A Trap for a Thought-Form. 15. Cain Tales


a novel in the series

Chapter 15. CAIN’S TALES

“What are you dreaming of?” I asked the Guardian, as he was putting my furs on a hanger.

“And what can the God be dreaming of?!” he said thoughtfully and chuckled.

“Of the Goddess?” I supposed.

“Not at all!!!” the Guardian muttered and abruptly headed for the cafe. “By the way! The menu has been changed! Instead of the Fairy with ‘The Sunshine Rain’ you will introduce the Medusa Gorgon with ‘Cain’s Tales’.”

“?!” I looked at him in surprise.

“I’ve just found out myself! Why are you looking at me like that??? Why do you keep interrogating me like a criminal???!!! I didn’t touch your Fairy!!! She bathed too much! Under the sunshine! Although not in the rain! She’s got a cold! That’s all!” he practically shouted to the whole cafe in such a way that — or did it seem to me? — the walls shook.

While the Guardian was making coffee, the Medusa flew into the hall. She was really wearing a Gorgon costume! What for? The ball was scheduled for the 40th night.

The guests had already gathered and began to chatter vigorously with the Medusa, anticipating her tales. I went onto the stage, trying to figure out how to conduct a presentation with an unfamiliar author properly, but the Medusa immediately flew up to me, looked straight into my soul and…

I went cold! Under the Gorgon costume was hiding the very same… Witch!!!

“Shh!!!” I heard.

“Can you really talk mentally?!” I asked, just in case.

“Offend me not!”

I declared the party open. Even magicians found it difficult to speak out loud to the public and at the same time to communicate mentally with each other, however…

“What’s wrong with those pictures?” I went straight to the point.

“They didn’t work out… They are either blurry or empty!”

“Well, for this Mansion, it’s quite normal! Take a look, no matter the object, it’s a portal. Who else, if not you, is able to feel it!” I tried to calm the Witch.

“No, Alice! Believe me… I feel the OTHER! I had to invent a lot to get here again — all the 40 parties had been scheduled ahead, and when I tried to come as a guest, I was blocked every way. I can’t understand why, but the Guardian clearly doesn’t want us to communicate! Besides, there are signs everywhere now that any photo / video filming is strictly prohibited in the Mansion!”

“Most museums have similar signs! There is nothing strange in that!”

“Alice, do you like blizzards?” the Witch asked suddenly.

“Yes! The Blizzard is magic!”

“Then I suggest enjoying it together after the party tonight!”

“She is crazy…” I thought and exhaled. “How couldn’t I guess it right away? Even by her costume. What does the Gorgon Medusa have to do with Cain’s Tales? She would have dressed up as Cain. Or Abel!”

“I’m not crazy, Alice!!! Or we all are crazy here! ‘The Gorgon Medusa’ is the title of one of my fairy tales!!!” the Witch exclaimed offended, because she could read minds.


During the break, I brought coffee to Roman.

“What if… the Witch isn’t really crazy?” I thought. “She invited me to waltz with her tonight in the Blizzard… Would you agree?”

Roman had no time to answer, as the King of Swords appeared in front of us. Naturally, with his standard question.

“It looks like the Guardian made him guarding me!” I sighed, while Roman watched me without any emotion.

“I want to get home alone,” I replied to the King of Swords. “Or rather, I have a meeting scheduled for tonight. With a woman…”

“Yes! I dared! I dared to say something different from what I used to!”

The King of Swords seemed to be surprised at my non-standard answer even more than me, but he bowed in a standard manner and disappeared into the crowd.

“I want to find the Guardian’s books,” I returned to Roman in my mind. “To read what he writes. You know, you can clear a lot from what and how a person writes. Especially if you read between the lines. But where can I find his books? And what way? The Guardian follows me everywhere! I think they are hidden in those secret rooms of the Dungeon Backstage. Maybe I should try to hide here for the night, and when the Guardian falls asleep…”

“Why do you need the other’s books, Alice, if in 25 nights you are already…?”

“If some thought comes to visit you, it’s not accidental. God puts into the head only that…”

“And if not God? Who put into your head the idea to leave for the Other World on the 40th night? God or Devil?”

“What if the Guardian is really a murderer and keeps on killing?”

“Call the police.”

“And what do I say to the police? That in the props of the theater there are dresses stained with someone’s blood in the wardrobe? If even theoretically it’s possible to change something for the better, it’s worth trying!”

“Write down your last thought all in capital letters and hang it in front of you in a prominent place!”

“Ray!” I blurted out and immediately closed my eyes in embarrassment. “Sorry! You sound like him…”

“It happens… Well, you have 25 nights ahead,” Roman hugged me and kissed my third eye area. “So are you waltzing with the Witch in the Blizzard tonight or passing the night in the Guardian’s Dungeon?”

I wanted to ask if Roman would like to join me, but I felt… yes! damn it — scary!!! that he… that the whole story was just my story… and I was completely unprepared to destroy my illusion of his presence in it…

The familiar sound of the bell rang out. The break ended.

“Fairy Tales!” I exclaimed aloud, remembering the next task.

“Cain’s ones?” Roman grinned and glanced at the Witch in the Medusa Gorgon costume. “By the way, does she write fairy tales?”

“Do you consider the exchange of bodies, the sharing of spirits and deals with the Devil as fairy tales?”


…The Magician remains a child in his soul, and miracles happen to him, because he has no doubt about coexistence with miracles in a single coordinate system. The Magician puts them on a par with phenomena of Nature and with standard events that occur in everyone’s life.

Read bedtime tales. They open you mind towards miracles, plunging it into a slumber, during which the processes of transformation of the Reality are triggered.

Fairy tales are the easiest way to connect your soul to the Eternal Primary Source of Creativity, for which nothing is impossible. You automatically return to your childhood in order to feel and revive a child who has not yet been blocked from accessing his true ‘Self’ by hanging on him all sorts of labels and introducing programs of rigid templates into the Consciousness.

When you systematically read fairy tales, the alien theorems of your supposedly limited abilities are gradually replaced by the axiom of the infinite potential of the true Creator, and miracles become commonplace in everyday reality, which the Magician begins to modify at his own discretion, but for the benefit of himself and the entire Universe…


Needless to say, that night I chose to fight the skinniest of my fears by accepting the Witch’s offer… The King of Swords wrapped me in my furs, the Guardian watched us to the door.

We went out into the Blizzard. I had to leave the King of Swords for the Witch, waiting for me at the archway. I said goodbye to the King of Swords. I had no more than ten steps to take, from the door of the Mansion to the arch with the Witch, but…

What happened next couldn’t be explained! Having taken two steps towards the Witch on my own, I suddenly found myself…


…at home!

I lit the candles and put my head in my hands.

“Could it be that I got crazy? Or was my Consciousness so tired that, in view of just 25 nights left, it had given up on me and went on a spree?”

A message from the Wanderer appeared on the phone.

“Alice djan, how can I help you?”

“Hello!.. Why do you ask?”

“You smell of incense and pine. You lit candles, but you are very sad…”

Could I trust him? But who else?

“In that Mansion, in the Dungeon where we met, there is a Theater. There are 3 rooms in the Backstage, 2 of them are locked. You seem to see everything and everyone through, indeed. Could you look, what is there in the rooms? In those two?”

“Okay, Alice djan, I’ll let you know. Have a nice dream!”

I went to the rack with books for children.

“Which one to choose?”

I liked fairy tales about gnomes, elves and other mysterious creatures… However, that evening I found “The Little Prince” with chic illustrations by Irina Petelina, suited my “pine” mood, and, reading and dreaming of my Prince, I slowly sank into a dream…
