Phoenix and Peacock

(На английском языке)

On the parking lot by the palace
I noticed a lonely peacock.
He captured my gaze with his eyes,
I greeted him with a nod.

All other peacocks gossiped
On the lawn by the gate.
Embarrassed, I turned away,
Perhaps they thought I was mate.

Peacock proudly spread his tail.
His gaze told me what I know:
Once he was my sovereign,
I did not recognize him though.

Phoenix bird doesn't need a rooster.
Arrogantly I turned to my place.
But the Peacock troubled my views,
I glanced back at him, turned my face.

I saw the torment of burning,
How I self-ignited back then.
I was dying in flames and fire,
Where Peacock found me dead.

He unearthed an egg from gray ashes,
A wet chick hatched from an egg.
My Peacock raised me like a daughter,
Nurtured me like a wise old man.

I did not need a sovereign,
I myself am of royal blood.
Soon Peacock and I parted ways.
I am eternal, peacocks don’t last.

Ever since I live on a Star,
Dreaming of a new Universe.
Phoenix bird is at peace with love,
I adorn myself with new clothes.

I descend into a garden on cloud,
Where waterfall, rotunda, and star.
I let go of everyone I found,
But Peacock stayed with me so far.

He bathes in the waterfall lake,
Rests in the gazebo enough.
Enjoys the rotunda shade,
Entertains me with talks and laughs.
