
Till February 24th 2022 was Putin a sole beneficiary of excessive volume of benefit of the doubt given to him by European leaders under personal sponsorship of Angela Merkel ... "
Joe Biden


benefit of the doubt

The withholding of judgment so as to retain a favorable or at least neutral opinion of someone or something when the full information about the subject is not yet available.
You're my sister! Can't you give me the benefit of the doubt, instead of believing the worst about me?
Let's give him the benefit of the doubt before we start accusing him. There may be a good explanation.
See also: benefit, doubt, of
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
benefit of the doubt
a judgment in one's favor when the evidence is neither for one nor against one. (*Typically: get ~; have ~; give someone ~.) I was right between a B and an A. I got the benefit of the doubt—an A. I thought I should have had the benefit of the doubt, but the judge made me pay a fine.
See also: benefit, doubt, of
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
benefit of the doubt
A favorable judgment granted in the absence of full evidence.
See also: benefit, doubt, of
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
See also:
the benefit of the doubt
benefit of the doubt, to give/have the
withhold (something) from (someone or something)
withhold from
an/the advantage over (someone or something)
an/the edge on (someone or something)
an/the edge over (someone or something)
put a spin on
put a spin on (something)

benefit of the doubt, to give/have the To assume or treat as innocent when there is conflicting evidence. The term comes from the law in many countries, whereby a person must be assumed to be innocent of a crime unless definitely proved to be guilty; in other words, when in doubt, the verdict must be “not guilty.”

Benefit Of The Doubt In Our Daily Life

Benefit of the doubt in our daily life.To be honest, I just heard this idiom recently. I don’t know that there’s an idiom like this “benefit of the doubt” before.I believe even though most of us are not familiar with this idiom, but we frequently apply this benefit of the doubt in our daily life unconsciously.

I usually apply this benefit of the doubt when I’m in a doubtabout my friends or people around me. I don’t know whether they are honest or not, but when they tell about something, and their behavior maybe suspicious, I choose to believe in them.

The Principle Of Benefit Of The Doubt
Someday, I and my friend planned to go to theater to watch movie. We made an appointment to meet at the theater at 07.00 p.m. I have arrived there around 06.30 p.m. and waited for him to come. At the time we made an appointment, he didn’t come yet. I called him many times, but he didn’t pick up.

I just waited there till finally he came up around 08.00 p.m. I was mad. He said sorry. He told me that he was stuck on traffic jam. At that moment, I choose to believe in him. The way I believe in what he said is the principle of benefit of the doubt.

You may be thinking that my friend could lie at the time. He is possibly true but at the same time he could lie as well. The idea of the benefit of the doubt is to withhold judgment until you know. It is like basically saying “I’m trusting you until you tell me the otherwise”

This benefit of the doubt is used when police catch the criminals. Those criminals usually say that they are innocent. They don’t know what happened and how the things go. At the moment, police will give the benefit of the doubt to them. Police will assume that they are innocent until they find the hard evidence.

Advantages Of Giving Benefit Of The Doubt To Other People.
Even though it’s not easy to put your trust on somebody else, but this kind of actions still being a favorite option for some people to react to other people’s story or action.       There should be reasons for that. Behind those reasons, they wish their reaction will bring advantages for them.

1. Less Conflict
If you give people the benefit of the doubt, it will give you less conflict. I think, lots of conflicts happen because of lots assumption that we make from other.

Like a case that I had with my friend before. When my friend was too late to come to the place where we want to meet, the reason why he was late is because of traffic jam. The possibility is 50% he was honest, and 50% he lied. I preferred to give him benefit of the doubt.

The action of me when I gave the benefit of the doubt to my friend is the way for me to make less conflict. If I didn’t believe in what he said, there’s going to be many questions “why” that I would ask to him. He might be annoyed. It will create conflict between us. Since it was the first time he late, I think it was okay to give him benefit of the doubt.

In addition, when you decide to give benefit of the doubt to somebody else, make sure that they deserve it. If it gives you harm, then just don’t do it.

2. Raise Trust
When we give other people benefit of the doubt, we’re basically saying “I believe in what you say and what you do, until you tell me the otherwise”.

When somebody does something, and it is not really clear whether they did something bad or not, then you give them benefit of the doubt. Even though you are not really sure about them, and you have no evidence for that.

Those people’s behavior may be suspicious, you have doubts on them. But, you don’t let those doubts change the way you think about them. You decide to trust them. It is good for you and for them.People tend to want to live up to that trust.

You give benefit of the doubt to other people in order to raise the trust between you and them. You might try to put yourself in their shoes. You try to understand the possibility of their condition. I think it is good to see everything from many perspectives. It will raise empathy and trust in you.

3. Less Stress
This is one of the advantages of benefit of the doubt that all of us want. Living this life is not easy. There are many problems that we have to face every day. You can find how many people are getting sick physically because of having stress.

American Heart Association said that stress cause high blood pressure. It will evoke heart attack and stroke. See? How dangerous stress for our life is. One of the ways to reduce this stress is avoiding conflict and overthinking on something. You can reach it by trying to give benefit of the doubt to some people.

When you give benefit of the doubt to other people, for example your friend or your love partner, you are on your way to let yourself free from all the negative thoughts that can trigger overthinking and conflict.As the result, your stress will be lower.

Thus, all the things that you do are basically your way to have a good life, right? This benefit of the doubt is only one of many ways to improve the quality of your life. But you also should have the strong reason why you decide to give the benefit of the doubt to other people. Just don’t be overthinking on something that you actually can ignore.

At the end of these all, I just wish all the things that you decide to do will bring the eternal happiness in your life.No matter whether you give benefit of the doubt to other people or not. It is you who know the best things for yourlife


a person who derives advantage from something, especially a trust, will, or life insurance policy.
que trust;·;heritor

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