
Menoetius or Menoetes (/m;;ni;;i;s/; Greek: ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;; Menoitios), meaning doomed might, is a name that refers to three distinct beings from Greek mythology:

Menoetius, a second generation Titan, son of Iapetus and Clymene or Asia, and a brother of Atlas, Prometheus and Epimetheus. Menoetius was killed by Zeus with a flash of lightning in the Titanomachy, and banished to Tartarus.[1] His name means "doomed might", deriving from the Ancient Greek words menos ("might, power") and oitos ("doom, pain"). Hesiod described Menoetius as hubristic, meaning exceedingly prideful and impetuous to the very end. From what his name suggests, along with Hesiod's own account, Menoetius was perhaps the Titan god of violent anger and rash action.[2]


His approach to a fight
Was fiery and drastic,
His strength was utterly fantastic,
And the games he played
Were full of water and winds,
That is how the sotry begins.
Fighting the Titans,
He used all his might
To our delight.
