
"Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there?"
(Joker, 2019)

White coated walls, long tied-up sleeves,
A sugar pill to swallow up your griefs
Hit the clock in the face - to reset the next day in silence.
A crimson painted smile, a laugh through scream...
The isolation's a spice to a SauerKraut's whim -
Or the handcuffs you hold are the indirect menace?
You kick the weaker, you slam a door with a fist,
Probably mute sabotage's the only way left to resist.
How long will the delusion fortress stand built-up inside wrath?
A normality slave, from the birth to the grave,
Pounding out of key - never knowing though, how to be brave,
For it feels like we are walking a CycoPath.
