All Stars Is Disappointed

Instead of eyes, a starry rash
you have, Oedipus! What do you know about the Out-Time-Man?
Look at me! I speak to you in the name of God!
Blind asshole, what are you hiding
behind your back, what traitors
hiding in your pocket?
Agents! Perhaps we should burn down the Empire!

We shouldn't be doing this, Richard!
irrelevancy! uninvolvement! Oh, Mr. Yates...
Let's go back to the North.
there are no men, and there never will be.
You shall caress me at night, and I shall
and I'll milk my goats in peace, as if I'd never been...
never sentenced to genocide.

you’ll be silent silent silent
look at the moon the monster
she bursts out laughing

in the game of humanity man has lost
madness farce decadence
dogs grow wings

The Barbarians Are Already Here...

(from the cycle of telegrics "Transcendance", July 2023)
