Roots 10 Frustration

Low. Very low my songs sound.
Down below I see the stars.
And inside of my true beliefs
I can hear how my mind gets clear.

Low. Very low my life lives.
Down below the flower of her grow.
And inside of my meaning of life
I can know where I go from one to...

Low. Very low the fight keep goes.
Down below chaos of others flow.
And outside I can see what inside.
This why I can't trust anyone.

Low. Very low my enemy lives.
Mostly, dying in my beautiful trees.
Down below this one has no place.
Parasite. The one who should go.

High above ancient birds sings
About a lost legend of me.
High above they call my soul
To become someone great down below.

But I can't move forward. I'm stuck.
In the bogs of denial poisoned by egos.
Down below. Alive. But without a reason to go
In  my destructed wonderful world.
Nearly by my own hands...

Low. Very low the truth about me craw.
Down below I see chaos instead my law.
Too much cold from above...
And too much hell from below.
In the middle too much dead ground.
No me at all. And even I think:
Where the hell is me? Maybe really no need?

High. Very high I actually am.
Like a cloud swimming through oceans of air.
But my body is trapped in the middle world.
And it feels like a damaged memory.
I can't touch my life. And I can't run from it.
Better never to be. But the fire still burns
In the unkillable fantasy. Can I tell much more?
Some mistakes you will never fix.

