Между тучами и морем dashing fluffy Mega-Neko

Over great expanse of Sea-Waves
Flies a fluffy Mega-Neko
And despite the lack of boxes
So desired to curl-up in
Neko's naps still go full-power
Intermittent with paw-licking

But the main part of the action
Will unfurl at four past midnight
When the couches get the scratches
And the people all around will
Hear Mega-Neko-Cato
Racing over every surface

Chairs quietly awaiting
Their fate of Over-turning
Plates and vases have accepted
That they will be broken shortly
Furniture and household items
Showing no appreciation

Of the life that's filled with action
With adventure and excitement
Silly laptop goes in hiding
Deep inside a Padded Backpack
He'll survive a fall and clawing
Not the power-pack explosion   

Caused but Mega-Neko-Cato
Sneaking into Padded Backpack
Making Backpack into Shredded
Then, set out to spread more Chaos,
Pissing right on top of cover
Of the battery for Laptop

Mega-Neko is obeying
Second law thermodynamics
Gladly Entropy Increasing
Thunderously food demanding
Let the Meowing ring out louder
Wider spreading of ТЫГДЫМ-ing!
