A Trap for a Thought-Form. 12. Criminal Tandem


a novel in the series


“So you haven’t decided on the Portal yet, have you?” the Guardian asked, taking my furs off.

“It’s in those adjoining rooms.”

“In both at once?” the Guardian grinned, took my hand and led me into one of them.

After closing the door behind us, he lit candles, turned on an antique device, on which a mysterious record began spinning, and approached me.

“Don’t be afraid,” the Guardian whispered, holding out his hand to me. “It’s not scary! Just look into my eyes. We have to get ready for the Ball.”

I remembered Roman, who wanted to deal with my fears, and I stepped towards them.

The Guardian waltzed me around the room, and I saw nothing but his eyes, in which there was an Abyss…

…of LOVE and DEATH…

Everything was spinning around — or were we spinning inside everything? — at such a speed that, for a moment, I clearly seemed to be no longer there, or rather, there, but in the so-called Silver Age, in the early of the 20th century.

The silence reigned suddenly. The Guardian bowed politely and turned me around to face the door.

“It’s time for you, my Queen… to go onto the stage.”

I went out into the corridor to cross it and get into the hall, as the front door to the Mansion slammed loudly on the left, and a breath of frost blew inside.

I turned around and saw the King of Swords climbing the stairs to the locker room. The front door opened again thanks to another guest, and at the same moment in the Blizzard outside I noticed… the Witch!

She looked at me straight in the face and silently called me, putting finger to her mouth, “Shh!!!”

“A glitch!” I thought.

The Guardian abruptly took my arm and led me to the stage for the presentation of “The Criminal Tandem” by the Lawyer from Rublyovka. The hall was overflowing with people eager to touch the cream of society.

“Maybe that’s why the Witch is outside. She’s just run out of space and decided to leave. But what does she want from me?”

Thoughts were confused in my head, as in a dream, because in dreams we could hardly escape from what we were afraid of, hardly think and move in any other way than…

“Than it is fixed in the dream scenario?” I heard inside my mind and saw Roman appeared.

“I want to talk to the Witch. Did you see her outside, in the Blizzard?”

“And why don’t you talk to her?”

“She is there, and I am here…”

“What’s stopping you from being there, Alice?”

I asked the Lawyer from Rublyovka to retell briefly the plot of his novel to the guests, instantly rushed to the front door of the Mansion and abruptly opened it wide, but at the same moment the Guardian grabbed my arm no less abruptly and dragged me back to the Mansion.

“You are crazy!!! 27 degrees below zero!!!”


During the break, I made coffee for Roman and sat down next to him.

“Devil’s advocate?” he grinned, nodding at the hero of the party, who was giving autographs to the guests.

“Not the right caliber,” I answered calmly.

“And what are your Places of Power, Alice?”

I dived into my memory… I barely remembered my parents, since we hadn’t seen each other because of their business trips and my five-days and nights per week in kindergarten till they died… Our dacha on Rublyovka had been burned down… And then — a phantom of Ray… The frames in my mind were passing at a great speed, and so foggy, I almost didn’t distinguish them clearly, but I knew for sure I had nowhere to return in reality…

“Unless to you… here…” I summed up mentally.

Roman hugged me.

“You helped me then, in our shared past. Even silently, just existing in it… And I’m grateful to you for that…”

“Not at all… So what about the Witch?”

“I don’t know… something is WRONG…”

But the King of Swords approached us with his crowning question.

“Can I walk you home tonight?”

“The record… it’s like a repeat of the record, isn’t it?” I asked Roman mentally, pulling away from his shoulder.

“And who is stopping you, Alice, from replacing it?”

“I don’t have another one…”

Roman was about to contradict, but the Guardian rang the bell.

“Yes,” I replied to the King of Swords, and he disappeared into the crowd.

“I’m hungry for fears!” Roman grinned. “So?”

“There is food on the menu!”


…The Magician doesn’t feed on the Holy Spirit only…

One of the simplest rules is to monitor the nutrition of the physical body. It’s no coincidence that the most wonderful miracles occur not on Rublyovka, but in monasteries and deserts. All earthly things, including food, ground the Spirit, and, accordingly, block access to Heaven, so ascetics and monks strictly observe fasts.

Try to eat only when you really want to, reducing food to a minimum, choosing the most natural of the possible, and drink water more often. Any alcohol is the key to the doors of the Consciousness, used by the dark spirits of the Lower Astral for their selfish purposes.

Food, like water, can be used for saying good wishes.

Cook food only in a good mood, otherwise you will get poison…

I reluctantly wandered onto the stage to announce the Open Mic and suddenly thought, “What did I eat today, besides coffee in the Mansion?”

When I returned home, I remembered that I hadn’t taken any pictures of our snow for Pasha… However, Pasha disappeared, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“I hope God heard me. He will definitely help you, Pasha. You will be fine… whether with or without snow…”
