In Memory Of Brenda Scotford

16-10-2023. UK

In memory of Brenda Scotford

Brenda Scotford
(nee Bruce, The Bruce,  Bruce, Watson, Richardson, Scotford)
(19.04.1947 - 15.08.2020 (73 yo))
Cremation 01.09.2020 at 2.30 pm, New Ollerton, Nottinghamshire, England, UK
Worked at British Charity Furniture Project. A Pensioner.

In memory of Brenda Scotford,

I used The Numerology calculation.

Part I
Date Of Birth

The Manadala Thinnest Bodies  (Numerology Obiect of calculation)

Date Of Birth
Brenda's  date of birth

19041947  :    7   =   2720278.142851743

19041947  :    7   =   2720278.1428517
2  - 7  - 2  -  0  - 2  -  7  -  8  -.-   1  - 4  - 2  - 8  -  5  -  1  - 7             OX,     19.4.1947

19/04/1947                = DOB       =    Date Of Birth
2720278.1428517       = TDOB    =    The True Date Of Birth  (--->  coordinates OX))
2  - 7  - 2  -  0  - 2  -  7  -  8  -.-   1  - 4  - 2  - 8  -  5  -  1  - 7             OX,     19.4.1947

s4----------------------------- OY -------------------------------s1
5--------------------------------3 ---------------------------------4
--- 21 ------------------------- 14------------------------- 21 ------
--------9--------------------- --7 ---------------------- 12----------
-------------8------------------ 8 ---------------- 16 ---------------
----------------- 6 -------------4 ------------ 6 --------------------
---------------------- 18 ----- 11------- 15 ------------------------
---------------------------17---9--- 10 ----------------------------
2  - 7  - 2  -  0  - 2  -  7  -  8   --.--    1  - 4  - 2  - 8  -  5  -  1  - 7             OX,     19.4.1947
---------------------------15---7---- 8  ----------------------------
---------------------- 10 ------  3-------  7  ------------------------
----------------- 2 ------------- 0 ------------ 2 --------------------
-------------8------------------ 8 ---------------- 16 ---------------
--------5--------------------- --3 ---------------------- 8 ----------
---- 7 -------------------------- 0 -------------------------- 7 ------
Mother's Mum -------------------------------------------------Spouses

Numerology used 22 symbols making all numbers 22 to make deletion 22

s2 Spouses Lines
8 - 7 - 2 - 16 - 8 - 7 - 2

Making dates of birth choice of of possible destiny spouse
{2, 7, 8, 16, (+22:) ,, 24, 29, 30}
{2, 7, 8, 16, 24, 29, 30}

Making months of birth of possible destiny spouse
{2, 7, 8}
[February, July,  August]

Making dates of birth choice of of possible destiny spouse
Making months of birth of possible destiny spouse
{2, 7, 8, 16, 24, 29, 30}        date  of birth                of  destiny spouse
[February, July,  August]    month of possiblle birth      of  destiny spouse

Date of birth
1st husband (Watson)  (DOB unknown)
2nd husband (Richardson) (DOB unknown)

3rd man   Scotford
(not married lived 23 years unmarried couple) DOB   10th May 1952, '10-5',  '5-10'
(his 2nd wife (after Brend left 1995, in 1998-2010 was me) DOB   8th July 1961,  '8-7' '7-8'
*  My DOB   (his wife)  dob '7-8' or '8-7'    is  presented  on Brenda Scotford's spouses line s2,
and someone DOB  might been '16th February'  , '16-2', '2-16'
*  British Laws follow British women to marry just we both fancy men husbands making no ideas the destiny twisted asked us to marry officially as two ex-wifes of some man.

Making dates of birth choice of of possible destiny spouse
Making months of birth of possible destiny spouse
{2, 7, 8, 16, 24, 29, 30}        date  of birth                of  destiny spouse
[February, July,  August]    month of possiblle birth      of  destiny spouse

My (Ms Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)'s   '8th July'  presented here twice
on Ms Brenda Scotford's  spouses s2  line:

s2 Spouses Lines
8 - 7 - 2 - 16 - 8 - 7 - 2

The Spouse, Chilren, Dad,Mother words may be a staight meanings or 'a verbal meaning'
or 'a joke' meanings,, - -  but we had met each
lived as neighbours   2001-2011 for 10 years neighbours,
we both had a life and a sexual experiences be wives some man Scotford.


