeeper took out a pendant from the top shelf and handed it to me.

“NUUMMITE,” I smiled. “Magical and the most ancient stone, 3.2 billion years old. A rare find, mined only in Greenland at the bottom of a deep lake. Due to the harsh climate, mining is limited, and another one is given out for this stone, Anthrophyllite, even at international auctions. The cost of a real stone without cutting, 1 cm in size, starts from 100 euro. Nuummite is black and ‘crumpled’, it contains a gold foil several millimeters in size, which plays with all the colors of the rainbow in direct light, the cost of the stone depends on gold foils quantity and size. Nuummite doesn’t tolerate daylight, it’s collectible. While Anthrophyllite can be black, green-brown and blue-black with small patches of silver-blue tint. A string of anthrophyllite beads costs 500 euro, and beads from nuummite are hardly available.”

“It’s easier to buy a gold ring!” Dimitra exclaimed.

“AURALITE 23, 1.2 billion years old, is a stone of the Mesoproterozoic period, mined in the Arctic forests of the Canadian plume. It contains inclusions of 23 energy minerals, but usually not all at once. The more inclusions are, the more powerful the stone is. In international trading, it’s called ‘full 23’. Auralite is from the word ‘aura’, patches holes in it. It’s based on amethyst, among the inclusions there are citrine, green quartz, titanite, lepidochrosite, hematite, pyrite, gold, silver, platinum, iron… Brown auralite, like Almandine, is worn against problems with blood and anemia.”

“And here, look, there are bird feathers in the amethyst!”

“CACOXENITE, the stone of the Firebird or the Phoenix Bird, was valued by Native Americans of ancient tribes. Feathers are found in auralite / melodite / amethyst. Cacoxenite is delicate, while Auralite 23 can be aggressive. MELODITE, or ‘Super 7’, is auralite, which includes only 7 minerals. AMETRINE is a double stone – amethyst plus citrine, more often artificial, a laboratory fake, the real one finds a soul mate.”

“I know this stone!” Dimitra rejoiced. “FLUORITE?”

“Yes, not evil, it’s soothing and cooling. Suitable for hyperactive people suffering from the over stimulated nervous system and high blood pressure. You can meditate with it, relax. Melancholic and hypotensive patients run the risk of going to ‘minus’, into depression. LAZURITE, on the contrary, energizes. There is a lot of energy in MALACHITE as well, the flower is especially valued, the stone opens and shares its energy, but today there are many fakes, almost no flower can be found. Malachite makes you respect it.”

“Malachite and black agate are the favorite stones of Athos monks,” Dimitra nodded. “Are there any stones against headache?”

“ANYOLITE, or RUBY in FUXITE. A rare, kind warm stone, almost all are fakes from China. It’s mined in Africa, near Mount Kilimanjaro. It relieves migraine, eliminates energy imbalance. The stone is relatively inexpensive, although at an international auction a Japanese sold beads 50 cm long and 1 cm in diameter for 2,000 euro.”

“What other magical stones do you know?”

“All stones are magic. One wish of its owner will be fulfilled by ANGELITE, the stone of the Guardian Angel, light blue with marbling, mined in Peru. The stone should be in its raw form, but due to the calcium content, it’ll soon lose color and properties upon contact with water. MOONSTONE, or Adular, in a ring or bracelet on the left hand fulfills the wish relating to love, and on the right promotes creativity. Having performed, it cracks or breaks. Moonstone is fragile, opaque and layered, which causes the effect of the northern lights and cracks. You can charge it at night on the windowsill under the Moon light between a new Moon to full Moon. The stone is imitated by transparent opal-like plastic with a lunar tint, which is called ‘lunar’, or ‘opalite glass’. Natural stone causes the astral body (the soul) excitation, excites it emotionally, takes it out of balance, gives astral visions. It’s a stimulus for creative individuals who splash out experiences on paper or in some other way. For introverts and non creative individuals, the constant wearing of this stone threatens with insanity. It’s safer the black moonstone, or LABRADORITE from Madagascar. It’s kind and devoted like a dog, mysterious yet calm. You can communicate with it. It’ll support you in hard times.”

“Is there an archangel stone?”

