Галкин Киркоров OLA KALA TODA о Мире в Украине

Война в Украине это Война Между Сатурном и Сизифом

Пасхальное обращение Максима Галкина 24 Апреля 2022 «Я не предатель»

(Часть обращения)
"Я не могу не задать пару естественных для каждого человека вопросов: вот вчера в канун светлого праздника Пасхи, в день схождения благодатного огня, летят крылатые российские ракеты, попадают в жилой дом в Одессе. Погибает семья. Погибает 3-х месячный ребёнок.
Как это всё бьётся? Как это, объясните мне!
Начнём с того, что крылатые ракеты не должны прилетать в жилые дома и в будние дни, а не только в праздники! Но, вы одновременно молитесь с патриархом иерусалимским о мире, вы — официальные лица, вы приезжаете, вы везёте благодатный огонь в Москву, и при этом эта же власть посылает ракеты!
Или это опять не мы? Ну, то есть, я уже слышал объяснение, что эти высокоточные ракеты потому попали в жилой дом, что украинское ПВО сбило эти ракеты. То есть, типа, не должно работать ПВО? И тогда всё будет хорошо?

В таком количестве страшных вещей виновата России, и при этом она говорит, что она не виновата! Зверства в Буче — это не мы! Малазийский боинг — это не мы! Мариуполь сравняли с землёй — это не мы! В Одессу летит ракета — это мы, но не совсем мы! Всё — не мы! А мы чего там делаем? Глубокие соболезнования всем погибшим и светлая память! С праздником Пасхи!"

«Главное, чтобы не гибли люди!»:
Филипп Киркоров призвал Россию и Украину к миру!

На Зеленском сейчас лежит огромная ответственность, убежден артист

Яна Бобылкина
14:39, 21 февр. 2022 Коллаж: Daily Storm

Певец Филипп Киркоров в беседе с Daily Storm выразил надежду, что обострение в Донбассе не перерастет в полномасштабную войну и стороны сумеют восстановить мир. Киркоров также напомнил о совместной работе с Владимиром Зеленским, до того как он стал главой Украины. В те времена тот еще не помышлял ни о каком президентстве и занимался исключительно творчеством.

«С Владимиром Зеленским мы вместе снимались в кино, — рассказывает Филипп Киркоров Daily Storm. — Это была трилогия «Любовь в большом городе». Замечательный фильм про любовь, который полюбился очень многим людям и в котором я играл святого Валентина. После этого мы общались на проекте «Фактор А», где председателем жюри была Алла Пугачева. Однако когда он

[Зеленский] занялся политической карьерой, мы потеряли с ним связь и больше не встречались. Нет, отношения мы не портили, но с 2014 года от него ни слуху ни духу!»
«Но я понимаю, что это президент страны и на нем лежит большая ответственность! — продолжает артист. — Это самое главное — сохранить мир! Для всех! И сделать, чтобы не гибли люди. Поэтому, естественно, как любой человек, я желаю всем только мира и добра!»

Обострение ситуации в Донбассе идет с начала февраля 2022 года. 17 февраля Народная милиция ДНР и украинские военные обвинили друг друга в обстрелах на линии соприкосновения.

Читайте там, где удобно: добавьте Daily Storm в избранное в «Яндекс.Новостях», подписывайтесь в Дзен или Telegram.

Явление Сатурна @ Народу Украины
Послание Мира & Любви
Pacem # Terris
Amor Hominum
Odium Homo Sapiens

Автор Сергей Полищук

Как Сизиф в гору долго шёл, толкал тяжёлый камень,
Избил все ноги и поранил руки...
Но камень удержать не смог, своими я руками,
Упал он, мне слышны паденья звуки...

Как Симон рыбу я ловил, забрасывая сети,
То на мели сидел, то бился с бурей...
Вернулся я пустым назад, смотрю идёт Спаситель,
Не тем ты занят, говорит, в натуре...

К Нему пошёл я по воде, но испугался очень,
Я стал тонуть и крикнул, помоги...
Спаситель руку протянул, взглянул мне в мои очи,
Сказал, больше по кругу не беги...

Я больше в гору не иду, в моря не уплываю,
Сижу теперь всегда на одном месте...
Своих последних жизни дней, спокойно ожидаю,
Там со Спасителем мы будем вместе!

King of Ephyra in Greek mythology
For other uses, see Sisyphus (disambiguation).
In Greek mythology, Sisyphus or Sisyphos (/;s;s;f;s/; Ancient Greek: ;;;;;;; S;syphos) was the founder and king of Ephyra (now known as Corinth). Zeus punished him for cheating death twice by being forced to roll an immense boulder up a hill only for it to roll down every time it neared the top, repeating this action for eternity. Through the classical influence on modern culture, tasks that are both laborious and futile are therefore described as Sisyphean (/s;s;;fi;;n/).

Sisyphus depicted on a black-figure amphora vase
Persephone supervising Sisyphus in the Underworld, Attic black-figure amphora, c.;530 BC, Staatliche Antikensammlungen
R. S. P. Beekes has suggested a pre-Greek origin and a connection with the root of the word sophos (;;;;;, "wise"). German mythographer Otto Gruppe thought that the name derived from sisys (;;;;;, "a goat's skin"), in reference to a rain-charm in which goats' skins were used.

Sisyphus was the son of King Aeolus of Thessaly and Enarete and the brother of Salmoneus. He married the Pleiad Merope by whom he became the father of Glaucus, Ornytion, Thersander, Almus, Sinon and Porphyrion. Sisyphus was the grandfather of Bellerophon through Glaucus, and Minyas, founder of Orchomenus, through Almus.

Sisyphus was the founder and first king of Ephyra (supposedly the original name of Corinth). King Sisyphus promoted navigation and commerce but was avaricious and deceitful. He killed guests and travelers in his palace, a violation of guest-obligations, which fell under Zeus' domain, thus angering the god. He took pleasure in these killings because they allowed him to maintain his iron-fisted rule.

Conflict with Salmoneus
Sisyphus and his brother Salmoneus were known to hate each other, and Sisyphus consulted the oracle of Delphi on just how to kill Salmoneus without incurring any severe consequences for himself. From Homer onward, Sisyphus was famed as the craftiest of men. He seduced Salmoneus' daughter Tyro in one of his plots to kill Salmoneus, only for Tyro to slay the children she bore him when she discovered that Sisyphus was planning on using them eventually to dethrone her father.

Cheating death
Sisyphus betrayed one of Zeus' secrets by revealing the whereabouts of the Asopid Aegina to her father, the river god Asopus, in return for causing a spring to flow on the Corinthian acropolis.

Zeus then ordered Thanatos to chain Sisyphus in Tartarus. Sisyphus was curious as to why Charon, whose job it was to guide souls to the underworld, had not appeared on this occasion. Sisyphus slyly asked Thanatos to demonstrate how the chains worked. As Thanatos was granting him his wish, Sisyphus seized the opportunity and trapped Thanatos in the chains instead. Once Thanatos was bound by the strong chains, no one died on Earth. This caused an uproar and Ares, annoyed that his battles had lost their fun because his opponents would not die, intervened. The exasperated Ares freed Thanatos and turned Sisyphus over to him.

In some versions, Hades was sent to chain Sisyphus and was chained himself. As long as Hades was tied up, nobody could die. Because of this, sacrifices could not be made to the gods, and those that were old and sick were suffering. The gods finally threatened to make life so miserable for Sisyphus that he would wish he were dead. He then had no choice but to release Hades.

Before Sisyphus died, he had told his wife to throw his naked body into the middle of the public square (purportedly as a test of his wife's love for him). This caused Sisyphus to end up on the shores of the river Styx. Then, complaining to Persephone, goddess of the underworld, that this was a sign of his wife's disrespect for him, Sisyphus persuaded her to allow him to return to the upper world. Once back in Ephyra, the spirit of Sisyphus scolded his wife for not burying his body and giving it a proper funeral as a loving wife should. When Sisyphus refused to return to the underworld, he was forcibly dragged back there by Hermes. In another version of the myth, Persephone was tricked by Sisyphus that he had been conducted to Tartarus by mistake, and so she ordered that he be released.

In Philoctetes by Sophocles, there is a reference to the father of Odysseus (rumoured to have been Sisyphus, and not La;rtes, whom we know as the father in the Odyssey) upon having returned from the dead [clarification needed]. Euripides, in Cyclops, also identifies Sisyphus as Odysseus' father.

Punishment in the underworld
As a punishment for his trickery, Hades made Sisyphus roll a huge boulder endlessly up a steep hill. The maddening nature of the punishment was reserved for Sisyphus due to his hubristic belief that his cleverness surpassed that of Zeus himself. Hades accordingly displayed his own cleverness by enchanting the boulder into rolling away from Sisyphus before he reached the top, which ended up consigning Sisyphus to an eternity of useless efforts and unending frustration. Thus it came to pass that pointless or interminable activities are sometimes described as "Sisyphean". Sisyphus was a common subject for ancient writers and was depicted by the painter Polygnotus on the walls of the Lesche at Delphi.

Black and white etching of Sisyphus by Johann Vogel
Sisyphus as a symbol for continuing a senseless war. Johann Vogel: Meditationes emblematicae de restaurata pace Germaniae, 1649
According to the solar theory, King Sisyphus is the disk of the sun that rises every day in the east and then sinks into the west. Other scholars regard him as a personification of waves rising and falling, or of the treacherous sea. The 1st-century BC Epicurean philosopher Lucretius interprets the myth of Sisyphus as personifying politicians aspiring for political office who are constantly defeated, with the quest for power, in itself an "empty thing", being likened to rolling the boulder up the hill. Friedrich Welcker suggested that he symbolises the vain struggle of man in the pursuit of knowledge, and Salomon Reinach that his punishment is based on a picture in which Sisyphus was represented rolling a huge stone Acrocorinthus, symbolic of the labour and skill involved in the building of the Sisypheum. Albert Camus, in his 1942 essay The Myth of Sisyphus, saw Sisyphus as personifying the absurdity of human life, but Camus concludes "one must imagine Sisyphus happy" as "The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart." More recently, J. Nigro Sansonese, building on the work of Georges Dum;zil, speculates that the origin of the name "Sisyphus" is onomatopoetic of the continual back-and-forth, susurrant sound ("siss phuss") made by the breath in the nasal passages, situating the mythology of Sisyphus in a far larger context of archaic (see Proto-Indo-European religion) trance-inducing techniques related to breath control. The repetitive inhalation–exhalation cycle is described esoterically in the myth as an up–down motion of Sisyphus and his boulder on a hill.

In experiments that test how workers respond when the meaning of their task is diminished, the test condition is referred to as the Sisyphusian condition. The two main conclusions of the experiment are that people work harder when their work seems more meaningful, and that people underestimate the relationship between meaning and motivation.

In his book The Philosophy of Recursive Thinking, German author Manfred Kopfer suggested a viable solution for Sisyphus' punishment. Every time Sisyphus reaches the top of the mountain, he breaks off a stone from the mountain and carries it down to the lowest point. This way, the mountain will eventually be levelled and the stone cannot roll down anymore. In Kopfers' interpretation, the solution turns the punishment by the gods into a test for Sisyphus to prove his worthiness for godlike deeds. If Sisyphus is able "to move a mountain", he shall be allowed to do what, otherwise, only gods are entitled to do.

Literary interpretations
Painting of Sisyphus by Titian
Sisyphus (1548–49) by Titian, Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain
Homer describes Sisyphus in both Book VI of the Iliad and Book XI of the Odyssey.
Ovid, the Roman poet, makes reference to Sisyphus in the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. When Orpheus descends and confronts Hades and Persephone, he sings a song so that they will grant his wish to bring Eurydice back from the dead. After this song is sung, Ovid shows how moving it was by noting that Sisyphus, emotionally affected, for just a moment, stops his eternal task and sits on his rock, the Latin wording being inque tuo sedisti, Sisyphe, saxo ("and you sat, Sisyphus, on your rock").
In Plato's Apology, Socrates looks forward to the after-life where he can meet figures such as Sisyphus, who think themselves wise, so that he can question them and find who is wise and who "thinks he is when he is not"
Albert Camus, the French absurdist, wrote an essay entitled The Myth of Sisyphus, in which he elevates Sisyphus to the status of absurd hero. Franz Kafka repeatedly referred to Sisyphus as a bachelor; Kafkaesque for him were those qualities that brought out the Sisyphus-like qualities in himself. According to Frederick Karl: "The man who struggled to reach the heights only to be thrown down to the depths embodied all of Kafka's aspirations; and he remained himself, alone, solitary." The philosopher Richard Taylor uses the myth of Sisyphus as a representation of a life made meaningless because it consists of bare repetition.
Wolfgang Mieder has collected cartoons that build on the image of Sisyphus, many of them editorial cartoons.
In popular culture
Sisyphus is a character in Hades, a 2020 indie rogue-like game developed by Supergiant Games, voiced by Andrew Marks. The player character, Zagreus, is given the option to lessen Sisyphus' sentence in Tartarus.
See also
The Myth of Sisyphus, a 1942 philosophical essay by Albert Camus which uses Sisyphus' punishment as a metaphor for the absurd
Sisyphus cooling, a cooling technique named after the Sisyphus myth
Syzyfowe prace, a novel by Stefan ;eromski
Comparable characters:
Naranath Bhranthan, a willing boulder pusher in Indian folklore
Tantalus, who was similarly punished with a neverending toil
Wu Gang – also tasked with the impossible: to fell a self-regenerating tree

Saturn (mythology)
God in Roman mythology
Saturn (Latin: S;turnus [sa;;t;rn;s]) was a god in ancient Roman religion, and a character in Roman mythology. He was described as a god of time, generation, dissolution, abundance, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal and liberation. Saturn's mythological reign was depicted as a Golden Age of abundance and peace. After the Roman conquest of Greece, he was conflated with the Greek Titan Cronus. Saturn's consort was his sister Ops, with whom he fathered Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Juno, Ceres and Vesta.

Quick Facts Major cult center, Abode ...
Saturn was especially celebrated during the festival of Saturnalia each December, perhaps the most famous of the Roman festivals, a time of feasting, role reversals, free speech, gift-giving and revelry. The Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum housed the state treasury and archives (aerarium) of the Roman Republic and the early Roman Empire. The planet Saturn and the day of the week Saturday are both named after and were associated with him.

The Roman land preserved the remembrance of a very remote time during which Saturn and Janus reigned on the site of the city before its foundation: the Capitol was called mons Saturnius. and Ovid. </ref> The Romans identified Saturn with the Greek Cronus, whose myths were adapted for Latin literature and Roman art. In particular, Cronus's role in the genealogy of the Greek gods was transferred to Saturn. As early as Andronicus (3rd century BCE), Jupiter was called the son of Saturn.

Saturn had two mistresses who represented different aspects of the god. The name of his wife, Ops, the Roman equivalent of Greek Rhea, means "wealth, abundance, resources." The association with Ops is considered a later development, however, as this goddess was originally paired with Consus.(p;244) Earlier was Saturn's association with Lua ("destruction, dissolution, loosening"), a goddess who received the bloodied weapons of enemies destroyed in war.

Under Saturn's rule, humans enjoyed the spontaneous bounty of the earth without labour in the "Golden Age" described by Hesiod and Ovid. He became known as the god of time.

