To my dear friend

I hope you'll never be forgotten
For all the things that you have done,
For your tremendous fair motto:
"Disorder never leads to fun".

I hope you'll be the man to follow
And people will look up to you.
You have much wisdom they will borrow
And turn it into something new.

I hope you'll never be mistaken,
Though it is not a mortal sin.
The time has come to get awaken
From this delusive heavy dream.

I hope you can resist the fears
Which fill your heart though you are strong,
Which cause a lot of bitter tears,
Which spoil the places you belong.

I hope you feel my understanding
And my invisible support.
I wish you only happy ending
In all affairs you have got.

I hope you'll read my humble poem
One day when Good will conquer Bad.
All hail to you the man to follow
Long live to you my dear friend!
