Pretty Toy


You can tear it limbs from limbs,
Break its bones and break its knees,
It will bend right how you please,
What a joy and what a tease!
What a tease!

It will dance and it will fall,
Look how funny it can crawl,
Looks like worm, but don't they all?
Grab it, smash against the wall,
Against the wall.

What a steardy little thing,
And you wonder, you're not sure
How much more it can endure?
Stomp its head till it caves in,
Till caves in.


And that's how you play
Day by day,
Someone might say
That's so cruel,
Aren't you annoyed?
By those fools?
For it's just some toy,
Stupid toy.

Throw it away
When it breaks
You can ignore
Sounds it makes:
Whether it cries
Or it pleads -
Why should you care
If it bleeds?

So, that's how you've played
Till this day,
Having your way
Through and through,
Whether toy's old,
Or brand new.
How you enjoy
Playing with toys!

But how should one know,
When it's time,
And your toy's worth
Less than a dime?
That former charm
It has lost?...
And when is my turn
To be tossed?


Don't shed a tear over this broken toy:
Oh, you can easily get a new one.
It even may better suit for your ploy,
And if it breaks,... Well, it's still so much fun!

You worry not about those you destroy.
Why, you can have all the toys that you want.
You just observe your playground from the void
With no remorse about what you have done.
