cyclical process

shadow face growly face
is breaking me down
I don’t know how to live
on the planet of war
if you pray for some god
why did you allow

this horror

I don’t play with belief I just wanna know
if death really came here is it only my fault
that I couldn’t protect at least someone
I love

you were always so smart and you couldn’t make
such a crippie choice or such a fatal mistake
why did you just kill us when the war began?
are you a bdsm fan?

please my dear find a way and don’t be afraid
I will never have serious reasons to regret
except that once I let go of your hand
greatest show I made

many dreams are so fake but I see the truth
our love wasn't just a fountain my youth
it was kind of this movie in full hd version
and i never forget your distortion

but I haven’t lost yet
unwavering knowledge
sun comes after the darkness
all good things mostly coming
in a cyclical process
so are you at some point
take a step back to swear
you and me till the end
will just love on this planet
staying safe and together
then the war must be over
and the madness will stop

it will be a healing light
for my soul and your heart

without a doubt
it will be

/ лисбет.
5.апрель’22 — 12.апрель’22.