Etymology and epithets
By Saturn they seek to represent that power which maintains the cyclic course of times and seasons. This is the sense that the Greek name of that god bears, for he is called Cronus, which is the same as Chronos or Time. Saturn for his part got his name because he was "sated" with years; the story that he regularly devoured his own children is explained by the fact that time devours the courses of the seasons, and gorges itself "insatiably" on the years that are past. Saturn was enchained by Jupiter to ensure that his circuits did not get out of control, and to constrain him with the bonds of the stars.
— Quintus Lucilius Balbus,
as quoted by Cicero

According to Varro, Saturn's name was derived from satus, meaning "sowing". Even though this etymology is problematic from the viewpoint of modern linguistics (for, while historically-motivated vowel length alternations do occur in Latin roots, the long ; in S;turnus in particular remains unexplained with this etymology, and also because of the epigraphically attested form Saeturnus), nevertheless it does reflect an original feature of the god.(p;144) Perhaps a more probable etymology connects the name with the Etruscan god Satre and placenames such as Satria, an ancient town of Latium, and Saturae palus, a marsh also in Latium. This root may be related to Latin phytonym satureia. (Like satus, however, satureia, Saturae palus, and probably also Satria, as indeed the apparently closely related Satricum, all also have a short a in the first syllable vs. the long ; of S;turnus.)

Another epithet, variably Sterculius, Stercutus, and Sterces, referred to his agricultural functions;(1.7.25) this derives from stercus, "dung" or "manure", referring to re;emergence from death to life. Farming was important to Roman identity, and Saturn was a part of archaic Roman religion and ethnic identity. His name appears in the ancient hymn of the Salian priests, and his temple was the oldest known in the records of the pontiffs.

Quintus Lucilius Balbus gives a separate etymology in Cicero's De Natura Deorum. In this interpretation, the agricultural aspect of Saturn would be secondary to his primary relation with time and seasons. Since 'Time consumes all things', Balbus asserts that the name Saturn comes from the Latin word satis; Saturn being an anthropomorphic representation of Time, which is filled, or satiated, by all things or all generations. Since farming is so closely linked to seasons and therefore an understanding of the cyclical passage of time, it follows that agriculture would then be associated with the deity Saturn.

The temple of Saturn was located at the base of the Capitoline Hill, according to a tradition recorded by Varro formerly known as Saturnius Mons, and a row of columns from the last rebuilding of the temple still stands. The temple was consecrated in 497 BC but the area Saturni was built by king Tullus Hostilius as confirmed by archaeological studies conducted by E. Gjerstad. It housed the state treasury (aerarium) throughout Roman history.

Festival's time
The position of Saturn's festival in the Roman calendar led to his association with concepts of time, especially the temporal transition of the New Year. In the Greek tradition, Cronus was sometimes conflated with Chronus, "Time," and his devouring of his children taken as an allegory for the passing of generations. The sickle or scythe of Father Time is a remnant of the agricultural implement of Cronus-Saturn, and his aged appearance represents the waning of the old year with the birth of the new, in antiquity sometimes embodied by Aion. In late antiquity, Saturn is syncretized with a number of deities, and begins to be depicted as winged, as is Kairos, "Timing, Right Time".

In Roman religion
Theology and worship

Ruins of the Temple of Saturn (eight columns to the far right) in February 2010, with three columns from the Temple of Vespasian and Titus (left) and the Arch of Septimius Severus (center)
The figure of Saturn is one of the most complex in Roman religion. Dum;zil refrained from discussing Saturn in his work on Roman religion on the grounds of insufficient knowledge. Conversely, however, his follower Dominique Briquel has attempted a thorough interpretation of Saturn utilising Dum;zil's three-functional theory of Indo-European religion, taking the ancient testimonies and the works of A. Brelich and G. Piccaluga as his basis.

The main difficulty scholars find in studying Saturn is in assessing what is original of his figure and what is due to later hellenising influences. Moreover, some features of the god may be common to Cronus but are nonetheless very ancient and can be considered proper to the Roman god, whereas others are certainly later and arrived after 217 BCE, the year in which the Greek customs of the Kronia were introduced into the Saturnalia.(p;142 ff)

Briquel's analysis
Among the features which are definitely authentic of the Roman god, Briquel identifies:

the time of his festival in the calendar, which corresponds to the date of the consecration of his temple (the Greek Cronia on the other hand took place in June–July);
his association with Lua Mater, and
the location of his cult on the Capitol, which goes back to remote times.
These three elements in Briquel's view indicate that Saturn is a sovereign god. The god's strict relationship with the cults of the Capitoline Hill and in particular with Jupiter are highlighted by the legends concerning the refusal of gods Iuventas and Terminus to leave their abode in the shrines on the Capitol when the temple of Jupiter was to be built. These two deities correspond to the helper gods of the sovereign in Vedic religion (Briquel refers to Dhritarashtra and Vidura, the figures of the Mahabharata) and to the Cyclopes and Hecatoncheires in Hesiod. Whereas the helper gods belong to the second divine generation they become active only at the level of the third in each of the three instances of India, Greece and Rome, where they become a sort of continuation of Jupiter.)

Dum;zil postulated a split of the figure of the sovereign god in Indoeuropean religion, which is embodied by Vedic gods Varuna and Mitra. Of the two, the first one shows the aspect of the magic, uncanny, awe inspiring power of creation and destruction, while the second shows the reassuring aspect of guarantor of the legal order in organised social life. Whereas in Jupiter these double features have coalesced, Briquel sees Saturn as showing the characters of a sovereign god of the Varunian type. His nature becomes evident in his mastership over the annual time of crisis around the winter solstice, epitomised in the power of subverting normal codified social order and its rules, which is apparent in the festival of the Saturnalia, in the mastership of annual fertility and renewal, in the power of annihilation present in his paredra Lua, in the fact that he is the god of a timeless era of abundance and bounty before time, which he reinstates at the time of the yearly crisis of the winter solstice.

In Roman and Etruscan reckoning Saturn is a wielder of lightning; no other agricultural god (in the sense of specialized human activity) is one. Hence the mastership he has on agriculture and wealth cannot be that of a god of the third function, i.e. of production, wealth, and pleasure, but it stems from his magical lordship over creation and destruction. Although these features are to be found in Greek god Cronus as well, it appears that those features were proper to Roman Saturn's most ancient aspects, such as his presence on the Capitol and his association with Jupiter, who in the stories of the arrival of the Pelasgians in the land of the Sicels(1.7.27–31) and that of the Argei orders human sacrifices to him.

Briquel concludes that Saturn was a sovereign god of a time that the Romans perceived as no longer actual, that of the legendary origins of the world, before civilization.(p;155)

Roman cult practices
Sacrifices to Saturn were performed according to "Greek rite" (ritus graecus), with the head uncovered, in contrast to those of other major Roman deities, which were performed capite velato, "with the head covered." Saturn himself, however, was represented as veiled (involutus), as for example in a wall painting from Pompeii that shows him holding a sickle and covered with a white veil. This feature is in complete accord with the character of a sovereign god of the Varunian type and is common with German god Odin. Briquel remarks Servius had already seen that the choice of the Greek rite was due to the fact that the god himself is imagined and represented as veiled, thence his sacrifice cannot be carried out by a veiled man: This is an instance of the reversal of the current order of things typical of the nature of the deity as appears in its festival. Plutarch writes his figure is veiled because he is the father of truth.

Pliny notes that the cult statue of Saturn was filled with oil; the exact meaning of this is unclear. Its feet were bound with wool, which was removed only during the Saturnalia.(1.8.5) The fact that the statue was filled with oil and the feet were bound with wool may relate back to the myth of "The Castration of Uranus". In this myth Rhea gives Cronus a rock to eat in Zeus's stead, thus tricking Cronus. Although mastership of knots is a feature of Greek origin it is also typical of the Varunian sovereign figure, as apparent e.g. in Odin. Once Zeus was victorious over Cronus, he sets this stone up at Delphi and constantly it is anointed with oil and strands of unwoven wool are placed on it. The stone wore a red cloak, and was brought out of the temple to take part in ritual processions and lectisternia, banquets at which images of the gods were arranged as guests on couches. All these ceremonial details identify a sovereign figure.

Cult outside Rome
Little evidence exists in Italy for the cult of Saturn outside Rome, but his name resembles that of the Etruscan god Satres. The potential cruelty of Saturn was enhanced by his identification with Cronus, known for devouring his own children. He was thus used in translation when referring to gods from other cultures the Romans perceived as severe; he was equated with the Carthaginian god Baal Hammon, to whom children were sacrificed, and to Yahweh, whose Sabbath was referred to as Saturni dies, "Saturn's day," in a poem by Tibullus, who wrote during the reign of Augustus; eventually this gave rise to the word "Saturday" in English. The identification with Ba'al Hammon later gave rise to the African Saturn, a cult that enjoyed great popularity until the 4th century. Besides being a popular cult it also had the character of a mystery religion and required child sacrifices. It is also considered as inclining to monotheism. In the ceremony of initiation the myste (initiate) "intrat sub iugum" ("enters beneath the yoke"), a ritual that Leglay compares to the Roman tigillum sororium.(pp;385–386) Even though their origin and theology are completely different the Italic and the African god are both sovereign and master over time and death, a fact that has permitted their association. However, the African Saturn is not directly derived from the Italic god, but rather from his Greek counterpart, Cronus.

Main article: Saturnalia
Saturn is associated with a major religious festival in the Roman calendar, Saturnalia. Saturnalia celebrated the harvest and sowing, and ran from December 17–23. During Saturnalia, the social restrictions of Rome were relaxed. The figure of Saturn, kept during the year with its legs bound in wool, was released from its bindings for the period of the festival.(1.8.5) The revelries of Saturnalia were supposed to reflect the conditions of the lost "Golden Age" before the rule of Saturn was overthrown, not all of them desirable, except as a temporary relief from civilized constraint. The Greek equivalent was the Kronia.

Macrobius (5th century CE) presents an interpretation of the Saturnalia as a festival of light leading to the winter solstice.(1.1.8–9) The renewal of light and the coming of the new year was celebrated in the later Roman Empire at the Dies Natalis of Sol Invictus, the "Birthday of the Unconquerable Sun," on December 25.

Roman legend

Relief held by the Louvre thought to depict the veiled throne of Saturn, either a Roman work of the 1st century CE or a Renaissance copy
It was customary for the Romans to represent divine figures as kings of Latium at the time of their legendary origins. Macrobius states explicitly that the Roman legend of Janus and Saturn is an affabulation, as the true meaning of religious beliefs cannot be openly expressed.(1.7.18) In the myth(1.9.-) Saturn was the original and autochthonous ruler of the Capitolium, which had thus been called the Mons Saturnius in older times and on which once stood the town of Saturnia.(1.7.27, 1.10.4); He was sometimes regarded as the first king of Latium or even the whole of Italy.(p;138–139) At the same time, there was a tradition that Saturn had been an immigrant god, received by Janus after he was usurped by his son Jupiter and expelled from Greece. In Versnel's view his contradictions – a foreigner with one of Rome's oldest sanctuaries, and a god of liberation who is kept in fetters most of the year – indicate Saturn's capacity for confounding social distinctions.(pp;139,;142–143)

The Golden Age of Saturn's reign in Roman mythology differed from the Greek tradition. He arrived in Italy "dethroned and fugitive,"(p;143) but brought agriculture and civilization for which he was rewarded by Janus with a share of the kingdom, becoming himself king. As the Augustan poet Virgil described it, "He gathered together the unruly race" of fauns and nymphs "scattered over mountain heights, and gave them laws ... . Under his reign were the golden ages men tell of: in such perfect peace he ruled the nations." He was considered the ancestor of the Latin nation as he fathered Picus, the first king of Latium, who married Janus's daughter Canens and in his turn fathered Faunus.

Alatri's main gate of the cyclopean walls
Saturn was also said to have founded the five Saturnian towns of Latium: Aletrium (today Alatri), Anagnia (Anagni), Arpinum (Arpino), Atina and Ferentinum (Ferentino, also known as Antinum) all located in the Latin Valley, province of Frosinone. All these towns are surrounded by cyclopean walls; their foundation is traditionally ascribed to the Pelasgians.

But Saturn also had a less benevolent aspect, as indicated by the blood shed in his honor during gladiatorial munera. His consort in archaic Roman tradition was Lua, sometimes called Lua Saturni ("Saturn's Lua") and identified with Lua Mater, "Mother Destruction," a goddess in whose honor the weapons of enemies killed in war were burned, perhaps as expiation. Versnel, however, proposed that Lua Saturni should not be identified with Lua Mater, but rather refers to "loosening"; she thus represents the liberating function of Saturn.(p;144)

Gladiatorial munera
Saturn's chthonic nature connected him to the underworld and its ruler Dis Pater, the Roman equivalent of Greek Plouton (Pluto in Latin) who was also a god of hidden wealth. In 3rd-century AD sources and later, Saturn is recorded as receiving gladiatorial offerings (munera) during or near the Saturnalia.(p;144–145) These gladiator combats, ten days in all throughout December, were presented by the quaestors and sponsored with funds from the treasury of Saturn.

The practice of gladiatorial munera was criticized by Christian apologists as a form of human sacrifice.(p;146) Although there is no evidence of this practice during the Republican era, the offering of gladiators led to later theorizing that the primeval Saturn had demanded human victims. Macrobius says that Dis Pater was placated with human heads and Saturn with sacrificial victims consisting of men (;virorum victimis;).(1.7.31)(p;146) The figurines that were exchanged as gifts (sigillaria) during the Saturnalia may have represented token substitutes.(1.10.24)

On coins

Saturn driving a quadriga on the reverse of a denarius issued by Saturninus
In 104 BCE, the plebeian tribune Lucius Appuleius Saturninus issued a denarius depicting Saturn driving a four-horse chariot (quadriga), a vehicle associated with rulers, triumphing generals, and sun gods. Saturninus was a popularist politician who had proposed reduced-price grain distribution to the poor of Rome. The head of the goddess Roma appears on the obverse. The Saturnian imagery played on the tribune's name and his intent to alter the social hierarchy to his advantage, by basing his political support on the common people (plebs) rather than the senatorial elite.(p;162)

See also
Planets in astrology#Saturn
Satre (Etruscan god)
Saturnia Italia, et mons, qui nunc est Capitolinus, Saturnius appellabatur, quod in tutela Saturni esse existimantur. Saturnii quoque dicebantur, qui castrum in imo clivo Capitolino incolebant, ubi ara diacata ei deo ante bellum troianum videtur.<ref>Festus. Saturnia. 430 L.
A patre dicta meo quondam Saturnia Roma est.
Iuventas shows a clear Varunian character in the liaison of Romulus with the iuvenes the young soldiers; Terminus has a Mitran character even though he shows Varunian traits in allowing the enlargement of the borders (propagatio finium): Briquel(p;134 n. 8.)
Saturn's lightning bolts are those of wintertime.
Found on the Piacenza Liver; see also Martianus Capella 1.58; Mueller (2010).
The Roman theologian Marcus Terentius Varro listed Saturn among the Sabine gods.(p;139)
See also the Etruscan god Satre.
Eight days were subsidized from the Imperial treasury (;arca fisci;) and two mostly by the sponsoring magistrate himself.
For other Roman practices that may represent substitutes for human sacrifice, see Argei and oscilla, the latter of which were used also at the Latin Festival and the Compitalia.

Мне мама тихо говорила
by Филипп Киркоров
Written by: Ilya Reznik, Stavros Kouyioumtzis
Language - Russian

Мне мама тихо говорила:
"Зачем ты отчий дом оставил?"
Ловил жар-птицу в высоком небе -
Упал на камни я без сил.
К родным долинам пришел с повинной
Твой блудный сын, твой блудный сын.
Мне мама тихо говорила:
"Зачем друзей своих покинул?"
Прости мне, мама, мои дороги.
В стране далекой ночь длинней.
В пути усталом мне не хватало
Моих друзей, моих друзей.
Мне мама тихо говорила:
"Зачем оставил ты невесту?"
Я знал, не венчан, красивых женщин,
И в этом, мама, моя вина.
Из жизни прежней пришел к ней, грешный,
Сюда, где ждет меня она.
Мне мама тихо говорила:
"Зачем забыл родные песни?"
Прости мне, мама, чужие песни
В чужой прекрасной стороне.
Я все забыл их. Одну лишь помню,
Что ты когда-то пела мне.