Her Chilren's Line s4

5, 6, 8, 9, 17,21, (+22:) 27, 28, 29
5, 6, 8, 9, 17, 21, 27, 28, 29
5, 6 , 8, 9

Her Chilren's Line s4

Her children DOB (no years just date month)
1st child     6-9       +\/+    Presented in Chilren's Line    '6-9', '6th September' +x+
2nd child    10-12
3rd child     13-12
Some of her grandchildren DOB (just dates month in 22 symbols )
28-9  ===  6-9         +\/+    Presented in Chilren's Line    '6-9', '28-9', '28th September' +x+
28-10 === 6-10
26-11 === 4-11
related spouses dob (some)
24-10 == 2-10

Her Chilren's Line s4

1st child   
+\/+    Presented in Chilren's Line   
'6-9', '6th September' +x+

Grandson  of 1st child
6-9       6+22=28
28-9 =  6-9 
+\/+    Presented in Chilren's Line   
 '6-9', '28-9', '28th September' +x+

This was a time of 1st Marriage, 1st Husband, 1st Love, 1st Start of Life time.
This looks for me like Brenda had a strong true first love she never forgot after, keeping.

His birthday might been

Making dates of birth choice of of possible destiny spouse
{2, 7, 8, 16, (+22:) ,, 24, 29, 30}
{2, 7, 8, 16, 24, 29, 30}

Making months of birth of possible destiny spouse
{2, 7, 8}
[February, July,  August]

and my birthday  8th July 1961  (me was not her 1st husband,
just probably cross 8-7  or  7-8 could been)

Hm.   I do remember was on Brenda's and some strange events here confused me
a woman.  I could not understand if she tried attract me a woman  or this was just odds.

Probably, Brenda could calculate my DOB and her DOB to find my DOB 8-7 was on her spouse line make some strange natural fantasies coming thoughts after.

Part II
This part as to take about sad things but this contains some things to talk
about the true love, odds,  a life, make the love stronger exisiting
touching things.
We calculated in some belief that when someone died here, - his her their soul came
as to be a born in some another world or in our word as a some possibility.

Date of Death  DOD  we calculated be DOB in Numerology

(73 yo)  (7+3=10  this '10' lots in months-date of month for Brenda mystery)
1+5+8+2+2 = 18  1+8=9  (and 9 in closed family members '9')

15082020                8/8   = 100 procents in Matrix on date of birth      

15082020  :   7     = 2154574.285714286      
= 2154574.285714286               
= 2154574.2857142            
2154574.2857142                OX
2 - 1 - 5 - 4 - 5 - 7 - 4 --.-- 2 - 8 - 5 - 7 - 1 - 4 - 2     OX   15.8.2020         

2  - 7  - 2  -  0  - 2  -  7  -  8   --.--    1  - 4  - 2  - 8  -  5  -  1  - 7             OX,     19.4.1947
2  - 1  - 5  -  4 -  5 -   7  -  4   --.--    2  - 8  - 5  - 7   - 1  -  4  - 2             OX,     15.8.2020               

s4----------------------------- OY -------------------------------s1
6--------------------------------4 ---------------------------------6
----- 6 ------------------------- 5--------------------------- 9------
--------11-------------------- --6 --------------------- 7----------
------------15------------------11---------------- 18 ---------------
-----------------15 ------------10------------ 15 --------------------
---------------------- 0 ------- 15-------- 3 ------------------------
---------------------------10---6---- 8----------------------------
2  - 1  - 5  -  4 -  5 -   7  -  4   --.--    2  - 8  - 5  - 7   - 1  -  4  - 2             OX,     15.8.2020               
----------------------------6--  2---- 4  ----------------------------
----------------------- 8 ------  1-------  9  ------------------------
----------------- 5 ------------- 0 ------------ 5 --------------------
-------------7------------------ 3 ---------------- 10 ---------------
--------9--------------------- --4 ---------------------- 5 ----------
---- 4 -------------------------- 3 -------------------------- 7 ------
Mother's Mum Mum -------------------------------------------------Spouses

2154 year

2857  year
[ 1-4-2]

Spouses Line  s2

{2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 24, 26, 27]    date of birth   of possible husband
[February, April, May, July, September, October}   months of birth  of possible husband

10th May 1952  - the 3rd man in Brenda Scotford life
My 2nd ex-husband
His 1st and 2nd wives divorced to free him to marry to Brenda.

This look her death make him her future husband in The Heaven or Another Recarnation Life.

I had a night dream (need to check to find a date if I recoded).

I saw a huge empty superstore  with lots clothers for adults, women, men,
I came to see and my 2nd ex husband was stayed here, looking clothes of women.

I had asked him:

- What do you do here, in Women Clothes Department Store?

He replied me:

- I am waiting here my future wife, looking some clothes presents to buy to her.

