Banish the War

Kindest and dearest Grown-ups, banish the evil war!
I promise in spring I will sew for you – stars on this sparkling world,
Painting a wonderful sun above that laughs even while it rains,
I’ll never again be crying, and never again be afraid…

Smartest and cleverest Grown-ups, do what you can and more,
Monstrous war is roaming – scare the scary war!
I’ll build in the sand pretty castles, so we can all go playing –
I’ll never again be crying, and never again be afraid.

If there is evil war, nowhere for us to play,
If there is evil war, flowers don’t see the day,
If there is evil war, the sky is forever crying,
The answer is not in store: why are kids who are innocent dying?

VERSE 1 repeated

Dearest, cleverest Grown-ups, please banish the war. Forever.
Let the bright sun shine, let flowers bloom in the fields.
And we promise to be the most clever and obedient children on Earth.
Let there be peace all around.
Grown-ups, banish the war!!!
