A Trap for a Thought-Form. 14. Music of the Soul


a novel in the series

Chapter 14. MUSIC of the SOUL

“The most precious thing you have here is the Portal or the Theatre?” I asked the Guardian.

He finished his coffee, thought for a moment and smiled slyly.

“And maybe it’s you, Alice?”

“What play is being rehearsed at the Theater?”

“Do you want to play the lead role in it?”

“Well, only the Queen, in a luxurious ball gown!” I smiled, provoking him.

The Guardian seemed to be transformed, and his eyes lit up with devilish fire.

“You’ll love the dress! You’ll see! Your last night with the Ball takes place in the Dungeon, in my Theater, on the big stage. You’ll be the Queen, of course! In the most beautiful dress! Yes, yes, yes! Certainly!!!”

“He’s just crazy… one of the many undiagnosed officially!”

The Cat came up. He sadly looked into my soul… just like a human being!

At that moment, to my surprise, the Witch appeared in the hall… The same one again!

Having taken a couple of pictures — of the guests and me? — the Witch immediately disappeared, so even the Guardian wasn’t able to keep her inside.

“She is undiagnosed, too…” I sighed.


“The Music of the Soul” by the Siren was presented that night. The Siren came to the Mansion in a charming hat with a veil, as if straight from the Silver Age. How many tragedies did she endure in her life? Humbly, not grumbling and not wishing to leave for the Other World. I liked her poems. If she had been born then, in the Silver Age, she would certainly be already widely known.

“Well, Alice, did you manage to make the Guardian talking?” I heard Roman’s thought before he appeared in the hall.

“Not really, but the Guardian loves his Theater as much as the Portal… The 40th night takes place on the big stage in the Dungeon. He said I would be the Queen of the Ball…”

“You are already the Queen, and not just of one ball. What about the secret rooms? Did you manage to get inside?”

“How can I do that if the Guardian is guarding not so much the Portal as me? Besides, those rooms are locked. And, imagine, the Witch returned again and took pictures of everyone here!”

“Have you ever thought, why would she repeat the already done by a professional photographer with professional equipment?”

“Is there something WRONG with the pictures?!”

“When the Magician formulates a question correctly, he already knows the answer.”

During the break, I made Roman some coffee, sat down next to him and was silent for a long time.

“Not in the mood to chat?” he asked me, keeping silent.

“I do want to communicate with you. Really.”

“Then why are you silent? Don’t you want to put your ‘Self’ in the second place and to question me as a part of yesterday’s home task?”

“The Magician must be honest. He either keeps silent or tells the truth. I don’t want to know anything about you.”


“When the Magician formulates a question correctly, he already knows the answer.”

I mirrored Roman and barely buried my nose into his shoulder, as the familiar bell ringing sounded. The Guardian waved his hand at me, calling to the stage for the Open Mic.

“If we stop talking aloud, Alice, he will surely learn to read our thoughts,” Roman supposed and opened his magic notebook.

Task No. 14. The VOICE of SILENCE

…The Magician knows how to listen and hear not only people, but also the Silence. The Voice of Silence is the most important Voice in the Universe, but to hear it, you must constantly practice Silence. Give at least half an hour a day to the Silence. It’s easiest to perform this exercise at night, when both earthly sounds and flows of energy vibrations are coming down. Your personal space should have no electrical devices switched on, nothing that could prevent you from listening to the Silence and hearing your real ‘Self’. Soon you will begin to hear the voices of the objects around you, which periodically communicate with each other, you will learn to distinguish energetically dead objects from alive ones. Having heard once the Voice of Silence that sounds in the Universe and in yourself, you will find your ‘Self’ speaking with God the same language, and Him hearing you. The requests of true magicians are fulfilled much faster than those of ordinary people, because magicians communicate directly with God, using the Voice of Silence…


I was tossing and turning in bed, trying to fall asleep, when suddenly the phone shuddered. Who could it be? To my surprise, I found a social network friend request notification from… the Wanderer!

“Hello, Alice djan! My respects from the Constellation of the Hound Dogs to the one born under the Sirius!”

He wrote that he had X-ray vision, and since the age of 13 he could see the fate of people. Since 15 he had not been wearing watches, because they used to show wrong time. The equipment next to him broke down. In his previous life, he practiced magic in Ancient Egypt, and in that one he was shamanizing in Armenia. I asked him what he could say about me, and his phrase hit the top ten.

“How and why did he end up in the Mansion?” I barely thought about it, as I immediately got the answer.

“I am always glad to help such a charming colleague!”

It was a pity that on the Wanderer’s social network page there was only a Shutterstock photo of a monk, and I hadn’t seen his hooded face in the Mansion Dungeon.