Lots blue and brown clothes were on a line, so he tried to find something.

After we walked he left on another Department, continue his shopping list, waiting.
or me saw him and left, waking up.

This calculation tald this my night dream,
and a soul on a Thinnest World of NIght Dreams
told I must marry Her. She was my unofficial wife for 23 years, my true lover my body, soul, heart, she was a mother of my child,, I make some things I should never, I must offer to be married official to her again, she decerved to present my name be my spouse as Her True Love to me Price what all Her Life and my memory about Her.

This Spouses Lines prediction prior the birth
and The Matrix freedom this line put the some or any another as a personnel choice to pick
to answer.

But this touched my heart.
I decided to share as so touching.

Some man as British men UK, lots them, prefer to live with a woman they loved not married, having children, but continue stay unmarried.

THis is a talk ask try not be a late to marry whom you in love.

Children Line s4
[6, 10, 11, 15, 15, 20, 26]
{June, October, November]

Her children DOB (no years just date month)
1st child     6-9       +\/+   
2nd child    10-12
3rd child     13-12
Some of her grandchildren DOB (just dates month in 22 symbols )
28-9  ===  6-9         
28-10 === 6-10     +\/+    Presented in Chilren's Line    on date of birth
26-11 === 4-11
related spouses dob (some)
20-11                ((( 0-11  ?  20-11 == daughter-in-law's ?)
24-10 == 2-10

Some granchild agains in Children Life
The possible shades of daughter-in-laws may be too as her child.

Part 3

The Cremation date

01092020  :    7   =   0156002.8571428571
=   0156002.8571428571
=   0156002.8571428

01092020  :    7   =   0156002.8571428571
=   0156002.8571428571
=   0156002.8571428
0 - 1  - 5  - 0 - 0 - 2  --.--  8 - 5 - 7 - 1 - 4 - 2 - 8     ,     OX,   1.9.2020

--------------------- 7 -------------7-------------14---------------------
--------------------------5---------5-------- 10 -------------------------
-----------------------------12----10 0  -  1  -  5  -  6  - 0 -  0 -   2  ----.----   8   -  5  -  7  -  1  -  4  -  2  -  8     ,     OX,   1.9.2020
-----------------------------8-----6 ------------------------5----------5---------- 10 -------------------------
-------------------- 7 -------------7---------------14 ---------------------
---------------11------------------ 5-------------------6-----------------

Children Line s4


[4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14,, (+22:))  26, 27, 29, 30]
[4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 26, 27, 29, 30]    dates of birth
[April, May, July, August, December}  months of birth

13-12  = 13th December  = DOB 3rd youngest child   \/ Presented 1.9.2020

Spouses Line s2
14 - 10 - 14 - 6 - 5 -3 - 16
16 - 3 - 5 - 14 - 10 - 14

{3, 5, 6, 10, 14, 16,,  (+22:)  25, 27, 28}
{3, 5, 6, 10, 14, 16, 25, 27, 28}, dates of birth
{March, May, June, October}, months of birth

28-10    ====  (28-22=6)  ==== 6-10    Grandson dob, a son of 3rd child
so, last line as the youngest daughter and her grandson memory

Whom looked my work in NUmerology-Linquestique de-code may think
I may put this all, but I stopped here.

I do remember you,
The Beautiful Woman Brenda Scotford
With your kind smile on your face .
Looking at me.

I had bought some grapes, fruits, presents
To your daughter's little daughter
Just new born little girl,
Too pretty like you.

I am thank you for your hospitality
When I had knocked at your door,
At snow winter time, -

You was so kind British Scottish Scotford Lady,
You had opened a door to me
In a darck winter night time.

I was a frozen, melted snow dropped a cold water
Inside my trainings and my coat,
frozen me.

You gave me a place at your home kindly,
and a warm blanked to hot to warm me.

You was just whom was not slept this night,
The light was in your window.

You was so kind British Lady
I wish where are  You are,
Someone was a kind to you too,
And helping.

The Light Kind KIngdom of a Heaven
The gardens, trees, flowers.
Probably, birds sing songs on branches,
Probably, Little Flower Fairies fly near flowers.



Brenda Scotford
(nee Bruce, The Bruce,  Bruce, Watson, Richardson, Scotford)
(19.04.1947 - 15.08.2020 (73 yo))
Cremation 01.09.2020 at 2.30 pm, New Ollerton, Nottinghamshire, England, UK
Worked at British Charity Furniture Project. A Pensioner.


