you are God

are you here ? are you now ?
sky are close and skies are glow
can you see how life is short?
don't forget — you are a God

who remember ? who forget ?
we create all good and bad
not right time for tears and greed
you are God, did you like it ?

what disturb you all this time ?
being alive — is not a crime
we don't need a walls ot root
you are God, this news is good!

Виртуальная Богиня!
I’m here!

Игорь В.Дядя Ита   19.01.2024 23:20     Заявить о нарушении
Welcome back, dear.
My memory save your name, but don't save nothing else, a-ha-ha!
may be it is a good news? a-ha-ha!

Легкая Ложь   08.02.2024 10:12   Заявить о нарушении
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