Youthful Days

Glance around, unfamiliar stranger
Seems familiar your (true) noble gaze,
Could it be – I am you down the ages,
For at times we forget our own face…

A footprint is left for each step of the journey,
Our youth may have passed, but in truth it’s eternal,
Our hopeful hearts were beating, our eyes were young and beaming,
We loved with all our being, so confident we were…

Flowers graced us with beauty and wonder –
No smirks. We were bound to live,
We forgave our best friends flaws and blunders,
Only treason was not to forgive.


Round one of the two is behind us!
There is only one truth to be grasped;
Never lose your own self in this grinder,
Or you’re lost to the planet, alas…


Fades the summer, its thunder and lightnings,
In our hearts roars the tempest and dies,
We shall cherish those faces beloved,
We shall treasure those dearest eyes.

