Roots 9 Deconstructing

I know who I am. My vision is clear.
I came to free the space. For better.
Oh, they're here! While you don't see.
Before new comes, all old will rise
From ground where lies in scares.
Roots of the Ancients in the air
Will give you book of lies for wise:

Than more you seek, then less you find.
Than more you try, then more you die.
When giving up to things above,
You put in troubles dear heart.
Which one is an original? Which one is mirrored?
You never know how tricky all can be.
What's right for them maybe isn't right for you.

And now you may to try to ask,
Why is it called a 'book of lies for wise'?
But it will change again. I mean, the book.
For once or twice. And you will surely know:

Than more you seek, then more you find.
Things which you actually don't need.
And never find the one you seek.
A game of wanders at three trees...
Than less you try, then more you die.
And darkness eat your heart.
Your mind is down, your lies are above,
Your shield is killing the lightborn.

I wonder why you never learn,
But here comes paradox...
I know the answer all along.
I knew it even when I wasn't born.
You (just like me) will never walk alone.

The book of lies for wise is only
One which keeps the truth.
A fairytale of youth in ancient's roots,
Which always smiles,
While eyes are burning gold.
 Which always shine like crystals,
While all green and colourful grow
Through ice you'd been creating
To never feel the pain which is
A little spot called Earth.

This book to deconstruct the worlds which made us suffer,
Instead of having beauty of the warmth from our own,
Which our right from birth. Our treasures from our gods.
The time has come to back where we belong.

