Cosmic rays

For many light years away
Supernovas sometimes explode
In result are born cosmic rays
Which have ahead a winding road

A sweeping flow of particles
Protons, helium and so forth
Moves between stellar miracles
To finally achieve the Earth

(Chorus x2)
Cosmic rays, cosmic rays
Don't hitchhike at holidays
While roadster passing by
Starman feeling how it* fly

A large atmospherical shower
Come without any clouds
And detectors with great power
Thoroughly prepared by scholar crowd

Research of cosmic radiation
Helped to discover positrons
Which was fantastic innovation
Because it's "anti" electrons

(Chorus x2)

It's not easy in one song
To tell about something long
Now your turn of learning this
It a chance that you don't miss

While cosmic rays plow the Bolshoi Theater...

And now, your host for this evening, The Com-rades