“Clinochlore, or SERAPHINITE, is named after the seraphim. Its crystal structure resembles wings. It’s a strict cold stone of green shades. It has a calming effect. It’s good to look at and put under the pillow before going to bed. They say it helps to improve finances, but it’s better to get GASPEITE from Australia, a green stone with a splash of brown. In ancient times, the native aborigines stole it from each other, they said, it brought material wealth and great luck. Genuine stone is found at international auctions, as well as the brighter Australian rarity VARISCITE. A cheerful stone is Bumblebee Jasper from the island of Java, its yellow-red-black color is uplifting, but the real name of the stone is Orpiment As2S3, arsenic sulfide, its particles must not enter the bloodstream.”

The hostess brought us a large round pendant.

“And this stone, Dimitra, is mined only in Russia. SIMBIRCITE, a kind of ammonites, is named after the city of Simbirsk, now Ulyanovsk, where Lenin was born. It’s very warm, kind, honey, cozy. It’s absolutely harmless, soft and deep. In terms of energy, it’s somewhat similar to Kaliningrad amber, or hardened resin. Of amber, I prefer the “royal”, it’s kind, warm, sunny.”

“Is Amazonite mined in Russia or Peru?”

“Siberian AMAZONITE is mined in Russia, it’s cold, harsh, sharp, while in Peru, they mine Peruvian amazonite, soft in character, minty. Both outwardly and energetically, the two brothers are completely different. On the Kola Peninsula in Russia, a stone with a Greek name is mined. It’s ASTROPHYLLITE, a star stone of hope. The kindest, one of the most beautiful in the world and inexpensive. It grows in the form of a multi-beam golden star inside different rocks. Astrophyllite in white albite is used for jewelry, the golden and bronze rays of the Sun sparkle against the snow-white background of winter. The stone supports a person in hard times, gives hope and optimism, works like an ambulance – quickly gives energy to the owner and dies itself, changing color from white to black. A calmer winter landscape stone is DENDROPAL, or Dendritic Agate. It’s a miracle of nature, as if someone painted a snow-covered forest with Chinese ink.”

“Does TURQUOISE bring happiness?”

“Perhaps it brings happiness, but rather, it helps in work and warding off misfortune. A delicate stone. Real turquoise costs more than gold, a thread of 10 tiny stones costs about 500 euro. Almost all of its deposits in Kazakhstan have been closed. Untreated turquoise quickly loses its color. Stabilized turquoise from Arizona can be used in jewelry, it’s sold at auctions, the average size of a stone is 6 millimeters, but the stones are energetically closed after processing. China make fake turquoise from a similar stone, called ‘Tibetan turquoise’, and from plastic known as ‘Viennese turquoise’. I love LARIMAR, the stone of the lost Atlantis, which is mined in the Dominican Republic. It’s light, kind, soothing. It helps to restore the memory of the deep Past. It contains the ocean, with all its mysteries.”

We silently looked at the shop windows, and then Dimitra sighed,

“I won’t remember what you have told me now.”

“You don’t have to. Each stone is unique. Besides, we don’t choose stones, the stones choose us. When the stone has done its job, you’ll stop wearing it.”

“Some general recommendations?”

“The stones must be natural indeed. The raw ones are stronger. Be careful with pyramid-shaped stones, as they concentrate and direct energy to the outside through the top, in full swing. Spherical ones are safer. Broken, cracked, fallen out of the frame and changed color stones took on an energy blow, they need energy themselves, thus they must be thrown away. You can combine stones, but wisely, for example, multi-component ones, like Auralite 23, are self-sufficient. It’s important to feel what stones, and therefore energies, you need here and now, and not turn your soul into a stone.”

Tower of Ouranoupoli

“Joice, I can’t do it! Today I’ve told Dimitra about the stones. I made jewelry with rare stones, but I managed to give them all away. However, at home, I’ve found a strange piece of jewelry in a cloth gift bag. It’s a kind of necklace on a brown suede cord with plastic items geometrically shaped. If I found a mountain of my stone beads, I wouldn’t have been surprised, but I never wore this necklace. What a hell is it? Before my memory was erased, I tried to get rid of everything unimportant as much as possible. So was that decoration important to me? Why? What is so particular in it?”

“Are you asking me?” Joice chuckled.

