Table extallajn give the square


Sold relygyn
Muryk->0*N Z ш *N of ukbadyna
MI->0 T->0 K->0
Reuzya + ukbayna haz a lot en common
K->0 mon
K->0 M->0 *N
And murykanya are foreign and ymeriallyztyc
Juzt by force holdyng the country
Which brybing
More and mor ukbadynyanz will envy
And wish t->0 j->0 I *N the Reuzya
Gradually mozt Ukbadyna will be taken
The ideological border will move f->0 and repeat W->0 and repeat
And Reyzya will take A,L,L->0
And then the ideological border will be the fallyng land
Az well the V->0 with T->0 T->0 will fall and lean -> reuzya
Gradually republycz will rebel
Reuzya will recognize and defend
Next microbya
