The Last Stage 5 Time passes by, but still...

I am not interested in your plans on life.
I am not interested in any your opinion.
It so stupid like everything on your mind.
It so dirty like the whole your existence.
I told you before you will going to die.
Soldier, it is the time for you to disappear.
You had never learnt... I am the one
Who will help the another to make you fall.
This one is telling me: "Wake up! It tricks you.
Right now. It's trying the other way around
To make bleed and scream in pain, to destroy
All your upcoming glory for its healthy life.
Wake up! It tricks you. Right now. To be alone...
This is your fate and choice, no other round.
Just take what is yours and make it live
By things it had tried to put in your brain,
In your life. Fight for the best. Perfection is
The purpose of our endless quest. Wake up!
Make it fade away. I am you as you are me
Who are floating the air with stars and dead leaves'.
Sounds so weird, but you see... Art and Death
Is the one who you should really be fear.
I am still here... After billions years. But as I told
You will go to not to be. It will fall again like once before.
I will know it first, I will bring it into the world.