Песня написана под влиянием известной греческой песни:

Ola Kala - ;;; ;;;;
Music and Lyrics by Stavros Kougioumtzis

All`s well and all`s fine
yesterday you were in the company of another
and where can one find a lane to sing
memories are not allowed.

Speak softly and don`t shout
I am foolish and you frighten me
I don`t want crowds and trouble
tomorrow I go into unemployment.

I have a soul but no support
again you have left me alone
and a flag on a balcony
changes colours and slays me

Stavros Kouyioumtzis, also Kougioumtzis, Kouyoumtzis, or Koujioumtzis, (1932 – 12 March 2005) (Greek: ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; [;stavro;s ku;um;d;zis]) is one of the most significant Greek music composers of the 20th century.

Kouyioumtzis was born in Thessaloniki in 1932. His family were refugees from Asia Minor. He wrote his first song in 1960. quickly becoming a prolific writer, whose work was covered by many of the leading Greek singers. In the late 1960s, he began working with the then 19-year-old George Dalaras. He wrote Dalaras' first songs and helped establish Dalaras as one of the most important and successful Greek singers of all time.

Kouyioumtzis' songs have been covered by many important Greek singers, inclouding; Anna Vissi, Haris Alexiou, Yiannis Parios, Eleftheria Arvanitaki and Giannis Kalatzis. Aside from his solo compositions, Kouyioumtzis co-operated frequently with the poet-lyricist Manos Eleftheriou.

Kouyioumtzis' songs are regarded as top-quality music in Greece. Both his solo writing as well as his co writes with Manos Eleftheriou. His songs resonated deeply with Greeks in the sixties, exploring themes of; love, poverty and the agonies faced by the poor in living with dignity. According to lyricist Lefteris Papadopoulos, Kouyioumtzis "followed the music spirit which was dominant in Greece during the last 25 years (from 1965 to 1990) through the music of Mikis Theodorakis and Manos Hadjidakis".

Kouyioumtzis is remembered as a character of calm disposition, widely respected and held in the highest esteem by many, both in the field of Greek music as well as Greeks in general. A bashful character, it is characteristic that Kouyioumtzis preferred privacy over celebrity. Media appearances were infrequent, except on special occasions. His last appearance on television was in the entertainment music show of Spyros Papadopoulos on NET TV. During his last few years he left his Athens home and returned to his birthplace, Thessaloniki, where he continued working on music and songs until he died suddenly on 12 March 2005. His funeral took place at the Cathedral in the Municipality of Kalamaria and he was buried at the cemetery of Kalamaria, in East Thessaloniki.

Some of Kouyioumtzis' most famous songs are:

Pou 'ne ta chronia (Where are the years gone by)
Mi mu thymonis matia mou (Don't be angry with me, my love)
Enas kompos i chara mou (One drop is all my joy)
Natane to 21 (If it was 1821)
To kokkino foustani (The red dress)
Kapou nichtoni (Somewhere the night is falling)
Sta chronia tis ypomonis (In the times of patience)
Kapios chtypise tin porta (Someone knocked on the door)
Chronia san vrochi (Years like rain)
I eleftheri ke orei (Those free and beautiful)
Kapion allon filises (You kissed someone else)
Matia mou, matia mou (Oh thou dear as my eyes)
Ta chrei tis kardias sou (Your heart's debts)
Ola kala (Everything is all right)

;;; ;;;; - Ola Kala
One theory: it came from the Greek phrase "ola kala," which means all good. And then there's the Choctaw word "okeh," which sounds like and means okay. President Woodrow Wilson reportedly thought it was the "correct" spelling of the word, and would OK documents with "okeh."

Which Is Correct: Hola or Ola?
By: Author Rozita Bron

Posted on Published: March 8, 2021

When learning a new language, we first learn how to greet people since our interactions with others usually start with a greeting. In texts, emails, on the phone, and in-person, we start with “hello,” which is common across all languages, including Spanish.

In Spanish, the correct way to greet people is with the word hola, whether it be in a formal or informal setting, Hola means hello, but the “h” is silent, so we say /ola/. In fact, the word ola in Spanish actually means wave. But that’s not all — if you are learning Portuguese, the correct expression for hello is ol;.

So, to answer which is correct: hola or ola, really depends on the language you are speaking and the context in which you want to use these words. This article will take a closer look at the expressions hola and ola and their uses.

What Is the Difference between Hola and Ola?
Let’s get back to our question and understand the difference between hola and ola.

The Meaning of Hola in Spanish
Some scholars maintain that hola came to the shores of Spain with the Arabic Moors, who occupied Spain in 711 and stayed there until about 1609. The idea is that it’s a form of the Arab word Allah.

This occupation of Spain is why there are so many Arabic influences not only in the Spanish language but in the religion, farming methods, and architecture that are still evident today.

Others believe the Visigothic warriors brought the word hola when they invaded Spain. They say that it was a command for troops to stop.

So, a chieftain would raise his hand and shout hola! Locals probably took this as a greeting instead, and that’s where they derived the word.

Still, these theories remain mostly unproven, so the origin of the Spanish word hola is still a mystery.

Some linguists believe it is related to the Germanic expressions “hello” in English and “hallo” in German. It seems that there are also links to other European greetings, such as the Old High German hal;, hol;, or French hol; (source).

One thing we are sure of is that hola means “hello” in Spanish with a few other languages that have also borrowed this word for a greeting — this includes English. You can actually use hola to greet people in Asturian, Catalan, Dutch, Esperanto, and Ido.

As for spelling, in Spanish, you spell the word H-O-L-A without any accent marks.

The confusion between hola and ola comes in the pronunciation of these words because you say them exactly the same!

Yes, in Spanish, the “h” is always silent. But just because we don’t pronounce the “h” in Spanish words doesn’t mean that this silent letter does not have a role to play in the words in which it appears.

The Handy H
Now the question is why there is an “h” in Spanish if we never actually pronounce it. Well, the reason is word history or etymology. Language is as old as the human race and has evolved a lot over time.

The ways we pronounce and write words have changed so much that you wouldn’t recognize them from a hundred years ago, nevermind a thousand.

In a nutshell, the Latin /f/ sound in the Romance languages changed to an /h/ sound as time went on. Then, at some point in late Roman history, they lost this use of the /h/ since none of the Romance languages use it that way today (source).

But even with the loss of the sound, the symbol or letter is still present, and there are specific reasons for that. Let’s take a closer look at the handy “h” in Spanish.

When “h” appears next to “c,” it creates a new sound, “ch,” which is the same as in English, like chocolate, chair, or change.


Ola (Arabic: ;;;) is an Arabic feminine given name that means "surmount", "high", and "arise". It is also a common Nigerian, Norwegian or Swedish masculine given name and another form of Olaf (Norwegian and Swedish). It is also a feminine given name and a nickname for Aleksandra in Polish.

Name Ola
Meaning Wealth, Ancestor, Precious, Worth
Category/Origin Sanskrit
Gender Girl
Numerology 1
According to the numerology value 1, Ola is Self dependent, Action oriented, pioneer, natural leader, independent, strong willed, keen to learn stuffs, positive, energetic, enterprising, enthusiastic, brave and innovative.
Name Ola Name Ola happen to be independent, highly ambitious, creative and a bit self-centered. As Ola is so independent, Ola often tends to neglect others feelings and can ignore the negative people. Ola doesn't like to be guided or helped in any task, Ola loves to do things on own. That is why Ola has leadership qualities. Ola is self centric and in slef love.
Ola can be a good leader and manage groups. Aadamya also happens to be wise, decisive, optimistic and generous.
Ola can be self dependent and can handle the mess like a leader, can evolve as a great leader. Aadamya is a self learner.

The name Kala is primarily a female name of Indian origin that means Art. Pronounced "KAH-la." Also Hawaiian form of the name Sarah.


Hindu deity and concept
For other uses, see K;la (disambiguation).
"Kaal" redirects here. For other uses, see Kaal (disambiguation).
K;la (Sanskrit: ;;;, translit. k;l;, [ka;l;]) is a word used in Sanskrit to mean "time". It is also the name of a deity, in which sense it is not always distinguishable from k;la. Adi Kala or Adikala, is the omniscient formless yet with attribute Purusha, which basically is Ishvara. Author Soifer says, Narasimha is explicitly linked with Pralaya or Yuganta itself in Bhagavata Purana, Linga Purana, and Kurma Purana versions; he is said to appear like Kala or the fire of destruction. both agents of Pralaya. Author Pinchman says, "It is said that at the time of primordial creation, three forms arise from Vishnu: time (kala), purusa, and prakrti".

10th century carving of Kala's head in Banteay Srei style, Siem Reap, Cambodia.
As Time personified, destroying all things, Kala is a god of death sometimes identified with Yama. In Shaivism, Kala is known as the fiery avatar of Shiva Kala Bhairava

Monier-Williams's widely used Sanskrit-English dictionary lists two distinct words with the form k;la.

k;la 1 means "black, of a dark colour, dark-blue ..." and has a feminine form ending in ; – k;l; – as mentioned in P;;ini 4–1, 42.
k;l; 2 means "a fixed or right point of time, a space of time, time ... destiny, fate ... death" and has a feminine form (found at the end of compounds) ending in ;, as mentioned in the ;gveda Pr;ti;;khya. As a traditional Hindu unit of time, one k;l; corresponds to 144 seconds.
According to Monier-Williams, k;la 2 is from the verbal root kal "to calculate", while the root of k;la 1 is uncertain, though possibly the same.

As applied to gods and goddesses in works such as the Dev; M;h;tmya and the Skanda Pur;;a, k;la 1 and k;la 2 are not readily distinguishable. Thus Wendy Doniger, translating a conversation between ;iva and P;rvat; from the Skanda Pur;;a, says Mah;k;la may mean " 'the Great Death' ... or 'the Great Black One' ". And Sw;m; Jagad;;var;nanda, a Hindu translator of the Dev; M;h;tmya, renders the feminine compound k;la-r;tri (where r;tri means "night") as "dark night of periodic dissolution".

As a deity

Head of Kala carved on top of Jabung temple niche, East Java, Indonesia.
In the epics and the Puranas
Kala appears as an impersonal deity within the Mahabharata, the Ramayana, and the Bhagavata Purana. In the Mahabharata, Krishna, one of the main characters, reveals his identity as Time personified. He states to Arjuna that both sides on the battlefield of the Kurukshetra War have already been annihilated. At the end of the epic, the entire Yadu dynasty (Krishna's family) is similarly annihilated.

Kala appears in the Uttara Kanda of the Ramayana, as the messenger of Death (Yama). At the end of the story, Time, in the form of inevitability or necessity, informs Rama that his reign on Earth is now over. By a trick or dilemma, he forces the death of Lakshmana, and informs Rama that he must return to the realm of the gods. Lakshmana willingly passes away with Rama's blessing and Rama returns to Heaven.

Time appears in the Bhagavata Purana as the force that is responsible for the imperceptible and inevitable change in the entire creation. According to the Purana, all created things are illusory, and thereby subject to creation and annihilation, this imperceptible and inconceivable impermanence is said to be due to the march of Time. Similarly, Time is considered to be the unmanifest aspect of God that remains after the destruction of the entire world at the end of a lifespan of Brahma.

In the Chaitanya Bhagavata, a Gaudiya Vaishnavist text and biography of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, it is said that the fire that emerges from the mouth of Sankarshana at the End of Time is the K;l;nala, or "fire of Time". One of the names of Sankarshana is k;l;gni, also "fire of Time".

The Vishnu Purana also states that Time (kala) is one of the four primary forms of Vishnu, the others being matter (Pradhana), visible substance (vyakta), and Spirit (Purusha).

In the Bhagavad Gita
At Bhagavad Gita 11.32, Krishna takes on the form of k;la, the destroyer, announcing to Arjuna that all the warriors on both sides will be killed, apart from the Pandavas:

;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;
This verse means: "Time (k;la) I am, the great destroyer of the worlds, and I have come here to destroy all people." This phrase is famous for being quoted by J. Robert Oppenheimer as he reflected on the Manhattan Project's explosion of the first nuclear bomb in 1945.

In other cultures
In Javanese mythology, Batara Kala is the god of destruction. It is a very huge mighty and powerful god depicted as giant, born of the sperm of Shiva, the kings of gods.

In Borobudur, the gate to the stairs is adorned with a giant head, making the gate look like the open mouth of the giant. Many other gates in Javanese traditional buildings have this kind of ornament. Perhaps the most detailed Kala Face in Java is on the south side of Candi Kalasan.

As a Substance
Main article: Ajiva

Logarithmic scale of time used in Jain texts.
In Jainism, K;la (Time) is infinite and is explained in two different ways:

The measure of duration, known in the form of hours, days, like that.
The cause of the continuity of function of things.

kalachakras in Jainism
However Jainism recognizes a very small measurement of time known as samaya which is an infinitely small part of a second. There are cycles (kalachakras) in it. Each cycle having two eras of equal duration described as the avasarpini and the utsarpini.

By Uzi Hitman

Тода аль коль ма ше барата Спасибо за всё, что Ты создал
Тода аль ма ше ли натата Спасибо за всё, что Ты мне дал.
Аль ор эйнаим За свет очей
Хавер о шнаим За друга или двух друзей
Аль ма ше еш ли ба олям За всё, что у меня есть в мире.
Аль шир колеах За песню, что струится из души
Ве лев солеах И всепрощающее сердце
Ше бе схутам ани каям.

Тода аль коль ма ше барата Спасибо за всё, что Ты создал
Тода аль ма ше ли натата Спасибо за всё, что Ты мне дал
Аль цхок шель елед За смех ребёнка
У шми хатхелет И голубое небо
Аль адама и баит хам. За землю и уютный дом
Пина лашевет иша охевет За свой уголок и любимую
Ше бе схутам ани каям. Ведь благодаря им я существую.

Тода аль коль ма ше барата Спасибо за всё, что Ты создал
Тода аль ма ше ли натата Спасибо за всё, что Ты мне дал
Аль ём шель ошер За день счастья
Тмимут вэ ёшер Искренность и простодушие
Аль ём ацув ше неэлям. За грустный день, который
Тшуот альпаим ве капаим За восторг и аплодисменты
Ше бе зхутам ани каям. Ведь благодаря им я существую.

Тода аль коль ма ше барата Спасибо за всё, что Ты создал
Тода аль ма ше ли натата Спасибо за всё, что Ты дал
Аль цхок шель елед За смех ребёнка
У шми натхелет За голубое небо
Аль адама и баит хам. За землю и уютный дом
Пина лашевет иша охевет За свой уголок и любимую
Ше бе схутам ани каям. Ведь благодаря им я существую.

Тода аль коль ма ше барата Спасибо за всё, что Ты создал
Тода аль ма ше ли натата Спасибо за всё, что Ты дал.
Аль ор эйнаим За свет очей
Хавер о шнаим За друга или двух друзей
Аль ма ше еш ли ба олям. За всё, что у меня есть в мире.


Toda people

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The Toda mund, from, Richard Barron, 1837, "View in India, chiefly among the Neelgherry Hills'. Oil on canvas.
The Toda people designates a small pastoral community that live on the isolated Nilgiri plateau of Southern India. Prior to the late eighteenth century, the Toda coexisted locally with other communities, including the Badaga, Kota, and Kurumba, in a loose caste-like community organization. The Toda held the top ranking among those communities. The Toda population has hovered in the range 700 to 900 during the last century. Although an insignificant fraction of the large population of India, the Toda have attracted (since the late eighteenth century), "a most disproportionate amount of attention because of their ethnological aberrancy" and "their unlikeness to their neighbours in appearance, manners, and customs."[1] The study of their culture by anthropologists and linguists would prove important in the creation of the fields of social anthropology and ethnomusicology.