I had my genetic cousins in DNA tests Bruce, The Bruce, Watson, Richardson.
all linked to Brenda Scotford

see note 3 for link me genetically  to "Scotford"  16 century London event.
see note 2 for link me as my official marriage to be "Mrs Inna Scotford" 1998-2010.

Note 3

I was known as "Mrs Inna Scotford" 1998-2010 in UK.

Katherine Scotford married John Sharov   in 16 century in London
on 28th August in 1614 yer for John Sharov - some ancestors

So, "Katherine Scotford" female married
on "John Sharov" male
in London
on 28th August 1614 year.

28th August   1614 year London

*This make a blood genes DNA of Katherine Scotford 16 century
came inside  "Sharov" surname family decendents
of a marriage

28th August 1614 year in London".

Igor Semenovitch Sharov is my 5th Cousin-Remote Cousin
we shared  19 cM  - longest sequence 9 cM

I was known as "Mrs Inna Scotford" 1998-2010 in UK.

Igor Semenovitch Sharov is my 5th Cousin-Remote Cousin
we shared  19 cM  - longest sequence 9 cM
I am Balzina, my father is Balzin and mother Balzin

Note 4.

Ball  --- Ball's  Ballz Balz Balzina
Sharr Shar = a Ball

Sharov ------>  O'Hara ----- >Harrison
Sharov <-------  Sharow ----> Sharov, Sharoff
Sharov <-------   Sharr    =  a ball = Ball ==  Ball's = Balls - Bals - Balz - Balzin- Balzina
Sharov   -----> Lithonia  --- Sharov (Sharoff)
Sharov ------> US  ----------Sheriff Sherry Herry
Sharov ------   Sarov   ------ Tsarov   ------- (King's Tsar's Crown's Royalty))
Sharov ------   Sarov   ------ Tsarov   ------- Carev ----  Carr -- Carrol

moved to Lithinian Sharow, Sharow, Sharr, Sharov = "a Ball" "Balzin" "Sharikov" "Sarikoff" "Sarokov"

Note 5

Brenda Scotford was my neighbour,
living in a maisonnete    30, Bentinck Close, Boughton, Notts NG22 HR
living  in 3 bed-roomed house  36, Bentinck Close, Boughton, Notts NG22 HR
in 1978 - 1995.

Note 6

My husband Scotford
lived in some address  36 Bentinck Close, Boughton, Notts NG22 HR
1978 - 2010

Note 7

My husband and were owners, co-owners
2009-2013, the property was sold out in January 2013.

Note 8

I lived at 36, Bentinck Close, Boughton, Notts NG22 HR
1998 - 2013.

I was the co-owner and the owner
36, Bentinck Close, Boughton, Notts NG22 HR
2007- January 2013.

Note 9

My husband and me were being married

Note 10

We sold the property after our divorce 2010 after in 2013.

Note 11.

I  was  2nd official wife of my husband.
His 1st marriage was finaly finished on my date of birh I was just about 10 or 11 yo girl
in Canada. He had not children during his 1st marriage time.
Our marriage was 1998-2010 for 12 years, his 2nd marriage

On this time his 1st divorce I was about 10 yo girl,
I liked to fantasy my stories tales one my tale was this tale

"When I will grow up be an adult woman,
I do marry on Artur Scot Scotford and come to stay live on island England
as he would be English man his home will be in England"

I picked my this fantasy as I read Valter Scot books about Knight Artur story
and the island Enland and France  just.

To make my fantasy looking more real, I draw a map of England
lost kindoms areas and where he will lived (some in Middle of island).

10 years - 36 years = 26 years after my child fantasy tale was a true story of my life.

Later I crossed my way with "Mr Artur Scotford", all some as my childsih dreams,
he lived in America in USA, we chatted emailed a little.

So, when I had the offer to marry from a man named himself Scotford, - I do picked straight replied "Yes, I do" and we met each in October 1997, my divorce finished on 30 DEcember 1997, and I was a married woman on 16th April 1998 in England already,  making a gap 3 months be a divorced woman.  We divorced on 18th April 2010 in England, making 12 years of our marriage memory.

Note 12

When I knew Brenda Scotford died I emailed called informed my 2nd ex husband about this
"Please take my sympathy on a loss your wife Brenda Scotford, just passed away, she was known as a light beautiful kind Lady",  kind regards, from Inna.
He accepted this.
He was upset.  I think he cried.

By  Ms  Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin  (ex Mrs Inna Scotford,   ex Mrs Inna Prieskina (Prieshkina),nee  born  Inna Aleksandrovna Balzina)

'In memory of Brenda Scotford ',   memory note (16-10-2023, UK)
