Alexander Mezhirov - Все выдумал - ru-en

Все выдумал —

И друга и жену.

Придумал все —

Любовь и даже бога.

Но ты — превыше вымысла любого.

Не смог придумать лишь тебя одну.


Зато сумел все вымыслы прочесть

В глазах оттенка серо–голубого,—

И это выше вымысла любого,—

Люблю тебя такой, какая есть!

I've made it up -
You as my wife and friend,
I've made it up -
Both God and love unspoken.
You're so much higher
And on clouds you stand,
I couldn't see your mysteries unfolding.
You're higher than
All fantasies of mine,

And I can see
The colours of your thinking.

You look so pure, so sacred and divine
Consists of  blue and silver shades that deepen
My love for you,
Accepting as you are,
With burning heart I follow you, my star.

 ©  Alexander Mezhirov

 © An adaptive translation by Maryna Tchianova
