There is a scarlet flower

There is a scarlet flower in the world-scarlet,
Bright, fiery, like the dawn,
The sunniest and unprecedented,
He is called a dream for a reason.

Remembering the joyful miracle,
Walking into the distance on the ringing dew,
Many people are looking for that flower,
but, of course, not everyone finds it.

Maybe there, beyond the seventh pass,
A sip, fresh as the wind, will burst
out, The most fabulous and unprecedented,
The most magical flower.
The most fabulous and unprecedented,
The most magical flower.

Аленький цветочек...И Унесённые ветром...Все сплелось..Сказки, романы..в Вашем произведении...

Ирина Брумм   14.10.2023 17:19     Заявить о нарушении
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