A Trap for a Thought-Form. 9. Ice Font


a novel in the series

Chapter 9. ICE FONT

“Alice, I wanted to ask you,” the Guardian said, somehow tensely, placing my furs on a hanger.

“You have ten minutes to do that. But first, let’s go back to the room adjacent to the postbox one.”

“You are such a…”

The Guardian opened the room, and I slowly wandered around, trying to feel…

“It vibrates exactly the same as the one next door,” I delivered my verdict, but the Guardian grinned only. I continued, “So what’s the question?”

“Do you like the Knight of Cups?”

I went cold. Did I tell the Guardian about the Knight of Cups? And who did he mean: Roman or Pasha?

“Who is the Knight of Cups?”

Suddenly, the Guardian looked at me from under his brows as if the Master of Darkness himself.

“You think you are a mage, Alice, but you forget that you are not the only one like that!”


“You didn’t answer my question. Do you like HIM?!”

I stood with my back to the fireplace. The Guardian stepped close to me, his eyes sparkled, revealing something diabolical. I took a step back and got blocked against the fireplace, the Guardian’s fingers slipped through my hair to my neck, and at that moment a saving sound was heard…


After recovering my breath from the unforeseen incident with the Guardian, I went onto the stage and introduced to the guests the old kindhearted Forest Elf, author of the book of forest stories and memoirs, including “The Ice Font”, in which he had almost drowned as a child.

It was difficult for me to ask questions. I was constantly scanning the hall, eager to see the Knight of Cups as soon as possible in order to tell him about the Guardian and… I wished Roman had never disappeared from my life.

“I won’t disappear!” I heard as the door to the hall opened, and Roman walked to our table.

The Guardian, who had been watching me at the cafe counter, muttered to himself in displeasure… some spells?

Finally, the break time arrived!

“Hi, Roman,” I whispered, taking a seat next to him.

“There is something wrong with the Guardian,” I added silently.

“When did you notice that?”

“Today… And… I’m scared…”

“Are mages afraid of something?”

Roman was right. Magicians shouldn’t be afraid of anything… However, I was afraid… not only of the Guardian, but of Roman himself… I remembered the night conversation with Pasha. He said nothing of what he had written to me before, because of the FEAR that paralyzed us.

“So what are we doing today, Alice? Shall we work with the elements or with fears?” Roman asked aloud as if nothing had happened.

“It’s scary to work with fears, next time…”

I knew I was wrong, and there was no escape from the fight against fears, but somehow later…

Task No. 9. HOLY WATER

…Water is one of the most magical elements that absorbs, stores and erases information…

Every evening, before going to bed, similarly to the work of burning in the fireplace the negativity received over the past day, we wash off the negativity in the bathroom or shower, working with water…

Imagine that the water, pouring from the faucet, is not ordinary, but saint, as on Epiphany midnight, when any spring becomes healing. You are standing under the flow of Holy water, which cleanses not only the physical body, but also the astral and mental ones, from everything negative, alien and harmful, visible and invisible, conscious and unconscious — all your sorrows and hardships, pains and diseases, wrong thoughts and installations leave your space along with water forever…

Many magicians, in order to attract something positive in life, whisper good wishes and dreams into a glass of water, and then drink the water, starting a chain of events that begins from themselves and their bodies.

You can whisper on both tea and coffee, however, pure water is much more powerful…

Anyway, each magician, working with the elements, comes up with his own rituals…

“And what would you whisper to the water today, Alice?” Roman asked.

I knew the answer, but…

The Guardian rang the bell.

The guests were returning to their seats in the hall…


“How are you, Pasha?”

“Hi! Ok. U?”

“What have you done today?”

“Sport in wood!”

“Walking or skiing?”

“No snow. Run often. Game football. U?”

“U swim 2?”

“No… Okay, Pasha, it’s already late. Bye!”

“Kiss me… once!”

“Good night, Pasha!”

“Good night…”
