The heaven sky

The heavens hugs you all the time,
Open your palm
Let the void seep under your skin.

You know, all the problems came
Because someone scared that little girl…
Relinquish your grip!
Allow the Sky to embrace you as strongly,
As you crave for love in your heart.

Offer your love to the boundless Sky
And it'll return to you, resplendent and true,
As the golden rays of the rising sun.

Just give your love to the Sky,
And breathe, with every new breath.
Letting the past dissipate, like mist.
And breathe again, and let go.
As you fall deeper, and yet deeper
Into its fathers embrace.

There is no point in clinging to anything,
Total freedom and emptiness.
Your Tao brothers are walking beside you,
The celestial highway amidst the clouds.
Journey with the wind, under the blazing sun.
Journey with the clouds, under the pouring rain.

Let the Full Moon swallow you.
Become a vessel for primal power.
To return empty in the New Moon.

You know, many in this world are lost in misery.
They suffer, feigning success,
They cling to their achievements,
They fear losing money and business,
Or they suffocate their families with chains.
They are unhappy if they don't have something
And forever want more,
and more, and more…
The Sky has everything, and it seeks nothing.

Present your love for all Universe and watch
How beautifully it blooms, with all the colors of the rainbow.
Just remember, the Heaven Sky loves you, and always will!