1 Description
2 Population
3 History
4 Culture and society
5 Religion
6 Language
7 Toda dwellings and lifestyle
8 See Also
9 Notes
10 References
11 External links
12 Credits

The revered place of the buffalo in Toda society represents a remarkable feature of their life. Over the centuries, the Toda came to rely heavily upon the buffalo for their livelihood. They created religious and social values around the buffalo, including their origin myth. The first sacred buffalo had been created by the gods before the first Toda man and woman. Kona Shastra, the annual sacrifice of a male buffalo constitutes their central religious ceremony. The person who tends the holy sacred buffalo, the divine milkman, has the highest position in Toda society. The Toda way of life has been threatened by contact with modern India, a shift from herding to agriculture, and a loss of grazing land as a result of the government of Tamil Nadu conducting a reforestation program. UNESCO has declared the Toda peoples home land, Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, and International Biosphere Reserve a World Heritage Site. The initiatives by UNESCO may help the Toda people preserve their traditional way of life. Yet, the conveniences of modern life, such has more comfortable housing and clothing, as well as the benefits of the Information Age, may hasten the demise of the Toda people's traditional religious beliefs and social practices.

The Toda traditionally live in settlements consisting of three to seven small thatched houses, constructed in the shape of half-barrels and spread across the slopes of the pasture.[2] They traditionally trade dairy products with their Nilgiri neighbors.[2] Toda religion centers on the buffalo; consequently, they perform rituals for all dairy activities as well as for the ordination of dairymen-priests. The religious and funerary rites provide the social context in which the Toda compose and chant complex poetic songs about the cult of the buffalo.[2] Fraternal polyandry, fairly common in traditional Toda society, has now largely been abandoned.

During the last quarter of the twentieth century, agriculture by people moving into the area depleted some Toda pasture land.[2] Afforestation by the State Government of Tamil Nadu has also taken a toll on their grazing land. That has threatened to undermine Toda culture by greatly diminishing the buffalo herds. During the last decade, both Toda society and culture have also become the focus of an international effort at culturally sensitive environmental restoration.[3] The Toda lands now belong to the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, a UNESCO-designated International Biosphere Reserve. UNESCO has the area under consideration for selection as a World Heritage Site.[4]


Toda woman with her child, The National Geographic Magazine, April 1907
According to M.B. Emeneau, the successive decennial Census of India figures for the Toda are: 1871 (693), 1881 (675), 1891 (739), 1901 (807), 1911 (676) (corrected from 748), 1951 (879), 1961 (759), 1971 (812). These in his judgment:

Justifies concluding that a figure between 700 and 800 is likely to be near the norm, and that variation in either direction is due on the one hand to epidemic disaster and slow recovery thereafter (1921 (640), 1931 (597), 1941 (630)) or on the other hand to an excess of double enumeration (suggested already by census officers for 1901 and 1911, and possibly for 1951). Another factor in the uncertainty in the figures is the declared or undeclared inclusion or exclusion of Christian Todas by the various enumerators … Giving a figure between 700 and 800 is highly impressionistic, and may for the immediate present and future be pessimistic, since public health efforts applied to the community seem to be resulting in an increased birth rate and consequently, one would expect, in an increased population figure. However, earlier predictions that the community was declining were overly pessimistic and probably never well-founded.[1]

The origin of the Todas remains unclear. One of the original tribes, they have been inhabiting the highest regions of the Nilgiris mountain range and have remained secluded for a very long time. Around 1823, the Collector of Coimbatore, John Sullivan, took a fancy to their land and bought it from them for a mere one rupee. He established a town at the place named Udagamandalam on the land. The interaction with western civilization caused many changes in the lifestyle of the Todas.

Culture and society

Photograph of two Toda men and a woman. Nilgiri Hills, 1871.
The Toda dress consists of a single piece of cloth, worn like the plaid of a Scottish highlander. Cattle-herding and dairy-work constitute their sole occupation. They once practiced fraternal polyandry, a practice in which a woman marries all the brothers of a family, but no longer do so.[5] The ratio of females to males stands at about three to five. The Kota represent the most closely related people to the Toda, both ethnically and linguistically.

The Todas worship their dairy-buffaloes, but they have a whole pantheon of other gods. Kona Shastra, the annual sacrifice of a male buffalo calf, constitutes their only purely religious ceremony. Toda villages, called munds, usually consist of five buildings or huts, of which they use three as dwellings, one as a dairy and the other as a shelter for the calves at night. The inhabitants of a mund, generally related, consider themselves one family. The Todas numbered 807 in 1901, and their current population stands at around 1,100.[6]


A Toda mund, 1869, Samuel Bourne

Photograph (1871-72) of a Toda green funeral.
According to the Todas, the goddess Teikirshy and her brother first created the sacred buffalo and then the first Toda man. They created the first Toda woman from the right rib of the first Toda man. The Toda religion also forbids them from walking across bridges, rivers must be crossed on foot, or swimming.

The Todas especially revere the Pandavas, although little evidence exists that the believe in the rest of the Hindu mythology. Toda temples, constructed in a circular pit lined with stones, look quite similar in appearance and construction to Toda huts.

From Frazer's Golden Bough, 1922:

Among the Todas of Southern India the holy milkman, who acts as priest of the sacred dairy, is subject to a variety of irksome and burdensome restrictions during the whole time of his incumbency, which may last many years. Thus he must live at the sacred dairy and may never visit his home or any ordinary village. He must be celibate; if he is married he must leave his wife. On no account may any ordinary person touch the holy milkman or the holy dairy; such a touch would so defile his holiness that he would forfeit his office. It is only on two days a week, namely Mondays and Thursdays, that a mere layman may even approach the milkman; on other days if he has any business with him, he must stand at a distance (some say a quarter of a mile) and shout his message across the intervening space. Further, the holy milkman never cuts his hair or pares his nails so long as he holds office; he never crosses a river by a bridge, but wades through a ford and only certain fords; if a death occurs in his clan, he may not attend any of the funeral ceremonies, unless he first resigns his office and descends from the exalted rank of milkman to that of a mere common mortal. Indeed it appears that in old days he had to resign the seals, or rather the pails, of office whenever any member of his clan departed this life. However, these heavy restraints are laid in their entirety only on milkmen of the very highest class

The Toda language belongs to the Dravidian family. Like their ethnology, they have aberrant language and difficult phonologically. Toda (along with their neighbors, the Kota) belongs to the the southern subgroup of the historical family proto-South-Dravidian, splitting off from South Dravidian after Kannada and Telegu, but before Malayam. In modern linguistic terms, the aberrancy of Toda results from disproportionately numerous rules, both early and recent in their ordering, not shared by the other South Dravidian languages (and shared only to a small extent by Kota).[1]

Toda dwellings and lifestyle

The hut of a Toda Tribe of Nilgiris, India.
The Todas live in small hamlets called munds. The Toda huts, of an oval, pent-shaped construction, usually stand ten feet (3 m) high, eighteen feet (5.5 m) long and nine feet (2.7 m) wide. Built of bamboo fastened with rattan and thatched, a wall of loose stones encloses each hut. Dressed stones (mostly granite) usually make up the front and back of the hut. Each hut has only a tiny entrance at the front—about 3 feet (90 cm) wide, 3 feet (90 cm) tall. That unusually small entrance serves as a means of protection from wild animals. The Toda art forms, a kind of rock mural painting, decorates the front portion of the hut. Thicker bamboo canes arch to give the hut its basic tent shape. Tied close and parallel to each other, thinner bamboo canes lay over that frame. Dried grass stacks were laid over thatas thatch.

The forced interaction with civilization has caused a lot of changes in the lifestyle of the Todas. The Todas used to be a pastoral people but now increasingly venture into agriculture and other occupations. They used to be strict vegetarians but some can be now be seen eating non-vegetarian food. Although many Toda have abandoned their traditional distinctive huts for concrete houses,[5] a movement has gained momentum to build tradition barrel-vaulted huts. During the last decade, forty new huts have been built and many Toda sacred dairies have been renovated.[7]

See Also
Nilgiris district
Indian vernacular architecture
; Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 (Emeneau 1984, pp. 1-2)
; Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Encyclop;dia Britannica, Toda. Retrieved July 8, 2008.
; Chhabra 2006.
; UNESCO, World Heritage sites, Tentative lists, April 2007. Retrieved July 8, 2008.
; Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 (Walker 2004).
; W.H.R. Rivers, The Todas (1906).
; (Chhabra 2005) Quote: "… over the past ten years, we have approached government and private agencies for sponsoring traditional houses. Today, we have been able to assist in funding over forty barrel-vaulted houses. Added to these are the scores of existing temples—two are conical and the rest barrel-vaulted."

Toda Family History
Toda Name Meaning

Japanese: there are three names with this pronunciation. One, written with characters meaning ‘door’ and ‘rice paddy’, is found predominantly in eastern Japan; bearers are said to be descended from the northern Fujiwara clan. Another, meaning ‘far rice paddy’, can also be pronounced Enda and is found in eastern Japan. A third, meaning ‘eastern rice paddy’, is also pronounced Higashida in western Japan. Catalan: from the female personal name Tota.

Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press

Similar surnames: Oda, Goda, Soda, Koda, Tada, Toma, Noda, Tsuda, Boda, Ueda

Toda of Pamplona
Queen consort of Pamplona

Toda Azn;rez (Basque: Tota Aznar; d. 15 October 958), known as Toda of Pamplona, was queen of Pamplona by her marriage to Sancho I. She ruled the kingdom as regent during the minority of her son Garc;a S;nchez I from 931. She was herself descended from the previous royal dynasty, Aritza.

Quick Facts Queen consort of Pamplona, Tenure ...
Toda was the daughter of Aznar S;nchez, lord of Larraun, paternal grandson of King Garc;a ;;iguez of Pamplona, while her mother Onneca Fort;nez was a daughter of King Fort;n Garc;s. Thus, Toda was a descendant of the Aritza dynasty of Navarrese monarchs. Toda was an aunt or cousin of Caliph Abd-al-Rahman III. Toda was married to King Sancho I of Pamplona, with whom she had the following children:

Urraca, queen of Le;n from 931 until 951 as the wife of Ramiro II
Oneca, queen of Le;n from 926 until 931 as the wife of Alfonso IV
Sancha, countess of Castile as the wife of Fern;n Gonz;lez
Velasquita, married first to Count Munio V;laz of ;lava, then to Galindo of Ribagorza, and finally to Fort;n Galindez.
Garc;a I, king of Pamplona from 925 until 970
Having died while their son was still underage, Toda's husband was succeeded by his brother Jimeno Garc;s, who was married to Toda's sister Sancha.

With the death of her brother-in-law King Jimeno in 931, Queen Toda became regent and guardian for her young son, Garc;a S;nchez I. In 934 Toda signed a treaty pledging allegiance to her nephew Abd-ar-Rahman III, and released hostages of the Banu Di n-Nun clan, the caliph confirming the rule of her son Garc;a (this has sometimes been interpreted as an act of the Caliph to liberate Garc;a from his mother's direct control). This led to the rebellion in Falces by a count Fort;n Garc;s, an "irascible man who hated Muslims", the uprising being suppressed with Cordoban arms. Toda violated her treaty in 937, forcing a punitive campaign.

During several stretches she appears in the royal charters of the kingdom to the exclusion of her daughter-in-law, the queen, from 947 to 955, and again in 959. In 958 she was ruling her own subkingdom, in the area of Degio and Lizarra, towns not otherwise identified.

The same year, she took an interest in the health of her Leonese grandson Sancho I, whose obesity was largely responsible for his dethronement. Toda requested the assistance of Abd-ar-Rahman III, the Caliphate of C;rdoba being renowned for its physicians. The caliph sent her his Jewish physician Hasdai ibn Shaprut, who promised to cure Sancho on condition that Toda visit the city of C;rdoba. Therefore, Toda, her son Garc;a S;nchez I of Pamplona and grandson Sancho I of Le;n, nobles and clergymen arrived in C;rdoba, where they were received with full honors and amid much pomp. The arrival of this Christian queen in the capital of an Islamic caliphate enhanced Abd-ar-Rahman III's prestige among his subjects, and is considered a landmark in the history of medieval diplomacy. Sancho's medical treatment was successful, and he was "relieved from his excessive corpulence."

Toda was an energetic diplomat, arranging political marriages for her daughters among the competing royalty and nobility of Christian Iberia. She died in 958

The relationship of Toda and her siblings to Abd al-Rahman III is based on the genealogy of the rulers of Pamplona found in the C;dice de Roda, which reports that Sancho, Toda and Sancha were born to Onneca's first marriage to Aznar S;nchez, and Abd-al-Rahman III was grandson of a second marriage to Emir ‘Abdullah ibn Muhammad. However, the resulting timeline has been dismissed as it would necessitate Toda being improbably old at the time of her son Garc;a's birth. Most historians have concluded that the C;dice reversed the order of Onneca's marriages, though this alternative timeline is not without its own difficulties. Arturo Ca;ada Juste has recently proposed that a different error underlies the problem, that the C;dice partially confused Onneca Fortu;ez, wife of Aznar S;nchez, with her aunt Onneca Garc;s, wife of Aznar Gal;ndez II of Aragon. Were it the latter Onneca who was also wife ‘Abdullah, it would resolve chronological concerns, while making Abd-al-Rahman III the first cousin, rather than nephew, of Toda and her siblings.

Toda language

Toda is a Dravidian language noted for its many fricatives and trills. It is spoken by the Toda people, a population of about one thousand who live in the Nilgiri Hills of southern India. The Toda language originated from Toda-Kota subgroup of South Dravidian.

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Phonemic inventory
For a Dravidian language, Toda's sixteen vowels is an unusually large number. There are eight vowel qualities, each of which may occur long or short. There is little difference in quality between the long and short vowels, except for /e/, which occurs as [e] when short and as [;;] when long.

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Toda has an unusually large number of fricatives and trills. Its seven places of articulation are the most for any Dravidian language. The voiceless laterals are true fricatives, not voiceless approximants; the retroflex lateral is highly unusual among the world's languages.

Voiceless fricatives are allophonically voiced intervocalically in Toda. There are also the invariably voiced fricatives /;, ;, ;/, though the latter is marginal. The nasals and /r;, ;r, j/ are allophonically devoiced or partially devoiced in final position or next to voiceless consonants.

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All of these consonants may occur in word-medial and word-final positions. However, only a restricted set occur word-initially. These are /p, t;, k, f, s;, m, n;, r;, l;, j, w/, in boldface above.

