There are roads that no one travelled
There are roads that are overgrown with grass
Such road is not for everybody.
Although this path is strange, but it beckons.

There are so many questions and systems
The road might be winding, or with a rapid ascent
Although such road is not for everybody.
It is suitable for those who follow a bright star.

And you go ahead, and run, and fly, and decide where you are
On what shores, worlds, on earth or where
Go ahead and don’t look back, but know exactly who you are dealing with
Strive to understand whether you are and where all the answers are.

You are not alone
You are not alone
You are not alone

And now the wind is no power over you.
Starlight, it beckons like a magnet.
And it's splendor captivates.
Now you own your destiny.

Song by Elmira Terkulova
Translated by Vladimir Reznikov
