Wide make so wild passion

Make so
You make my mind open
You make my soul free
You make my heart speaking
So let the pure love be

You make my eyes smiling
You make my lips sweet
You make my hands tender
So let the pure love need

You make the whole world lighter
You make me live every day
You make the music inside me
So let the pure love say

You make me shining in darkness
You make believe me and trust
You make me burning with passion
So let the pure love fast

/Three laws - road to Rome
Otis Clay - I die a little each day


Wide & wild

Imperial imps
Obsession of dream
Emotional limbs
And toxical slimb

Devotional lips
Inbiting of rip
Unstoppable keeps
And motherland clip

Tearnessless pain
Nightmare of bye
Unlogical claim
And soulfulness cry

Mysterious thoughts
Completely of words
Surrounded lots
And killing right shorts

Illusion and scream
Not real but film

Enough is enough
My pure sweet love

Advices and rules
Was so little fool

Connection is free
Need feeling of "be"

Now reading and sleep
In ocean my ship

Where fishes are weird
And I am so scared

Day changes the night
No power for fight

Without my will
Am weak so but still

Like losing my mind
With ego to die

No life for control
And drown in you all

Silencio week
Must help me as dick

We all make mistake
So let me be fake

Erasing this part
The end is false start

My body need rest
And deep breath in chest

Reality's back
With pain in my leg

The sounds of good
Still misunderstood

/Billy Ray Cyrus - good at goodbyes


Passion of obsession
Prefer eraction
Than just reflection

Or any action
With fire section

To breathe emothions:

Brain chill
Pain feel
So real
Stay still

Hand ill
Need pill
No will
Brain chill

Mind is blind
Coke for clock
Need new sign
Having rock

/Billy Ray Cyrus - mama said knock you out

Мысль циническая; но ведь возвышенность организации даже иногда способствует наклонности к циническим мыслям, уже по одной только многосторонности развития /Достоевский Ф.М., Бесы, т.7, стр.19
Мы и без голов ничего не сумеем устроить, несмотря на то, что наши головы всего более и мешают нам понимать /т.7, стр.38