Unlike the other dental consonants, /;/ is interdental. Similarly, /f/ is labiodental whereas the other labials are bilabial.[citation needed]

Apical consonants are either alveolar or postalveolar. The actual feature that distinguishes /r;/ and /r;/ is uncertain. They have the same primary place of articulation. Spaji; and colleagues have found that the rhotic that may occur word initially (erroneously called "dental" in previous literature, perhaps because Dravidian coronals tend to be dental by default) has a secondary articulation, which they have tentatively identified as advanced tongue root until further measurements can be made. This analysis is assumed in the transcription /r;/.[citation needed]

Another difference between them is that /r;/ is the least strongly trilled, most often occurring with a single contact. However, unlike a flap, multiple contacts are normal, if less common, and /r;/ is easily distinguishable from the other trills when they are all produced with the same number of contacts.[citation needed]

The retroflex consonants are subapical. Retroflex /;r/ is more strongly trilled than the other rhotics. However, it is not purely retroflex. Although the tongue starts out in a sub-apical retroflex position, trilling involves the tip of the tongue, and this causes it to move forward toward the alveolar ridge. This means that the retroflex trill gives a preceding vowel retroflex coloration the way other retroflex consonants do, but that the vibration itself is not much different from the other trills.[citation needed]

Verbal Morphology
As described by Murray B. Emeneau, in his "Toda Grammar and Texts," the entire Toda verbal system is based on the addition of many suffixes to the two base verb stems, stem 1 (henceforth, S1) and stem 2 (henceforth, S2). There are fifteen classes of verbs in Toda, each of which uses one of four suffixes to form its S2 from its S1. A short summary is given below:

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1Emeneau lists the rule "S1 -;/-;/-;/-;/-;/-x + -t- = S2 -;/-;/-;/-;/-;/-k; S1 -r/-l/-n/-s;/-;/-; + -t- = S1 -d/-;/-;/-;/-;/-;" for this class.

To each of these stems, further suffixes may be added to create verb forms indicating different tenses and moods. The following table summarizes them:

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See also
E. E. Speight, who was compiling Toda grammar in the period before his death.

Toda Embroidery
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The Toda Embroidery, also locally known as "pukhoor", is an art work among the Toda pastoral people of Nilgiris, in Tamil Nadu, made exclusively by their women. The embroidery, which has a fine finish, appears like a woven cloth but is made with use of red and black threads with a white cotton cloth background. Both sides of the embroidered fabric are usable and the Toda people are proud of this heritage. Both men and women adorn themselves with the embroidered cloaks and shawls.

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This handicraft product is listed as a geographically tagged product and is protected under the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration & Protection) Act (GI Act) 1999 of the Government of India. It was registered by the Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks under the title "Toda Embroidery" and recorded at GI Application number 135 under Class 24, Class 25, and Class 26 as Textiles and Textile Goods, clothing, and Embroidery, respectively, in March 2013. A certificate of the GI registration was formally presented to the community leaders in June 2013. This was first initiated in 2008 and the agencies who supported this registration are the Toda Nalavaazhvu Sangam, Keystone Foundation, and Poompuhar.

This art heritage is practiced by the Toda tribals based in the Nilgiris (literally meaning 'neelam', the "Blue Hills") located in an elevation range of 900 to 2,636 metres (2,953 to 8,648 ft).

The Todas (also known by names such as Tudas, Tudavans, and Todar) who make this embroidery live as one small community, population of 1,600 spread over 69 settlements, and about 400 of them are stated to be engaged in the embroidery work) in the Nilgiri Hills in the higher elevations of the Niligiri plateau, in Tamil Nadu. Apart from their vocation as herdsmen of buffaloes and cultivation in the grass lands, they are also involved in the tradition of making many handicrafts items which includes traditional black and red embroidery practiced by the women of the community; the embroidery is usually made on their cloaks called "pootkhul(zh)y" which is draped by both their men and women.

Murray Emeneau, a well known linguist of the Toda language, had referred to nine Toda embroidery designs in his paper published in 1937. There are earlier mention in the ancient ethnographic documents of the Toda women working on this art form in the western region of the Nilgiri plateau.

Production process
The local terms used to describe the embroidery work are 'kuty' or 'awtty' meaning "stitching" and 'kutyvoy' meaning the embroidered piece. The materials used in this work are roughly woven white cloth, woolen black and red threads with use occasionally of blue threads and manufactured needles. The designs developed relate to nature and the daily cycle of life.

The fabric used is coarse bleached half white cotton cloth with bands; the woven bands on the fabric consist of two bands, one in red and one band in black, spaced at six inches. Embroidery is limited to the space within the bands and is done by using a single stitch darning needle. It is not done within an embroidery frame but is done by counting the warp and weft on the fabric which has uniform structure by the reverse stitch method. To bring out a rich texture in the embroidered fabric, during the process of needle stitching, a small amount of tuft is deliberately allowed to bulge. Geometric pattern is achieved by counting the warp and weft in the cloth used for embroidery.

Though their favorite study is related floral landscape, the patterns used in Toda embroidery do not cover many floral motifs but generally cover celestial bodies (like Sun and Moon), reptiles, animals, and horns of buffaloes, made in crimson and black colours. Rabbit ears are a constant depiction on the boundary of the embroidered cloth. Another common design in the form of black triangles in a box design is done in honour of their first priest. Women who do embroidery consider their work as a "tribute to Nature". A dead body is always wrapped in an embroidered fabric with traditional designs and then buried. However, coloured stripes are used in fabrics of daily use. As a traditional garment, it is worn by both men and women at all ceremonial occasions and also at funerals. Elderly people of the community wear this cloth daily.

The inspecting agency to oversee the quality of embroidery is the Textile Committee of the Ministry of Textiles of the Government of India.

Toda, Saitama
City in Kant;, Japan
Toda (;;;, Toda-shi) is a city located in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. As of 1 February 2021, the city had an estimated population of 140,902 in 66,765 households and a population density of 7700 persons per km;. The total area of the city is 18.19 square kilometres (7.02 sq mi).

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Toda Rowing Course
Toda is located in the flat lowlands of far southeastern Saitama Prefecture, separated from Tokyo by the Arakawa River. The Sasame River also flows through the city before joining the Arakawa.

Surrounding municipalities
Saitama Prefecture

Tokyo Metropolis

Toda has a Humid subtropical climate (K;ppen Cfa) characterized by warm summers and cool winters with light to no snowfall. The average annual temperature in Toda is 14.8 °C. The average annual rainfall is 1482 mm with September as the wettest month. The temperatures are highest on average in August, at around 26.6 °C, and lowest in January, at around 3.2 °C.

Per Japanese census data, the population of Toda has increased rapidly from the 1960s.

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The villages of Niizo, Kamitoda and Shimotoda were created within Kitaadachi District, Saitama with the establishment of the modern municipalities system on April 1, 1889. The villages merged on June 1, 1941 to form the town of Toda. The town annexed the village of Misasa on July 20, 1957. The rowing competition of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics took place in Toda near to where the present day Toda-Koen Station is located. The rowing area which is adjacent to the Arakawa River is still in use today. Toda was elevated to city status on October 1, 1966.

Toda has a mayor-council form of government with a directly elected mayor and a unicameral city council of 26 members. Toda contributes two members to the Saitama Prefectural Assembly. In terms of national politics, the city is part of Saitama 15th district of the lower house of the Diet of Japan.

Much of the residential and commercial development in Toda is due to its proximity to the city of Tokyo and the efficient commuter rail links available. This has enabled Toda to act as a bedroom community of Tokyo and is thus an apt location of residence for those who wish to work in the Tokyo Metropolis. There has been a continuous increase in population since the construction of the three Saikyo Line stations in the 1980s and this has had a positive effect on the economy and development of the city.

There are a significant number of transportation/logistics and printing-based enterprises in Toda. Large companies that have their headquarters in Toda-shi include Okazen Transportation (Haulage/Logistics), Khobho (IT services), Chiyoda (Food Manufacturing). Other large companies that have significant operations in Toda are Yamato Transportation, Meiji Dairy, Jomo, Mainichi Newspaper, Chunichi Newspaper, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma, Sanyo Electric, Japan Restaurant Enterprise, and Hayakawa Publishing.

Toda has 12 public elementary schools and six public middle schools operated by the city government, and two public high schools operated by the Saitama Prefectural Board of Education.

An arrangement of the Toda City song has been used as the departure melody for trains departing from the up platform (platform 1) of the three Saikyo Line stations in Toda since 1 August 2007.

 JR East – Saikyo Line

Toda-K;en - Toda - Kita-Toda
 Tokyo Gaikan Expressway
C2 Shuto Expressway Ikebukuro Route
C2 Shuto Expressway ;miya Route
 National Route 17
 National Route 298
Bus services
There are various bus services in the city. Most of the routes are run by Kokusai Kogyo bus company. In addition there is a distinctive low cost mini-bus service known as Toco. This stands for Toda Community bus. The Toco service serves routes within the city limits unlike the regular Kokusai Kogyo bus routes which usually bring commuters to and from train stations on the Saikyo and Keihin-Tohoku train lines.

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More information Community Bus (Toco) Routes, Departure ...
Sister city relations
Australia Liverpool, New South Wales, Australia, since October 1, 1992
China Kaifeng, Henan, China, friendship city since August 21, 1984
Local attractions
Toda Rowing Course
Noted people from Toda
Tomoya Ugajin, professional soccer player
Natsuna Watanabe, actress
Kotono Mitsuishi, Voice Actress

Toda Racing
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Toda Racing Co., Ltd (;;;;;;;;;;;, Kabushiki-gaisha Toda Reeshingu) was established in 1971 in Okayama, Japan as a maintenance company for racing vehicles and engines. Since its inception, company activities have grown to include manufacturing and development of racing engines for various forms of Japanese motorsports, ranging from Formula 3 to GT300. The experience gained in the realm of professional motorsports is applied to all TODA Racing products available to consumers.[citation needed]

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Corporate history
Toda Racing was established in 1971 in Okayama Japan as a maintenance company of racing cars. It started activities in SUZUKA FL Race and participation in SUZUKA FJ1300 Race. In 1978 it acquired championship in SUZUKA FJ1300 Race (Driver: Kengo Nakamoto) and moved from FJ1300 to Formula 3. In 1979 it started maintenance of NOVA TOYOTA 2TG engine and started development of TODA TOYOTA 2TG engine, followed in 1980 by starting development of the TODA F3 Chassis.

In 1981 it began participating in the British F3 championship and finished second in the series. In 1982 it started development of F2 BMW engine. In 1985 it started development of TODA TOYOTA 3SG Engine with Bosch fuel injection type and began Participation in all Japan F3 championship series. It started development of TODA TOYOTA 3SG with TODA fuel injection type in 1986. In 1987 it became champion in All Japan F3 championship series and discontinued maintenance of TOYOTA 3SG. In 1988 it started maintenance of MUGEN MF-204 and starts development of TODA MUGEN MF-204. It also founded the F3 racing team SUPERHAKKA Racing team (F3 driver: Kouji Satou).

In 1989 it founded F3000 racing team CHERENA Racing team (F3000 driver: Osamu Nakako), started maintenance of MUGEN MF-308 engine and participated in all Japan F3000 championship series and all Japan F3 championship series.

In 1990 it participated in all Japan F3 championship series as SUPERHAKKA Racing team. It also introduced the TAKISAWA CNC piston lathe machine and introduced the TOYODA machining center.

In 1991 it introduced three-dimensional coordinate measuring machine, IBM CATIA CAD CAM system and MAZAK CNC multitask machine. It participation in all Japan F3 championship series (F3 driver: Kazuaki Takamura). The TODA Racing team was the first Japanese driver that acquired third place in FUJI International F3 race and SUPERHAKKA Racing team acquired four year consecutive victory in the PANASONIC F3 super cup. In 1992 it established the FIGHTEX division and expanded product manufacturing division and started development of TODA HONDA F4 engine. 1994 saw production of TODA HONDA F4 engine and sales. TOYADA machining center was introduced in 1996.

1997 saw the foundation of LIAN TODA Racing team, continued development of TODA MUGEN MF-204 and began development of NISSAN SR20DET GT300 engine. 1997 also saw acquired second in All Japan F3 championship series and acquired championship in F4 Suzuka series and F4 TI series with TODA HONDA F4 engine. TODA Racing team was founded in 1998, and acquired second in All Japan championships (driver: Hiroki Kato) and sixth place in MACAU Grand Prix. Team driver was changed from Hiroku Kato to Wagner Ebrahim in 1999 and to Seija Ara in 2000. TOYODA CNC camshaft grinding machine was introduced in 1999.

Toda in Hebrew

Say "toh." In Hebrew, the simplest, most common way to say "thank you" is "toda" (;;;;). The first syllable is very similar to the English word "TOffee."

Toda: 18 definitions


Toda means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit, the history of ancient India, Marathi, Jainism, Prakrit, Hindi. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.

