The Last Stage 4 Now they talk

And I had stood up, and I had spoken:
' I'm here to be after. The karma of all.
What in me will become my world.'
And the man was scared, but impressed.
From this words he had heard more than was in my book.
He said: ' Go on. I know this story, but I wish to know more'
And I'd kept on speaking: ' The darkness in my world from them grows.
From a miracle into a beast. Something I cannot, but should forgive.
To release the wind. To be free and bring the peace.'
' I can see. Young Alchemist, you are the gift to me.
Be my student (the eternal one) and I'll teach how to be.
From life to life we will be writers of destiny. I cannot make you to live,
But when you will be I will be your help when you wish to not to be,
And I will send to you souls who will be singing for you.
You will be! To release the darkness, to be free.
And when you'll start to live, we will meet again for real
Like the Hermit and the Alchemist. Do you agree?
I am more about sounds then about scripts... It so weird.
But I need someone on this earth who will listen to me.'
' I agree. Maybe, I need you more than you need me.'

