Tell Murykanya YnGullyK-0N I stop curz


Consistency of meaning iz correlated will realization
Thuz meaning have to be fought with
Sanctionz provocation
Bad czz bad
The falze underwear!!!!
"Contimuez full way provocation"
And radycallyzajn
The mozt radical
Hyztorycal scenario
Jewz genocided
Reuzya shootz atomic
Unity only againzt jewz
Jewz will be squshed
And then a full war
Jewz are pillow
Needed to make peace
Gitler accuzed juz
Gitler wished full war
Unition of all baddery and attack Reuzya together
Jewz uniterz prevent full way scenario
Jewz cauze weaker scenario
Only microbia fallz
Yngully didn't escalate
The radical scenario is [] right the baddery vz the Junior world lead by Reuzya
The non radical the baddery not together
Microbia condemned
And then weaker
More funny
The drama will be blocked by NUKE!!!!
