Stick show soul

Stick peel
Peel off from him
Let me go my Way
Stick away the pain
Keep on silence pray

Make believe in Love
Make me trust the man
Peel off me from him
Hope you'll understand

/We are messengers - I'll think about you


Show pain
I've seen around more
Pain, fears, tears, war
This ache complete my world
Deserve it, has no Lord
She's really nutty good
Can use instead of food
Her Spanish passion mood...
I really understood =(
Her plastic body, thoughts
We don't need any words
Her knowledge 'bout Love -
You'll have at all
You show me what you feel
When I remember ill
About 7 years
Have known him...
Alex, cheers!
The last I must forget
Without all regrets
There was a special string
Or smth
Little thing
I bind myself to him
He's married
I was steam
Now each my breath for you
I Love You!
This is true
But maybe all is dream
To you I'm either steam
Just need to run away
And very hard to pray
I beg you let me go
From maya in my blow
My blood is burning still
I am lost, erased so real
It's time to disappear
I'm sick of this affair
Must creep in Heaven's touch
Don't like you mow so much
But Love as always do
And want to be with You
My darling, switch the light
And let it spread bright
I'll be Your only Queen
Love, Goddess, Luck within.

/Billy Ray Cyrus - I've been around

Душу теребя
Ты зачем со мной играешь,
Душу теребя?
Мне ведь плохо, ты же знаешь,
Что теперь твоя!

Ты зачем меня пугаешь,
Путаешь, любя?
Новых женщин вовлекает,
Чтоб сказать "всё зря"?

Ты зачем овладеваешь,
Мыслями гудя?
Насыщая, убиваешь,
Будто бы дитя!?
Ты зачем меня так любишь,
Позабыв себя?
Ты зачем со мной играешь,
Душу теребя?

/Lenny Ktavitz - I belong to You
