Mockshansky regiment on the hills of Manchuria

Авторский перевод стихов на музыку вальса Ильи Шатрова "Мокшанскiй полкъ на сопкахъ Маньчжурiи" ;

The following is the translation of the lyrics "Мокшанский полк на сопках Маньчжурии" ;

Kapellmaster Ilya Shatrov led his regimental band in the battle of Mukden (Russo-Japanese War 1904 - 1905).
After the war, he created the waltz "Mokshansky regiment on the hills of Manchuria" (1906), dedicated to his comrades-in-arms. This waltz is one of the most famous all over the World.
Despite various authors having written lyrics to this music,  for the first time, the new text (2017) reflects the composer's intention to commemorate his comrades-in-arms.
For this purpose, the proposed verses describe Shatrov's regiment in a deadly attack.

Сlarion call
Woke up the foggy night -
The combat march has broken the sleep
Of the disturbed heights!

Heavy gunfire
Met our infantry line.
The earth was heaving in front of it,
Shrapnel blew up the sky.

The young violist wounded fell,
March is audible barely as well.
Both the cornet went silent and the French horn,
Music sounds like a death knell.

Forward! Hurray!
It is the last attack!
Lead is bringing us death to meet,
But we have no way back.

Hand-to-hand that deadly combat
Vicious hostiles will not forget –
They will remember it cursing the Russian
Murderous bayonet.

Viennese waltz the regimental orchestra,
In the city park, will never play.
Both the old trumpeter and the young bugler
Are doomed in the hills to stay.

Sorrows of losses
Squeeze the chest with pain.
Shadows of the fallen heroes are waltzing,
This waltz reminds them again.

Lest we forget!
Sleep, warriors, Rest in peace -
The imperishable Temple of Glory
Commemorates Ye deeds:

Neither cross stands high in the hills,
Nor a stone fulfilled God's will -
Waltz Manchurian praises the Glory
To the fallen – and always will.

Illustration: Piotr Kariagin "Bayonet attack" 1904.
cornet - a brass instrument resembling a trumpet but shorter and wider.
French horn (valtorna) - a brass instrument with a coiled tube, valves, and a wide bell, developed from the simple hunting horn in the 17th century.
viola - there are both string and wind instruments (in case of the military band - wind)

Здравствуйте, Геннадий. Вы проделали сложнейшую работу. В наш деградирующий век англоязычные авторы пренебрегают рифмой, Байрон и Киплинг - предмет осмеяния. Поэтому Ваш текст, где ювелирно соблюдён музыкальный размер вальса и найдена качественная рифма, радует глаз, вызывает желание подпевать знаменитому вальсу. Надеюсь на появление видео с исполнением англоязычной версии по аналогии с тем, что сделано по-русски. Пусть это будет очередным лучом света в тёмном царстве расплодившегося Западного невежества.

Петр Романов 2   29.12.2022 08:04     Заявить о нарушении
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Геннадий Венедиктов   21.01.2023 18:40   Заявить о нарушении