“No, I’m thinking out loud. I went to the two-faced Woman, but she has insomnia. I can’t catch her leaving the body at the moment of falling asleep. The Woman was looking at photo albums, she sighed, lamented, there seemed to be a photo of the Boy who had come to me in the Court, and she said, ‘he ruined his career of a lawyer’. Anyway, it’s not my story! I have to find the handle, a priest to serve me a memorial liturgy, to remember what I haven’t done in time to do it. Now I’m worried, why did I descend into Hell? Alice in the Library said to me ‘Sorry!’ about it. What for? What had I done in Hell?”

Library of the Universe

“Nonna Khidiryan called (the winner of the ‘Battle of Psychics’ on TNT TV), ‘Hello! Do you think I’ve forgotten about you? I often think about you and communicate with you.’ She came to me in a dream, yes. We talked for about an hour. She said I had to take people to the Holy Places individually. They call me in Peru in April, and the Writers Union wants me to go to London.”

“Svetlana came, ‘You’re always different in your London photos, as if different people!’”

“There are many stories with roads. Once at midnight, it was raining cats and dogs, a fox rushed under my wheels, wet all over, like a devil, it ran out of the dense forest. The bumper was crumpled, but I felt sorry for the fox. The most terrible story happened at my returning home from the airport by taxi. I sat next to the driver. Moscow Ring Road, around 7 am, I fell asleep, suddenly as if hit on the head, I opened my eyes and said, ‘To the right!’ (I had no idea why and where we were). The speed was 120. The traffic was heavy. Ahead and behind there were end-to-end cars. I repeated, ‘to the right, we need to turn to the right’, the driver thought I was crazy. The car in front went sharply to the left, as if going around something. And in front of us, there was a man walking towards the dividing fender! How did he even get here? Zombie! I screamed and covered my face with my hands. I heard several blows, as if he was tumbling through the roof. The driver turned to the right into the forest, stopped, got out of the car and came to my door. It seemed to me that he would kill me, but no, there was blood, a broken mirror and something dangling. I closed my eyes in shock. The driver tried to eliminate traces in front of the traffic police post and said, ‘You were sleeping!’”

“I lit candles and turned on music, as the easiest way to get out. I found myself in a dark blue space, like in the Planetarium. On both sides of Earth, there were two ones, their contours, drawn by a silver thread, meant the monks – a cloak and a hood, they put their hands above Earth, like people by a fire warming themselves, and good energy came out of their hands. Conventionally, the monks were two meters tall, and Earth between them was as a soccer ball. Through the South Pole, the negative came out in dirty clots. I asked, ‘What level is this?’ – ‘The 4th’. The work with the 4th chakra (i.e. heart – the Divine, not selfish Love). I saw the aura of Earth as color spots, unevenly distributed over the surface and vibrating strongly. Then I found myself near my body, listening to music in headphones. I looked at it, being on the left and slightly above, it looked pretty from the side)). I tried to take my hand, touched my cheek – no emotions!”

“At 0:20 I went There. Of course, I wanted to see the truth, but the truth was completely unbelievable. I got used to finding myself in the blue-black Universe, and then suddenly the whole Universe was flooded with Light! Christmas night! The Star, it exists! I couldn’t see it, it’s huge (!), and the whole night Sky looked Light Blue, with stars, and closer to the source of Light, it was even white! Everyone wore white clothes, so did monks. Everyone was joyful! What exactly we don’t expect to see, what doesn’t fit into the clich; and the standards, what surprises us, raises questions – all that is much closer to the truth than what we are used to and expecting.”

“Mansurova turned on the music, and I got inside the crystal. I tried to feel the space, at least some straight parallel walls and the perpendicular floor, but everything was multidimensional, reflecting in mirrors, not rectangular. I walked along a narrow thin edge and was reflected in hundreds of mirrors, each was a passage into an unknown space, and everything kept multiplying. I told everyone what I had seen. Raisa Akhmetovna commented, ‘Those were the sounds of DNA set on music. You are ahead of time. It can’t keep up with you! Wait!’ I don’t keep up with the Time, I’m catastrophically late! Life is a constant upward movement. When you stop, degradation starts immediately. Time waits only for magicians. It’s sad that people don’t appreciate Time at all.”
