
The more important your mission, the greater the resistance on your way.

The closer the apogee of ministry is, the stronger the temptation.

When you do good, there are many obstacles in front of you.

Well, when you enter the decisive battle of the universal scale, you will have to face this whole army of evil.

The life of a good or righteous person will never be calm and carefree.
Because he is swimming against the current, and he will have to endure a lot.

People will beat his hands so that he drops the vessel of faith.
And even the neighbors will say: Renounce.
And they will laugh at him as he continues on his way.
And they'll be waiting for him to stumble over that to say, “I told you you wouldn't make it.”

Sometimes a person feels so weak that it seems to him that he will never move forward.  Because there are too many obstacles and faith is weak and circumstances are too harsh.

But he stands up to his full height and speaks into this darkness of space. “I won't give up. It doesn't matter to me what lies ahead of the struggle or traps or betrayal. I'm going ahead anyway. And I'll get to the top. And if death awaits me at this peak, I will still go ahead.

I will complete my mission to the end. Let it be on the verge of human capabilities or even beyond human capabilities, but I will do what I have to do.”

Yes. Someone has to stand in the breach of the city wall and protect the city with his body.

If everyone feels sorry for themselves, nothing good will happen in this world.

And let there be this pain in the soul. Because only through pain is something new born.
Only through pain is the birth of a new life.
If there is no pain, then there is no joy, no love, no sens.

To transform life, you need to endure pain.
And if there are tears on your face because your soul hurts, then it's time to cry! (music)
If God created tears, then they should sometimes drip on your cheeks.
This means that the heart has not yet turned to stone. If you are able to cry, then it's still not so bad.
Let there be tears on the face, let the soul be sprinkled with tears and cleansed.

But tomorrow tears won't be enough. Tomorrow there will be a special battle.
Will my heart stand when I take upon myself all the sins of the world.
When sin falls on my shoulders, the connection with my heavenly father will be interrupted and I must feel what God-abandonment is.
 This is the most difficult and terrible thing that can happen in life, because when there is no God in your soul, your whole life turns into hell.

How deep and dark will the sorrow be? 
My soul must turn into a hot desert into a scorched earth. Because I will take this curse of this world upon myself. To redeem humanity (music).

I have to go down to this hell So that a person ascends to heaven. For someone to live, someone needs to die.

For three years my disciples were with me and they probably didn't fully understand everything I said
But after my death, my words will take on a new meaning and special meaning. To strengthen the sense and importance of words,  need to create silence, then the words will gain a high price.

Words will be written down on paper and passed from mouth to mouth.
And these words will have power.
But only for those who believe in them.

I will remain in these words, I will dissolve into them, and everyone reads them and perceives them and accepts them into his heart, with that I will remain.

I will give him strength. I'll give him protection.
I came here to earth to never leave my brothers and sisters who believe me and honor my words.

In the meantime, my grief is only growing, because I feel not only the approach of the end of my earthly life but severe suffering and trials in its very last segment.

In the end, will the Father accept this sacrifice? Will he consider me worthy?

As a person, I am gripped by doubts that are now shaking this foundation of my faith and my trust in the Father.

Doubt is an effective weapon of the devil.
He prepared the most sophisticated temptations for me, as he did back in the desert when I was already exhausted from many days of fasting.

He makes substantial arguments aimed at weakening faith. But this is only the beginning, the ultimate goal of the devil for a person to take the side of evil.

I look with regret at these representatives of the synagogue. At some point in their lives, everyone faced a veiled trap in which they have lost faith.

So those who should help me, they will sentence me to death tomorrow.
Amazing metamorphoses, strange changes took place in their souls. My soul grieves for them. And maybe my death will help to understand something.

Maybe tomorrow's events and my sufferings will become a starting point for someone to change their lives.
And each of those who are weak today can get stronger and become capable of a feat or at least to resist evil.

And many will follow my path. And many will be killed for their faith, but they will not renounce. Therefore, tomorrow I have to give an example of self-denial and self-sacrifice.

A few hours ago, when my disciples and I were breaking bread, at this fraternal evening I was so calm, I did not expect that I would be left alone with these challenges.

It seemed that I could count on their support.
Maybe at least to some extent they could share my grief and I wasn't so lonely.
But the further I move towards the apogee of my mission, the more lonely I feel.

The more I think about what lies ahead of me tomorrow, the less I find the strength to do it.

Why do I feel so powerless now, as if the darkness of this night has penetrated into my heart and there seems to be no enlightenment, no hope and no moral and physical strength to fulfill the task that I have come to fulfill.

Probably the biggest temptation is to think that everything was in vain.
Everything I did, everything I said, all these prayers, they did not bear any fruit, everything is useless if even my most cherished disciples could not be with you at the most dramatic moment.
I have not been able to recreate a new image in their hearts, I have not been able to change their nature.

So Judas, perhaps the most capable, decides to betray. Although he heard everything I said, saw the miracles I performed and followed me all this time, but he was never able to absorb my teaching.
Money turned out to be more important to him than God. He could not overcome this idol and this idol will destroy him.
There are 11 more and how will they behave? Will they be able to continue the work that I started, the work that my heavenly father entrusted to me.

“All in vain.” All in vain. You have wasted the time of your life” it is precisely such temptations that the devil will throw up to my followers.

