Just hold on

You don't have to be perfect,
Love everyone always.
Come on, keep go it,
If you really want this.
Run away from home,
Even if it's hard.
You can walk away from
everyone and live as you want.
If love has burned recently,
Don't give up presently,
Always go straight,
Do not be afraid.
Someone says you're terrible,
But put these insults on the table,
They will speak again,
But say : - "It's okay".
You'll probably be scared,
But always tell yourself : -
"I don't fucking care,
I love myself ".
And I want you to know,
That you are special.
Do you like to draw?
It is incredible.
I know one thing,
You just have to go,
Less need to drink,
And know the word "no".
Someone is lying to your face,
This will be repeated,
But you close this case,
And just forget it.
You're beautiful,
You're really golden,
You're very cool,
So just hold on.
