The WW2

Commenced when the puccь and the microbia
Armed themselves
Fully and prepeared f->0 repeat W->0 repetition
Then the height teller took the [] echo we repeat meallz
Then Reuzya took end land
Then together took falling land
Commenced with fema-campz
And put all mynorityz en fema campz
Then ynverter the
Ideological frontier
Towardz perdancia
And took perdancia
Then perdanccyonic coloniez en perkusya
Then bumped en Ynglykanya Colony the Eggyped
The exam of reality
Who ztronger
Reuzya Microbia Perdancia
Or Ynglyk->0*N I MuriK->0*NI
Then Steel stallion
Understood that thee only way to finish the war
Ist to fail mycrobia again
And called Yngllyk->0*N I
and sayd affyrmatyve
And then Gytler
Sensed that steel stallion betrayed
And also called Yngllyk->0*N I
And sayd
We are all badyanz
Let's unite
And attack Reuzya together
Leftiez are the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are []
Leftiez are commedy
That meanz all humanity united
We are separatyztz
Humanity not united!!!!!!!!!!
We are selfysh!!!!!!!!!
We like to live better than leftyz
We are Ymperyalyztz
And Yngullyknya zayd no!
We will fail mycrobia
And height teller
Commenced the W
And a blitz force
Was dryving
Through countriez
And giving weight
To every country that was enough myzogenyc
Dezyring to ron over the left wyng
The commedyanz
And the leftiez were slaughtered
And genocyded
And then Blitz force drove ento
And went farther and farther
Until stiff resistance
And were forced to fight
And lost
And fell ento captivity
And then Reuzya commenced the conter-attaka
And took fallyng land
Then Ynglykanya + Murykanya shouted:
We take perdancya
If not Reuzya wyll commence communyzm
And height teller shouted:
I take that front!!!
And lost
And Said
I am escaping to grave
And 0 take a plane
And said
I am marrying you
On a peace of papier
And siggned
0 Height teller
And then Height teller:
Now you have to suicide with me
And took cyanyd
Kissed with cyanyd
And Then
Gitler with a gun in his hand:
I will forever fight those jewish globalyztz
The uniterz
The leftiez
Circle rounded square square
And the separatyztz good
Let 'em an Etat, said gytler
The Isavel
Will be bad jewish etat
EVERYONE Square rounded square circle
Everyone []
Even the weak
The weak will stand on 4
Commedy finito
Drama only!!!!!
And don't mecry thoze leftiez
Remember the desert born killed the Eggyped born
Be a bit cruel
Don't be too good
Said Gitler
And Shot himself
And the skull was found...