In Hinduism
Ayurveda (science of life)
[«previous (T) next»] — Toda in Ayurveda glossary
Source: PMC: Effect of Gr;v; Vasti
Toda (pricking pain)
Source: Easy Ayurveda: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms
Toda (pricking sensation – feeling of needles and pins) and shula (pain) in the wrist and joints of the hand and finger as explained in Vataja Vatashonita lakshanas (signs and symptoms of Vatashonita manifested by contamination of Vayu)
Source: Shodhganga: Edition translation and critical study of yogasarasamgraha
Toda (;;;) refers to “colic” and is one of the various diseases mentioned in the 15th-century Yogas;rasa;graha (Yogasara-sa;graha) by V;sudeva: an unpublished Keralite work representing an Ayurvedic compendium of medicinal recipes. The Yogas;rasa;graha [mentioning toda] deals with entire recipes in the route of administration, and thus deals with the knowledge of pharmacy (bhai;ajya-kalpan;) which is a branch of pharmacology (dravyagu;a).
Source: gurumukhi.ru: Ayurveda glossary of terms
Toda (;;;):—Needling pain
Ayurveda book covercontext information
;yurveda (;;;;;;;;, ayurveda) is a branch of Indian science dealing with medicine, herbalism, taxology, anatomy, surgery, alchemy and related topics. Traditional practice of ;yurveda in ancient India dates back to at least the first millenium BC. Literature is commonly written in Sanskrit using various poetic metres.
Discover the meaning of toda in the context of Ayurveda from relevant books on Exotic India
India history and geography
[«previous (T) next»] — Toda in India history glossary
Source: Project Gutenberg: Castes and Tribes of Southern India, Volume 1
Toda refers to one of the vernacular languages and dialects of Southern India.—Toda is the language of the Todas of the Nilgiri hills, concerning which Dr. W. H. R. Rivers writes as follows.38 “Bernhard Schmid,39 who wrote in 1837, appears to have known more of the true Toda language than any one who has written since, and he ascribes two-thirds of the Toda vocabulary to Tamil, and was unable to trace the remaining third to any other language. Caldwell40 believed the language of the Todas to be most closely allied to Tamil. According to Pope,41 the language was originally old Canarese with the addition of a few Tamil forms, but he has included in his vocabulary words which have probably been borrowed from the Badagas.
India history book covercontext information
The history of India traces the identification of countries, villages, towns and other regions of India, as well as royal dynasties, rulers, tribes, local festivities and traditions and regional languages. Ancient India enjoyed religious freedom and encourages the path of Dharma, a concept common to Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism.
Discover the meaning of toda in the context of India history from relevant books on Exotic India
Languages of India and abroad
Marathi-English dictionary
[«previous (T) next»] — Toda in Marathi glossary
Source: DDSA: The Molesworth Marathi and English Dictionary
t;;a (;;;).—f Compromise, composition, adjustment, settlement of contending claims. v p;;a, t;;;vara y;. 2 An expedient, device, plan, scheme, contrivance; an excogitated mode of solving a puzzle or effecting a difficulty. v p;;a. 3 An excelling or surpassing invention, contrivance, performance, doing. Ex. hy; camatk;rika yantr;vara k;;h; t;;a kar;la k;ya? or k;;h;c; t;;a kadh;; jh;l; n;h;;; h; gava; ty;cy; dhru- pad;vara t;;a kar;la. 4 The account of the half-share of the abh;va;; which is entered upon the books of the kh;ta as due from the argh;l;. t;;a & tha;a as contradistinguished mean, the first, the account, the second, the actual measured amount. 5 A stone smoothed on one side. 6 (Laxly.) Cut, cast, fashion, kind, make, measure, mould. Ex. hy; t;;;c; gh;;; k;;h;; n;h;;; h; d;na g;hastha ;k; t;;;c; ;h;ta: also a fellow, match, equal; as h; baila ty; bail;c; t;;a ;h;. 7 A notch or hollow cut in a stick &c. to facilitate the breaking of it asunder. Ex. ty; l;;ka;;sa v;tabhara t;;a gh;taly;- v;;c;na t;; tu;a;;ra n;h;;. 8 A cut or chopped off piece (of timber &c.) t;;;vara gh;;;; To bring to adjustment (a dispute).
--- OR ---
t;;; (;;;;).—m ( H) A purse of money (commonly of 1000 pieces). 2 The match of a gun. 3 A piece of rope or cord. 4 A ring of gold or silver for the wrist or ankle.
--- OR ---
t;;; (;;;;).—m (Verbal of t;;a;;;) Chopping up (wood); breaking off, plucking, gathering (ears of corn, fruits, flowers). v kara, k;;ha, gh;, t;;a, utara. 2 A chopped off piece (of timber &c.), a chump. t;;; ;;ka;;; To break off (in the breadth of a wall or of the side-masonry of a well); to leave a recess or ledge.
--- OR ---
t;d; (;;;;).—m ( P) A butt for archers.
Source: DDSA: The Aryabhusan school dictionary, Marathi-English
t;;; (;;;;).—m A purse of money (commonly of 1000 pieces). The match of a gun. A ring of gold or silver for the wrist or ankle. A piece of rope or cord.
context information
Marathi is an Indo-European language having over 70 million native speakers people in (predominantly) Maharashtra India. Marathi, like many other Indo-Aryan languages, evolved from early forms of Prakrit, which itself is a subset of Sanskrit, one of the most ancient languages of the world.
Discover the meaning of toda in the context of Marathi from relevant books on Exotic India
Sanskrit dictionary
[«previous (T) next»] — Toda in Sanskrit glossary
Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary
Toda (;;;).—[tud bh;ve gha;]
1) Pain, anguish, torture; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (tatastatk;tatodo'pi tato godo'dhiko'bhavat) ;iva. B.14.89.
2) The sun.
3) Guiding, urging, driving (horses &c.).
4) Sharp pain.
5) Ved. A sacrificer.
6) Pressure; ;;;;;;;;; (p;datod;t) M;ta;ga. L.1.31.
Derivable forms: toda; (;;;;).
--- OR ---
Toda (;;;).—See under ;;;; (tud).
See also (synonyms): tottra, todana.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Shabda-Sagara Sanskrit-English Dictionary
Toda (;;;).—m.
(-da;) 1. Pain, anguish, vexation, torture, uneasiness, (either of body or mind.) 2. Sharp, shooting or pricking pain. E. tud to teaze or torment, affix bh;ve gha;.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Benfey Sanskrit-English Dictionary
Toda (;;;).—i. e. tud + a, m. 1. Stinging, [Bh;gavata-Pur;;a, (ed. Burnouf.)] 3, 18, 6. 2. A sting, [Su;ruta] 1, 34, 16.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Cappeller Sanskrit-English Dictionary
Toda (;;;).—[masculine] instigator, exciter; the sun (as pricking or driving horses); also = seq.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary
1) Toda (;;;):—[from tottra] m. a driver (of horses etc.), [;g-veda iv, 16, 11; Nirukta, by Y;ska; Kau;ika-s;tra]
2) [v.s. ...] ‘instigator, exciter’, the Sun, [;g-veda i, 150, 1; vi, 6 and 12]
3) [v.s. ...] pricking pain, [Bh;gavata-pur;;a iii, 18, 6; Su;ruta]
4) [v.s. ...] gotamasya t Name of a S;man.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Yates Sanskrit-English Dictionary
Toda (;;;):—(da;) 1. m. Pain, anguish.
Source: DDSA: Paia-sadda-mahannavo; a comprehensive Prakrit Hindi dictionary (S)
Toda (;;;) in the Sanskrit language is related to the Prakrit words: Tuda, Toya.
[Sanskrit to German]
Toda in German
context information
Sanskrit, also spelled ;;;;;;;;; (sa;sk;tam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.
Discover the meaning of toda in the context of Sanskrit from relevant books on Exotic India
Hindi dictionary
[«previous (T) next»] — Toda in Hindi glossary
Source: DDSA: A practical Hindi-English dictionary
1) To;a (;;;):—(nm) antidote; counter, counter-measure; breach/break; whey; forceful current of water (in a river etc.); -[pho;a] sabotage; breakage; destruction; •[k; k;ryav;h;] sabotaging activity, sabotage; -[pho;a karane v;l;] a saboteur; -[maro;a] mutilation.
2) To;; (;;;;):—(nm) scarcity; deficiency; name of an ornament worn round the wrist; rhythmic structure in instrumental music; a long narrow meshwork bag (lused in olden times for carrying cash tied round the waist); match-lock (of a gun); [to;ed;ra] fitted with a match-lock; •[ba;d;ka] a match-lock gun.
context information
Discover the meaning of toda in the context of Hindi from relevant books on Exotic India
Prakrit-English dictionary
[«previous (T) next»] — Toda in Prakrit glossary
Source: DDSA: Paia-sadda-mahannavo; a comprehensive Prakrit Hindi dictionary
1) To;a (;;;) in the Prakrit language is related to the Sanskrit word: Tu;.
2) To;a (;;;) also relates to the Sanskrit word: Tro;a.
context information
Prakrit is an ancient language closely associated with both Pali and Sanskrit. Jain literature is often composed in this language or sub-dialects, such as the Agamas and their commentaries which are written in Ardhamagadhi and Maharashtri Prakrit. The earliest extant texts can be dated to as early as the 4th century BCE although core portions might be older.
Discover the meaning of toda in the context of Prakrit from relevant books on Exotic India
See also (Relevant definitions)

Starts with (+63): Todabegalacu, Todacu, Todaga, Todagarasuli, Todagekari, Todagisu, Todagu, Todaguha, Todaha, Todahagarike, Todahatar, Todahu, Todajoda, Todaka, Todakalu, Todake, Todakisu, Todaku, Todakuberu, Todakugalu.
Ends with (+22): Amritoda, Annapakatoda, Anutoda, Asitoda, Asthitoda, Avatoda, Balatoda, Bhutoda, Citoda, Diptoda, Ghritoda, Hatoda, Khantoda, Khatoda, Kutaraodha-Vodha-Toda, Landagatoda, Landagetoda, Landakatoda, Lavatoda, Lohitoda.
Full-text (+64): Asthitoda, Todaparni, Tauda, Toya, Tuda, Pratodayantra, Pratodayashti, Lajima, Gardana, Kemsatuda, Troda, Nistoda, Kesatuda, Vyupatoda, Kutaraoda, Tod, Satoda, Jabada, Nitoda, Tud.
Relevant text

Search found 6 books and stories containing Toda, T;;a, To;a, T;;;, To;;, T;d;, Tod;, T;da; (plurals include: Todas, T;;as, To;as, T;;;s, To;;s, T;d;s, Tod;s, T;das). You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. Below are direct links for the most relevant articles:
Triveni Journal
Religious Conversion and Cultural Conflict < [July 1964]
History and Man < [July 1949]
Bharathidasan: An Assessment < [Jan. – Mar. 1991 & Apr. – Jun. 1991]
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Maha Prajnaparamita Sastra (by Gelongma Karma Migme Ch;dr;n)
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I. Becoming buddha and preaching the dharma the same day < [Part 13 - Carrying out abhisa;bodhi, preaching and conversions all in the same day]

The Lotus Sutra
Translators’ Introduction

Sushruta Samhita, volume 1: Sutrasthana (by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna)
Chapter XXIV - Knowledge of diseases

A House on Fire (by Stephen L. Klick)
Chapter 3 - Mara And The Obstacles To Spiritual Practice
Chapter 2 - Meditation And The Good Heart

Toda meaning in Sanskrit

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;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;: KHANDBAHALE.COM is a digital dictionary platform for 22 Official Languages of India with an extensive vocabulary of 10+ million words, meanings and definitions. Languages offered are Assamese ;;;;;;; Bengali ;;;;; Bodo ;;;; Dogri ;;;;; English Gujarati ;;;;;;; Hindi ;;;;;; Kannada ;;;;; Kashmiri ;;;;; Konkani ;;;;;; Maithili ;;;;;; Malayalam ;;;;;; Manipuri ;;;;;;;; Marathi ;;;;; Nepali ;;;;;; Oriya ;;;;; Punjabi ;;;;;; Sanskrit ;;;;;;;;; Santali Sindhi ;;;; Tamil ;;;;; Telugu ;;;;;; Urdu ;;;;;;.

Киркоров, Филипп Бедросович
российско-болгарский эстрадный певец, композитор и продюсер, Народный артист России и Украины
В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с такой фамилией, см. Киркоров.
Фили;пп Бедро;сович Кирко;ров (болг. Фи;лип Бедро;сов Кирко;ров, настоящее имя — Фили;пп Бедро;с Кирко;ров; род. 30 апреля 1967, Варна, Болгария) — советский и российский эстрадный певец, актёр, композитор, музыкальный продюсер; народный артист РФ (2008), народный артист Украины (2008), народный артист Молдавии (2018). Почётный гражданин Ялты.

Краткие факты Филипп Киркоров, Основная информация ...
Запись голоса Ф.Б. Киркорова

Из интервью «Эхо Москвы»
16 апреля 2005
Помощь по воспроизведению
Восьмикратный обладатель премии «Овация», пятикратный обладатель награды «World Music Awards» как самый популярный исполнитель России, многократный обладатель премий «Золотой граммофон», «Стопудовый хит», «Серебряная калоша», лауреат ежегодного фестиваля «Песня года». На кинофестивале «Кинотавр» в 2002 году Филипп Киркоров стал победителем в номинации «Лучшая мужская роль» за роль в мюзикле «Вечера на хуторе близ Диканьки».

Краткие факты Внешние изображения ...
Дед по отцу — Пилибос Крикорян (1901—1968), армянин, работал сапожником, пел в городском хоре. Бабушка по отцу — София Крикорян (1901—1984), армянка, пела в городском хоре.

Отец — Бедрос Пилибос Киркоров (урождённый Крикорян), армянин, (род. 2 июня 1932), болгарский певец, народный артист РФ (2012). По словам самого Бедроса Киркорова, он сменил фамилию Крикорян на Киркоров, так как это было обязательным условием для поступления в болгарскую школу. Мать — Виктория Марковна Киркорова (Лихачёва) (7 апреля 1937 — 30 апреля 1994), была ведущей концертов, умерла от рака. Мачеха — Людмила Смирнова (род. 1950), была председателем колхоза «Трудовик», доктор экономических наук, институтский преподаватель.

Сестра по отцу — Ксения (1 сентября 2002 — сент. 2002), прожила всего 2 недели.

Тётя (сестра отца) — Мари Киркорова (род. 1945), оперная певица.[источник не указан 134 дня] Работает в США. Дядя (брат отца) — Харри Киркоров (род. 1937), бизнесмен.[источник не указан 134 дня]

Дед по матери — Марк Лихачёв (?—1964), инженер, сотрудник одного из советских НИИ, в годы сталинских репрессий несколько лет был в лагерях, где подорвал здоровье, умер на следующий день после свадьбы Виктории и Бедроса.[источник не указан 134 дня] Бабушка по матери — Лидия Михайловна Манион, цирковая актриса, ксилофонистка, танцовщица. Имела цыганские корни, первым её мужем был Михаил Альфонсович Манион (1891—1918), акробат, музыкальный эксцентрик, клоун, полуфранцуз-полурусский, фамилия Манион имеет ирландское происхождение.

Краткие факты Внешние изображения ...
В 1994—2005 годах состоял в браке с певицей, народной артисткой СССР Аллой Пугачёвой, был её четвёртым мужем. 13 января 1994 года пара объявила о помолвке в Москве. 15 марта брак был зарегистрирован в Санкт-Петербурге мэром города Анатолием Собчаком. 15 мая прошло венчание в Иерусалиме.

Дочь Алла-Виктория Киркорова (род. 26 ноября 2011; Майами) от суррогатной матери. О рождении дочери певец впервые сообщил публике 26 ноября на кремлевской сцене, где проходило вручение премии «Золотой граммофон». Позднее о её рождении в 20:00 в телеэфире было объявлено в программе «Что? Где? Когда?». Названа в честь матери Виктории и Аллы Пугачёвой. Сын Мартин-Кристин Киркоров (род. 29 июня 2012; США) от суррогатной матери. О его рождении Киркоров объявил во время концерта в Софии. Занимался футболом в академии «Барселоны», в сентябре 2019 сменил на академию ЦСКА.[источник не указан 134 дня]

Крёстные родители детей Киркорова — Аллы-Виктории (с 8 апреля 2012) и Мартина (с 9 июня 2013) — телеведущий Андрей Малахов и предприниматель Наталья Вячеславовна Ефремова.

Филипп Киркоров — крёстный отец дочери Ани Лорак Софии (с 7 апреля 2012).

Родился 30 апреля 1967 года в Варне, Болгария.

С пятилетнего возраста ездил на гастроли вместе с родителями. В детстве жил в Москве. Считается, что в первый раз на сцену Киркоров вышел в 5 лет на концерте отца, Б. Киркорова в театре Петрозаводска. Бедрос Киркоров пел свою автобиографичную песню «Сынок», посвящённую советским танкистам, которых он встречал в 1944 году в Варне. По окончании песни Филипп Киркоров вышел на сцену и подарил отцу гвоздику, после чего Бедрос Киркоров представил его залу и раздались первые в жизни сына аплодисменты.

Окончил московскую школу № 413 с золотой медалью.

После школы пытался поступить в Театральный институт, но провалился на экзаменах.

1984—1988 годы: Государственное музыкальное училище имени Гнесиных, отдел музыкальной комедии, окончил с красным дипломом.

1980-е. Начало карьеры
Ноябрь 1985 года — первая телесъёмка в программе «Шире круг» с песней «Алёша» на болгарском языке.

В программе «Шире круг» Киркорова заметила режиссёр Голубого огонька С.И. Анапольская и предложила ему сняться. Руководство «Огонька» отказало в этой съёмке, аргументируя «Он слишком красивый». Анапольская пишет одно заявление главному редактору о том, что если ей не разрешат снимать в «Огоньке» Киркорова, то она снимать эту передачу не будет. И второе заявление о том, что если она не будет снимать «Огонёк», то тогда она просит освободить её от работы.

1987 год — приглашение на работу от «Ленинградского мюзик-холла» под руководством И. Рахлина, заграничное турне в Берлин во всемирно известное шоу театра «Фридрихштадтпаласт».

Уйдя из мюзик-холла, Филипп Киркоров встретил поэта-песенника И. Резника, который стал одним из первых профессионалов, оказавших ему помощь.

Апрель 1988 года — первая встреча Аллы Пугачёвой и Филиппа Киркорова на вернисаже Ильи Резника.

В октябре 1988 года Киркоров получил приглашение от неё принять участие в первых «Рождественских встречах». К этому времени Киркоров окончил училище имени Гнесиных, успешно выступил в Ялте на первом в своей жизни конкурсе, снял первый клип на песню «Кармен» и провёл в Монголии бесплатные концерты в советских воинских частях.

При подготовке к «Рождественским встречам» произошла встреча певца с поэтом Л. Дербенёвым, который впоследствии написал для Киркорова песни, ставшие шлягерами: «Ты, ты, ты», «Небо и земля», «Атлантида», «Днём и ночью» и многие другие.

1989 год — гастроли в качестве партнёра Аллы Пугачёвой в Австралии и Германии, первые сольные гастроли в Перми. В том же году Киркоров впервые вышел в финал фестиваля «Песня года».