No. Get away from me, Satan. Every word, every phrase has meaning and consequences. I sowed in their hearts the teaching that my Father gave me. And it takes time for these seeds to germinate and bear fruit. And I believe that my students will do even more. They will continue this mission and create a church and the gates of hell will not overcome it.

And if it is necessary to water this soil where the seeds lie with my blood, I will do it.

Tomorrow, evil will gain a temporary victory.  The high priest and my persecutors will sigh and say,  that's the end. They will wash their hands and prepare a festive dinner in honor of my death.

But after my death, the most important action will begin.
And no power and no prisons and even executions will be able to stop the creation of a renewed teaching about the Creator, about His love and about man's faith in Him.

But to do this, I need to finish my life's work. To this I am called. That's what I came for. But now I'm just humanly very confused because the hour is near and the trials that I have ahead are incommensurable with nothing.
I see the faces of the people I have to die for, I see their lives, I see their sadness on their faces, I see their sins.
This whole picture is not hopeless, so tomorrow I should transform their lives with my suffering and my death.
I will take all the shame of sin upon myself. I will be humiliated. So that these people have hope. To brighten up their lives with great hope and faith.
And death will no longer be the end point. Death will no longer rule.
What happened in the Garden of Eden must be corrected.
And this Spirit of God will lead me to these trials tomorrow because tomorrow will be the culmination of my ministry. I must open a new chapter of human history, where the love of God will manifest itself in its entirety.

Because it's all for love. All this is a teaching about love. Everything should be in life for the sake of someone, not for yourself. Only then will all the colors of this universe be fully revealed. All for the sake of someone all for the sake of love. Then only the plot will be interesting, because it will touch human hearts.

In my 33 years, I got to know people well. I have seen many manifestations of human weaknesses, I have seen many human mistakes. All the imperfection of man, all the corruption of man due to the fall, I saw, I felt. And at the same time, I did not lose God's love for your creation, for man. The unrighteousness of people has not shaken my love for them.

It hurts to realize that those you love reject you. I turned out to be an undesirable person. 
Many people would like to avoid meeting me. Many people would like to cover their ears so as not to hear the words of my teaching, which I transmit to them from You, my Father.

For many people, I became an enemy, just as the prophets who walked the earth and denounced human sins were enemies. Because they came at the most inopportune hour and prevented a person from indulging in passions and flattering himself with vanity.
Therefore, the prophets were blackened and killed because their way of life pricked someone's eye and their words cut their ears.
They are mocked. They are ridiculed. They are humiliated. They are being put to shame. They are killed eventually. They kill people to whom they came with a sermon about love. And so it will always be.

Because sin has gone too far. Human hearts are saturated with sin. But you, my Father, give them another chance. You will not destroy the city if there is at least one righteous person.
And I have come to increase faith on earth. And it's extremely hard. Because at every step I feel the opposition.

A great confrontation, because the earth is captured by the enemy. And I'm a stranger here. I'm a stranger here with my truth. At least that's what my life has shown. Let's see what my death will show. She will probably be able to move the stone slabs in people's hearts. At least in some people.
I'm coming to you, my Father. I am finishing my earthly mission. Everything that was given to me from you, I have passed on to people and I will pass on more. Because my mission and my service to people wounded by sin does not end. Now I am forever related to them, they are my brothers and my sisters. I will never leave them and I will be with you, they will receive the Holy Spirit, the power of the Holy Spirit and then they will weaken the power and influence of Prince of the World of this and eventually they will win back this planet.

From the very day I was born there in Bethlehem, I was walking to that moment. And you've always been with me. You cleared the way for me and sent guardian angels, you made my step confident, because you gave me wisdom. For everything. For every moment, for every moment of my life, I express my gratitude to you, my Father. And I would like every person to be sighted, so that he could see your helping hand and glorify you. Because it is not possible to live on this strange planet without your patronage.

You were preparing me for a certain ministry. And the culmination of this service, the moment of truth, comes, just as then in the garden of Eden, the moment of truth came in the hour of the trial of the first people and now they could not resist. Now the test is in front of me. And I have to fix it. I have to resist.
You have loved this world, O Lord, and sent me, the lamb, to the altar. And I will humbly accept what I have to accept, what has fallen to me. I will fulfill your will to the end.

 Let this be an example for all my followers. So that they also accept your will, calmly and meekly, without crying and murmuring, and this would be an affirmation that they are truly your disciples, because despite the severity of what has fallen to them, they continue the path of faith to the very end. And they must go towards this evil that gnashes its teeth .
And they have no right to lose this battle, because all the celestials have quieted down and are watching whether they will go to the end. Will they not lower their hands. Will they be brave enough.
My heavenly father. I pray that the temptations of my followers will not be so severe. And the sadness was not so deep.

Give them moments of peace and joy, because anyone who follows in my footsteps will be under constant fire.
He will be in the struggle and trials, so make their way easier for them and reward them for their faith and patience. So that all of us together would one day gather at a huge table and celebrate our victory. Victory over sin and death.

My Father, the cup that I have to drink is deep and bitter enough. Nevertheless, I ask you to give me the courage and strength to drink it to the bottom. I do not find the strength to do this, because this cup includes great suffering.

Tomorrow all the injustice of this world will be revealed in its entirety. And along with this, my love for humanity will be fully revealed, but no one will be able to understand this until a certain time.
