
Today I saw you on the training!
I didn't say a word, nor 'Hi'!
How stupidly, ignobly shy!
But deep inside, in flames exclaiming,
 I ached and looked on you with eyes
 Of love, of flame, of sacrifice.

Though I should not - a year ago
You told me that. You told to move
Yet by the burden of my love
I didn't, and now try to sow
Another seed of friendship, 'coz...
All other died before they rose,
But this not matters, for right now
I have the hope, I feel love's strength,
It flies through paths of any length,
I only mustn't foully bow
To moans, chance and earthly fear :
The Sky decided - I will bear!

And when you left the training hall
I said it all, the flame got out
And burn'd my legs to run around
You. The madman ran. She took his soul
  The madman's out. He sees: she is
Inside the car.  It goes. Tire's hiss.

He stays alone. Yet he not peeves
The love lets not him to repine
The sun who took so fast it's shine,
He stands. It burns. Yet he not grieves.
He runs as fast as my burnt feet
To take the bus. He takes. I sit.

Yes, it was me. The bus takes off -
We soar in sky. He prays his Lord
To help him have his flame cold,
And yet my only Lord is Love,
  So soon he heats so much that ire
With it's cold cage melt in love's fire:

I feel again the strength with hope
Lifting the pain I bear with love,
I feel salve shedding from Above,
I feel how love removes all scopes,
i feel how pain takes me to her,
That love on earth is what pain bore.

I feel the monstrous daunting force
You think love's joy, a fruity flower,   
Your will. It'll crush you with it's power
And never ask if you endorse,
For Love is God, God's great and dread,
And your life is his clement deed.

(s. meaning of FRUIT- also saucy and FLOWER-reproduction)

I'm but a low thrall of my love
Who every minute breaks love's will,
Who every minute must be killed
But is not killed nor thrown off,
Who lives by this eternal might,
And got so mad to shout with spite...

The bus fell on the stirring earth.
I'll love you dear, I'll love you dear,
I'll love you dear, my every stir,
Forever ever ever forth
Is but condemned to serve my love,
My life, my strength, my lord above.