Конец 1989 года — Киркоров покинул «Театр Аллы Пугачёвой» и начал активную концертную деятельность.

1990-е. Взлёт популярности
1990 год — Гран-при на конкурсе «Шлягер-90» в Ленинграде с песней «Небо и земля».

отрывок песни «Атлантида»

Помощь по воспроизведению
1992 год — видеоклип на песню композитора А. Лукьянова «Атлантида» признан лучшим клипом года. У певца вышли две сольные программы — «Небо и земля» и «Атлантида»; последняя была впоследствии признана лучшим шоу года. В эти же годы состоялись первые гастроли Киркорова в США, Канаде, Германии и Израиле.

1993 год — премия «Овация» в номинации «Лучший певец года» и премия международного конкурса «Золотой Орфей». В это же время прошли успешные гастроли в Австралии.

1994 год — выход сольной программы «Я не Рафаэль», основной частью которой стали хиты из репертуара Э. Хампердинка, Т. Джонса, Ф. Синатры, П. Анки и Э. Пресли. Запись песни «Я поднимаю свой бокал». В ноябре 1994 года Киркоров и Пугачёва провели совместный грандиозный концерт в Атлантик-Сити, в самом большом казино Америки «Тадж-Махал», а в мае следующего года совершили совместный концертный тур по Израилю. Участвовал в программе «Час пик» с В.Листьевым 18 июля 1994 года и с А. Разбашем 20 февраля 1997 года вместе с А. Пугачёвой.

В 1995 году Киркоров получил ещё 2 премии «Овация» — «За лучшую программу» и «Лучший певец», снял видеоклипы 3 хитов — «Пташечка», «Посмотри, какое лето» и «Милая». Неожиданно, за неделю до международного конкурса «Евровидение» в Дублине, Филипп узнал, что он будет представлять Россию на этом конкурсе; занял на нём лишь 17-е место с песней «Колыбельная для вулкана». Участвовал в программе Валдиса Пельша «Угадай мелодию» вместе с Игорем Николаевым и Лаймой Вайкуле.

Конец 1995 года — выход двойного компакт-диска «Скажи Солнцу: «Да!»» на лейбле «Полиграм». Выход альбома совпал с премьерой программы «Лучшее, любимое и только для Вас» в Государственном Театре эстрады, которая затем с успехом прошла по всей стране.
1996 год — Всемирная музыкальная премия (World Music Awards) в Монте-Карло за рекордный тираж среди российских исполнителей (2 миллиона звуконосителей). Участвовал во втором туре новогоднего выпуска Капитал-шоу «Поле Чудес» с Т. Булановой и в финале с Л. Долиной и Н. Фоменко. Был гостем в программе «Тема» с Д. Менделеевым.

1997 год — мировой тур «Лучшее, любимое и только для Вас!» по 100 городам России, СНГ и дальнего зарубежья, который завершился проектом «Только один месяц и только для Вас!» — серией ежедневных концертов в «БКЗ Октябрьский» (Санкт-Петербург). Участвовал в одном из выпусков программы «Чердачок Фруттис».

1999 год — новая программа «Ой, мама, шика дам!», где лейтмотивом проходят темпераментные восточные мелодии.

5 мая 1999 года премия World Music Awards в Монте-Карло за 1998 год, после которой Киркоров отправился в большой гастрольный тур по Германии. В июне 1999 по приглашению М. Джексона представлял Россию в благотворительной программе «Michael Jackson and Friends. What more can I give».

В 2001 году вышел испаноязычный альбом Киркорова Magico Amor, записанный на студии Azteca Records (Лос-Анджелес) и выпущенный в Мексике. Киркоров планировал выпустить ещё один испаноязычный альбом, Sueno d’Amor, но по различным причинам этого так и не произошло, хотя часть песен уже была записана («Гранада», «Пташечка», «Марина», «Ой мама шика дам» и «Единственная» на испанском языке).

Занимается продюсированием и выступает с собственными концертными программами.

В 2018 году вышла новая песня «Цвет настроения синий». Песня стала популярной, а клип на YouTube собрал больше сорока миллионов просмотров.

Затем вышла песня «Ибица», записанная вместе с Николаем Басковым. На неё был снят клип, посвящённый соперничеству между двумя знаменитостями, в нём показаны такие сцены как драка с тираннозавром, отрывание рук и обливание содержимым биотуалета. Клип вызвал противоречивую реакцию, значительное количество критики, а количество дизлайков на Youtube превысило количество лайков.

Награды и звания

Награждение Орденом Почёта.
Москва, Кремль, 15 ноября 2017 года
Почётные звания:

Заслуженный деятель искусств Автономной Республики Крым (25 августа 2000)
Заслуженный артист Российской Федерации (19 января 2001) — за заслуги в области искусства
Народный артист Ингушетии (2006)
Народный артист Чеченской Республики (2006)
Народный артист Российской Федерации (12 февраля 2008) — за большие заслуги в области музыкального искусства
Народный артист Украины (29 мая 2008) — за весомый личный вклад в развитие культурно-художественных связей Украины и Российской Федерации, высокое исполнительское мастерство и многолетнюю плодотворную творческую деятельность
Народный артист Молдавии (10 июня 2018) — в знак высокого признания особых заслуг в развитии и пропаганде музыкального искусства, за вклад в укрепление молдо-российских культурных связей и успехи в творческой деятельности

орден Франциска Скорины (Белоруссия, 18 мая 2012) — за значительный личный вклад в развитие и укрепление белорусско-российских культурных связей, высокое исполнительское мастерство
орден Почёта (30 апреля 2017) — за большой вклад в развитие отечественного эстрадного искусства и многолетнюю плодотворную деятельность
Другие награды, поощрения и общественное признание:

Посол Доброй Воли ООН (23 февраля 2000)
Человек года на Украине (2008)
Юбилейная медаль «10 лет Астане» (Казахстан, 2008)
Почётный гражданин г. Ялты (2010)
Медаль «За веру и добро» (Кемеровская область, 22 октября 2014 год)
Памятный знак «Самарский крест» (2017, Болгария)
Рекордсмен Книги рекордов России (30 апреля 2017)
Специальная награда Президента Республики Беларусь «Через искусство — к миру и взаимопониманию» (16 июля 2020)
«World Music Awards»
Как самому популярному исполнителю России, лидеру по продажам звуконосителей «Best selling Russian Artist»:

8 мая 1996 — Монте-Карло, песня «Днём и ночью»
5 мая 1999 — Монте-Карло, песня «Come and dance»
15 сентября 2004 — Лас-Вегас, песня «Un dia feliz»
31 августа 2005 — Лос-Анджелес, песня «Карнавал»
9 ноября 2008 — Монте-Карло, песня «Tango»
1993: Певец года
1994: Певец года
1997: за лучший видеоклип 1996 года («Зайка моя»)
май 1998:
«Певец года»,
премия «За пропаганду Российской эстрады» — мировой супертур «Лучшее, любимое и только для Вас!»,
премия «За идею и постановку лучшего шоу» — программа «Сюрприз для Аллы» (песня — «Спасибо Вам, враги мои»)
28 апреля 1999: «Лучшее шоу года» — шоу «Лучшее, любимое и только для Вас!»
21 мая 2001: «Лучший гастрольный тур десятилетия» — тур «Лучшее, любимое и только для Вас!»
2008: Певец года
Участие в фестивале «Песня года»
Подробнее Год, Отбор ...
«Золотой граммофон»
Рекордсмен «Золотого граммофона»: имеет столько статуэток, сколько всего было церемоний: пропустил награды в 2002; 2008; 2019; 2020 годах, но получил по 2 награды в 2003 и 2010 годах.

1996: «Карнавал»
1997: «Улетай, туча!»
«Ой, мама шика дам!»,
«Дива» — приз композитору Цвике Пик
1999: «Мышь»
2000: «Огонь и вода»
2001: «Ты поверишь?», «Я за тебя умру!» — бонус
«Жестокая любовь»,
«Роза чайная» (совм. с М. Распутиной)
2004: «Немного жаль»
«Обычная история» (на церемонии — «Попурри»)
приз «Самый востребованный исполнитель»
2006: «Полетели!»
2007: «Сердце в 1000 свечей»
2009: «Просто подари»
«Струны души» (композитор Юлиана Донская),
«Голос» (совм. с А. Нетребко)
2011: «Снег»
2012: «Я отпускаю тебя»
2013: «Сердце ждет»
2014: «Радость моя»
2015: «Он твоя июллюзия»
2016: «Прохожие»
2017: «На небе»
2018: «Цвет настроения синий»
«Звуковая дорожка»
1994: песни «Марина», «Примадонна»
1995: песни «Днём и ночью», «Посмотри, какое лето», «Милая», «Пташечка»
2003: Певец года, песни «Роза чайная», «Радио-бэйби», «Мечта», «Джалма» (совм. с М. Распутиной)
29 января 2006: Спец.приз «Самый-самый», песня «Попурри»
10 июля 2007: Спец.приз «Евровидение-2006», приз «Видео года», «Вечный двигатель», песня «Полетели!»
2 февраля 2008: Событие и концерт года Зала Славы «Звуковая дорожка» за шоу «Юбилейные шоу» в театре Оперетты, песня «Приглашение на чай» (совм. с М. Распутиной)
За участие в кино
Подробнее Дата, Премия ...
август 1988: дипломант на конкурсе в Ялте.
24 июня 1989: «Ступень к Парнасу» (Москва). Приз зрительских симпатий.
июнь 1990: Международный конкурс «Шлягер-90» (Санкт-Петербург). Гран-при, песни «Небо и земля», «Кармен».
июнь: международный конкурс «Золотой Орфей» (Болгария). II премия, песня «Ты, ты, ты».
июль: Международный конкурс «Интерфест» (Македония). I премия, песня «Загляни в мои глаза».
13 мая 1995: Евровидение (Ирландия, Дублин). 17 место, песня «Колыбельная вулкану».
1996 — Международный конкурс видеоклипов в номинации «Анимация в видеоклипах» (Москва). Высшая премия, клип «Зайка моя».
5 июля 2000: конкурс «Обложка года», премии в номинациях «Лицо обложки» и «Обложка года» за оформление журнала «Культ личностей» № 26 (ноябрь-декабрь 1999 года)
2011: телепроект «Призрак оперы» на «Первом канале» — 1 место
Прочие премии
1994: Певец года по опросу читателей газеты «Московский комсомолец»
1995: Певец года по опросу читателей газет «Московский комсомолец» и «Комсомольская правда»
1996: Певец года по опросу читателей газеты «Московский комсомолец»
12 марта 1997: фестиваль «Поколение-96». «Золотое яблоко» за лучший видеоклип 1996 года («Зайка моя»).
январь: Национальная Болгарская премия «За вклад в развитие и пропаганду болгарской культуры за рубежом» (Болгария).
июнь: VIII Международный фестиваль развлекательных программ «Золотая антенна» (Болгария, Варна):
Первый приз за четырёхчасовую телеверсию шоу «Лучшее, любимое и только для Вас!».
Приз за роль в «Старых песнях о главном»-2 (Пан Артист, песня «Дилайла»)
декабрь: премия Л. О. Утёсова «За яркий вклад в развитие отечественной эстрады».
январь: за серию концертов в Санкт-Петербурге «Только один месяц и только для Вас» Киркоров занесён в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса.
ноябрь: премия российской индустрии звукозаписи «Рекордъ-99» «Исполнитель года».
январь: латиноамериканская премия «Fama», премия «За огромный вклад в популяризацию испанской культуры в России и странах Восточной Европы»
14 мая: благодарность президента Украины Леонида Кучмы «За доброе сердце и реальную помощь детям Украины»
3 ноября: премия радиостанции «Хит-FM» «Стопудовый хит»
24 апреля: премия российской индустрии звукозаписи «Рекордъ». Сингл года — «Огонь и вода»
5 мая: премия правительства Турции «За вклад в развитие русско-турецких культурных связей»
декабрь: премия газеты «Комсомольская правда» и журнала «Лица года» в номинации «Стиль года»
ноябрь: «Певец года» по опросу читателей газеты «Московский комсомолец» и зрителей фестиваля «Песня года»
июль: «Светские итоги года» — премия «Золотой лев» «Самый светский лев»
13 декабря: премия газеты «Комсомольская правда» и журнала «Лица» — «Лица года»:
Номинация «Звёздная пара года» — Алла Пугачёва и Филипп Киркоров
Номинация «Премьера года» — российская постановка бродвейского мюзикла «Chicago» («Чикаго»)
4 июня: Первая национальная музыкальная Премия Муз-ТВ, Лучший исполнитель
21 декабря: «Высшая лига»: «Дуэт года» с М. Распутиной «Роза чайная», «Мечта»
4 декабря 2005: Спец. приз фестиваля «Новые песни о главном» за 20-летие творческой деятельности
2007: Премия Муз-ТВ, специальный приз «За вклад в развитие поп-музыки»
2010: «Певец года» по опросу ВЦИОМ
3 июня: Премия Муз-ТВ, Лучший дуэт года — «Голос» (& А. Нетребко)
Певец года по опросу ВЦИОМ
2016: «Народный герой» — премия журнала ОК!
2018: «Артист года» и «Лучший клип» («Цвет настроения синий») — Вторая музыкальная премия «Жара Music Awards».
Концертные программы
«Загляни в мои глаза»:
1990 год, 7-8 марта 1991 — Театр Эстрады, Москва
«Небо и земля»:
октябрь 1991 — ГЦКЗ Россия, Москва
апрель 1992 — БКЗ Октябрьский, Санкт-Петербург
октябрь 1992 — БКЗ Октябрьский, Санкт-Петербург
декабрь 1992 — октябрь 1993 — тур по США, Канаде, Израилю, Германии, Австралии
«Я не Рафаэль»:
4-8 марта 1994 — ГЦКЗ Россия, Москва
10-15 марта 1994 — БКЗ Октябрьский, Санкт-Петербург
май 1994 — «Венчальный тур» по Израилю с А. Пугачёвой
ноябрь 1994 — тур по США
«Я не Рафаэль»-II
7-8 марта 1995 — съёмка для программы «Парад парадов», БКЗ Октябрьский, Санкт-Петербург
март — май 1995 — тур по Германии, Израилю
19-26 ноября 1995 — Театр Эстрады, Москва
«Звёздное лето»:
январь 1996 — семейный тур по США с А. Пугачёвой, К. Орбакайте, В. Пресняковым-мл.
«Лучшее, любимое и только для Вас!»:
25-30 апреля 1996 — БКЗ Октябрьский, Санкт-Петербург
21-24 ноября 1996 — ГЦКЗ Россия, Москва
апрель 1997 — январь 1998 — тур по США, Германии, Израилю, Украине, Латвии, Таиланду
«Лучшее, любимое и только для Вас!»-2:
20 февраля — 1 марта 1998 — БКЗ Октябрьский, Санкт-Петербург
5-8 марта 1998 — СК Олимпийский, Москва
21-22 марта 1998 — тур в Лас-Вегас (США)
3 сентября 1998 — Болгария, в рамках Золотого Орфея, длился 5 часов
1998 — тур по ближнему зарубежью.
«Только один месяц и только для Вас!»:
30 октября — 2 декабря 1998 — 32 концерта в БКЗ Октябрьский, Санкт-Петербург
«Ой, мама шика дам!»:
15-30 января 1999 — ГЦКЗ Россия, Москва
1-11 апреля 1999 — БКЗ Октябрьский, Санкт-Петербург
осень 1999 — съёмки программы «Ваша музыка», ГЦКЗ Россия, Москва
19-20 ноября 1999 — Лас-Вегас, США
апрель — июнь 2000 — тур по Израилю, Украине, Белоруссии
«Король мамбо» (& Лу Бега):
13 декабря 2000 — СК Олимпийский, Москва
декабрь 2000 — Ледовый дворец (Санкт-Петербург)
«Вчера, сегодня, завтра и…»:
17 ноября ;1 декабря 2000, 25-28 и 30 апреля 2002 — БКЗ Октябрьский, Санкт-Петербург
23-28 января 2001 — ГКД, Москва
2001 — 2002 — тур по США, Прибалтике, Украине, Монголии, Турции
«В свой День рождения я пою для Вас!»:
30 апреля 2001 — Ледовый дворец (Санкт-Петербург)
«Лучшие песни»:
12-13 марта, 17-26 октября 2003 — ГЦКЗ Россия, Москва)
29 октября — 2 ноября 2003 — БКЗ Октябрьский, Санкт-Петербург
февраль 2004 — тур по Украине
5 мая 2005 — концерт в Великобритании (Лондон, Apollo Hall)
2004 — апрель 2006 — тур с А.Стоцкой по Израилю, Германии, США, Великобритании, Болгарии, Украине, Литве, Белоруссии, Болгарии, Израилю
июль 2006—2007 — тур по Украине, Кыргызстану, Казахстану, Болгарии, Израилю
«Король ремейкоff»:
июль 2004, февраль 2005 — тур по Белоруссии, Прибалтике
22-24 сентября 2005 — БКЗ Октябрьский, Санкт-Петербург
«Юбилейные концерты»:
16-25 октября 2007 — Театр Эстрады, Москва
12-16 декабря 2007 — БКЗ Октябрьский, Санкт-Петербург
2008 — тур по Прибалтике, США, Канаде, Белоруссии, Швейцарии
2009 — тур по ОАЭ, Испании, США, Таиланду, Украине, Швейцарии
«Юбилейные концерты. На бис!»:
15-30 апреля 2008 — Театр Эстрады, Москва
«Просто подари»:
9-11 апреля 2010 — БКЗ Октябрьский, Санкт-Петербург
2010 год — тур по Бельгии, Прибалтике, Италии, Германии, Австрии, Испании, Болгарии, Израилю
8-10 апреля 2011 — БКЗ Октябрьский, Санкт-Петербург
2011 год — тур по ОАЭ, Израилю, Италии, Украине, Белоруссии, Турции, Австрии
8-9 ноября 2011 — ГКД, Москва
20-22 апреля 2012 — БКЗ Октябрьский, Санкт-Петербург
16-20 марта 2016 — ГКД, Москва.
1-3 апреля 2016 — БКЗ Октябрьский, Санкт-Петербург
23-29 сентября 2018 — тур по США
Участие в «Новой волне»
Подробнее Год, Песня ...
Основная статья: Дискография Филиппа Киркорова
Студийные альбомы
1990 — Филипп
1990 — Синдбад-мореход
1991 — Ты, ты, ты
1991 — Небо и земля
1992 — Такой-сякой
1994 — Я не Рафаэль
1995 — Примадонна
1995 — Скажи Солнцу: „Да!“
1998 — С любовью к Единственной
1998 — Ой, мама, шика дам!
2000 — ЧелоФилия
2001 — Magico Amor (Испаноязычный альбом)
2001 — Влюблённый и безумно одинокий
2003 — Незнакомка
2004 — Дуэты
2007 — For You
2011 — ДруGOY
2016 — Я
2020 — Романы, Часть 1
2020 — Романы, Часть 2
1991 — «Небо и земля»
1996 — «Атлантида»
1996 — «Я не Рафаэль»
1998 — «Лучшее, любимое, только для Вас!»
апрель 2001 — «Филипп Киркоров в Кремле»
октябрь 2001 — «С Днём Рождения, Филипп!»
2004 — «Лучшие песни»
2009 — «Юбилейное шоу в Московском театре оперетты 2008 год»
1996 — «Немного о любви»
1998 — «Один год из жизни: Любовь и сцена»
2000 — «Я буду жить, как хочу!»
апрель 2001 — «Как покорить Любимую»
Компиляции клипов и выступлений
1996 — «Скажи солнцу: „Да!“»
1999 — «Видеоклипы»
2000 — «Филипп Киркоров: Видеоклипы»
апрель 2001 — «Филипп Киркоров: The Best Video»
2005 — «The Best Video»
2006 — «Караоке по-киркоровски»
2008 — «Grand-коллекция»
Подробнее Год, Название ...
Подробнее Год, Название ...
Подробнее Год, Название ...
Подробнее Год, Название ...
Подробнее Год, Название ...
В 2002 году компания Philipp Kirkorov Production приобрела права на постановку русской версии мюзикла «Чикаго». Киркоров являлся генеральным продюсером проекта и исполнял главную мужскую роль. По итогам года на вручении премии «Лица Года» мюзикл был назван «Премьерой года».

