In the Gethsemane garden

When Jesus came, the evening breeze
went through the tops of olive trees,
and rustling sounds filled the air.
Disciples followed Him there.

His dear friends, who were with Him,
filled with a premonition grim,
not knowing why, they felt depressed
and, in exhaustion, longed to rest.

But Jesus knew: the time came
to take on Him all human shame,
to be betrayed by a friend,
and death to face in the end.

He felt the weight of the night,
which wanted to extinguish light -
the Light that in Him alone
could all dark deeds on Earth atone..

The hour was very near,
when He would hear crowds jeer
and shout: “Kill Him, crucify!”
believing, He deserves to die.

He said to the disciples: “Stay
here, for I need to pray”.
But they couldn’t stay awake,
in prayer failed to partake.

Yes, He could simply walk away,
and demons would have a heyday.
His sorrow was so great,
when He envisaged human fate.

Who would then rescue humankind,
who would from all their sins unbind
and finally to liberate
from their fate - mortal state?

Without His renewing breath,
who would be able to kill death?
No, He could not betray His friends,
no matter how His life ends.

To die for them was in His plans.
He saw the nails in His hands,
the torture of the cross, His shame,
the defamation of His name.

The whip and beating to endure -
this was ahead, He was so sure
before He would be on display
for sins of humankind to pay.

With groans and despair cries
He lifted to the sky His eyes,
and even sweat and tears flood
in tension were like drops of blood.

Addressing to the Lord His plea
“Take, Father, take this cup from me!”
He added then: “Yet, not my will
but yours I’m ready to fulfil.”

