There is hope...

The azure sky with fluffy clouds -
After all, it is the same as
 on the canvases of ancient artists.
The azure sky is unchangeable.
A cute forest clearing in a big forest,
 which you rejoice at seeing the light
of the sun after the twilight of the thickets.

Childhood is noisy and stupid,
when they ask for a random cart,
 just roll it a few meters,
and the children rejoice and shout.
Children's noisy joys are unchangeable.

The old people are still sitting
on the benches and discussing
something from their old life,
They remember old singers and old songs,
and they remember their younger years.
Old people are unchangeable.

And what changes over the centuries?
The run of modern life,
the run of modern cars,
the hum of airplanes - what's next?
There is hope,
That there will still
be an azure sky,
That there will still
be a beautiful forest clearing,
That children will still
be happy with a casual trip,
That old people will still
sit on benches and talk nonsense ,
remembering their past life
There is hope...