март 2003—февраль 2005: утренняя авторская развлекательная программа «Утро с Киркоровым» («СТС»)
13 февраля 2003 — концерт «Love story» (& Алла Пугачева)
2004: премия «Звуковая дорожка» (& Маша Распутина, Россия)
2005: хит-парад «Высшая лига» (& Андрей Малахов, Первый канал)
2006: фестиваль «5 звезд» (& Лолита, «Первый канал»)
2008: премия RMA («MTV»)
2010: «Минута славы» (& Дмитрий Нагиев, «Первый канал»)
31 июля 2010- конкурс «Новая волна» (& В. Зеленский, «Россия-1»)
2011: конкурс Фактор А (& В. Зеленский, «Россия-1»)
конкурс Шоу № 1 («Интер»)
«Две звезды» (новогодний выпуск, & А. Малахов, «Первый канал»)
«Новогодний парад звёзд» (& Николай Басков, «Россия-1»)
2012: конкурс Фактор А-2 (& А. Чумаков, «Россия-1»)
«Новогодний парад звёзд» (& Максим Галкин, «Россия-1»)
2013: конкурс Фактор А-3 («Россия-1»)
«Новогодний парад звёзд» (& Максим Галкин, «Россия-1»)
2016: «Премия RU.TV 2016» (& Вера Брежнева, RU.TV)
Член жюри
2006: конкурс «Секрет успеха»
2008: конкурс «Созвездие»
шоу «Евровидение по-нашему»
«Минуты славы»
«Танцы со звёздами»
«Танцы со звёздами»
«Фабрика зірок»
«Танцы со звёздами»
конкурс «Новая волна»
конкурс «Детская новая волна»
«Фабрика звёзд. Возвращение»
«Минута славы»
2013: «Универсальный артист»
2014: «Один в один!»
2014: «Точь-в-точь» (третейский судья)
2015: «Точь-в-точь»
2017: шоу «Успех»
2020: шоу «Маска» («НТВ»)
Съёмка в рекламе
Реклама лекарственного спрея «Гексорал»
Реклама салона связи «Связной» и смартфонов «Samsung»
Реклама кошачьего корма «Felix» (совместно с Николаем Басковым)
Реклама совместной акции «P&G» и магазина «Пятёрочка» (2020)
Реклама финансового универсального банка «Сбербанк»
Совместные выступления
Ф. Киркоров имеет в репертуаре более 150 дуэтов, трио и других совместных выступлений с различными исполнителями. Более 36 из них издано на некоторых альбомах артиста и DVD с его сольными концертами. Самые известные из них публике — с М. Распутиной, А. Нетребко, А. Пугачёвой, А. Стоцкой, С. Рувасом. Большинство совместных песен Киркорова не издано. Многие из них существуют только в «живом» звучании, не записанные в студии.

Первым дуэтом Ф. Киркорова стала песня «Алёша», исполненная с его отцом, певцом Бедросом Киркоровым в передаче «Споёмте, друзья!» 1985 года. 17 мая 2000 года на сольном концерте Киеве Киркоров впервые исполнил 2 дуэта с Даной Интернэшнел. В 2000 году дуэтом с Лу Бега провёл совместный концерт «Мамбо в стиле Хит-ФМ».

В 2004 году Киркоров издаёт специальный альбом «Дуэты», куда он отобрал 21 совместную композицию. Пять дуэтов Киркорова получило различные российские премии. Дуэты с М. Распутиной и А. Нетребко были признаны[кем?] лучшими дуэтами года в 2003 и 2011 годах соответственно. Дуэт Киркоров и Нетребко был признан лучшим в 2011 году по результатам голосования премии МузТВ.

Ф. Киркорова называют «Мистер Евровидение». Он участвовал в Евровидении в 1995 году как представитель России, заняв 17 место. После этого он решил стать продюсером и композитором песен для участников Евровидения из других государств СНГ. Первый опыт в качестве продюсера был не слишком удачным: певица Анжелика Агурбаш на Евровидении-2005 заняла лишь 13 место в полуфинале. На конкурсе Евровидение-2007 Киркоров написал песню для Д. Колдуна, который представлял Белоруссию, и занимался подготовкой его выступления на конкурсе. Колдун впервые в истории участия Белоруссии в конкурсе прошёл в финал конкурса и занял 6 место.

В 2008 году Киркоров написал песню «Shady Lady» для представительницы Украины Ани Лорак, которая в итоге заняла 2 место. После этого 30 мая 2008 года Президент Украины Виктор Ющенко присвоил Киркорову звание народного артиста Украины «за весомый личный вклад в развитие культурно-художественных связей Украины и Российской Федерации, высокое исполнительское мастерство и многолетнюю плодотворную творческую деятельность».

В 2009 году Киркоров рассматривался в качестве одного из кандидатов на роль ведущего конкурса «Евровидение», которым в итоге стал Андрей Малахов. Киркоров возглавил профессиональное российское жюри конкурса, но за сутки до финала артист объявил о выходе из состава жюри. Певец таким образом постарался предупредить возможные обвинения в необъективности. «Я принимаю слишком активное участие в жизни конкурса, а с некоторыми из конкурсантов меня связывают многолетние дружеские отношения», — заявил певец.

Подробнее Год, Участие ...
Общественная позиция
В сентябре 2020 года снялся в клипе «Любимую не отдают», целью которого является поддержка режима президента республики Беларусь Александра Лукашенко во время белорусских массовых протестов против фальсификации результатов выборов.

В январе 2021 года на фоне готовившихся протестных акций в поддержку Алексея Навального призвал сплотиться с «нашим Лидером» и «не раскачивать лодку», также эзоповым языком сравнив Навального с Владимиром Лениным.

22 июня 2021 года был внесён в Перечень лиц, создающих угрозу национальной безопасности Украины на основании письма СБУ от 11 июня как лицо, угрожающее национальной безопасности Украины. 25 июня 2021 без всяких объяснений был исключён из этого списка. Киркорову запрещён въезд в Литву с января 2021 года, в Эстонию с апреля 2022 года.

В апреле 2022 года обратился к Европарламенту, Джо Байдену, Марин Ле Пен и ООН. с требованием освободить украинского политика Виктора Медведчука.

Конфликт из-за выкрика «Зайка моя»
19 декабря 2002 года в телецентре «Останкино» один из юных статистов, пришедших для съёмок, увидев Киркорова, крикнул: «Зайка моя», — за что был избит. Данный конфликт был очень скоро урегулирован[источник не указан 360 дней].

Конфликт с Юрием Шевчуком
29 декабря 2002 года в петербургской гостинице «Европейская» между лидером группы ДДТ Юрием Шевчуком и Киркоровым произошла словесная перепалка, в ходе которой охранники последнего набросились на Шевчука, сбили его с ног и принялись избивать. Сам Киркоров в потасовке не участвовал, хотя, по некоторым источникам, и порывался дотянуться до Шевчука. После того как охрана гостиницы утихомирила охрану певца, Киркоров требовал объявить Шевчука персоной нон грата.

Оскорбление журналистки Ирины Ароян
Основная статья: Скандал Киркоров — Ароян
20 мая 2004 года на пресс-конференции в Ростове-на-Дону, вскоре после вопроса от журналистки «Газеты Дона» Ирины Ароян «Чем обусловлено столь большое количество ремейков в Вашем репертуаре?» певец оскорбил журналистку, используя матерные слова. Ароян подала в суд, который признал певца виновным по части 2 статьи 130 УК РФ (оскорбление в публичном месте) и приговорил Киркорова к выплате штрафа в 60 тысяч рублей. Скандал привёл к тому, что Киркорову был объявлен на какое-то время бойкот со стороны многих российских электронных и печатных СМИ.

Нападение на Марину Яблокову
6 декабря 2010 года между Филиппом Киркоровым и помощником главного режиссёра церемонии «Золотой граммофон» Мариной Яблоковой на репетиции произошла словесная перепалка, после чего певец дал Яблоковой пощёчину, оттаскал за волосы и избил ногами. Яблокова подала заявление в Московский уголовный розыск для возбуждения уголовного дела по статьям «оскорбление» (ч. 1 ст. 130) и «нанесение лёгких телесных повреждений» (ч.1 ст.115).

Ф. Киркоров: «Реакция некоторых СМИ — абсолютная и заведомая ложь. Я не избивал её ногами и не превращал в инвалида». Анна Нетребко, присутствовавшая на репетиции: «Эта девушка зачем-то врёт, зачем — непонятно». Свидетели инцидента уточняют произошедшее на репетиции. Организатор премии «Русское радио» опубликовало «Уточнение к конфликту Ф. Киркорова и М. Яблоковой».

В интервью Ксении Собчак в передаче «Собчак живьём» на телеканале «Дождь» Киркоров признался, что помощь в улаживании отношений со СМИ ему оказал пресс-секретарь Владимира Путина Дмитрий Песков.

Против Киркорова выступили И. Пригожин, Александр Новиков, певица Валерия и В. Меладзе. Пострадавшую от Киркорова журналистку поддержала и фигурантка предыдущего скандала с участием певца Ирина Ароян, которая призвала к повторному общественному бойкоту Киркорова и посоветовала Яблоковой «довести своё дело до конца».

Несколько игроков сборной России по футболу обратились с открытым письмом в защиту Киркорова. Также в защиту певца выступили Иосиф Кобзон, Людмила Гурченко, Игорь Николаев, Сергей Маковецкий, Таисия Повалий, Геннадий Хазанов.

8 декабря Киркоров госпитализирован в психиатрическое отделение израильского медицинского центра «Шиба» (больница «Тель а-Шомер»), откуда 10 декабря в программе «Пусть говорят» публично извинился перед Яблоковой, объяснил своё поведение «серьёзной болезнью», приступами которой певец «страдает дважды в год и которая сопровождается беспамятством». «Да, я поднял руку. Я оскорбил. Но я не делал то, что мне приписывают». 12 декабря в программе «Центральное телевидение» после заявления ведущего о наличии видеозаписи инцидента Яблокова сообщает, что Киркоров не таскал её за волосы. Адвокат Яблоковой просит не обнародовать видеозапись. 13 декабря адвокат Киркорова сообщил о возможном обращении в правоохранительные органы по поводу клеветы, направленной против Киркорова. 15 декабря заведено уголовное дело. Киркоров признан подсудимым, Яблокова — частным обвинителем и потерпевшей.

16 декабря Ф. Киркоров и М. Яблокова заключили мировое соглашение. 22 декабря мировой суд провёл заседание по рассмотрению вопроса о его утверждении.

Конфликт с Тимати
В 2012 году рэпер Тимати через Twitter опубликовал сообщение о только что завершившейся «Премии Муз-ТВ», в котором выражал недоумение по поводу распределения наград по целому ряду номинаций. Киркоров в грубой форме отреагировал на сообщение, напоминая Тимати о профессиональной этике. Тимати в той же манере напомнил Киркорову о его прошлых скандалах. Конфликт вылился в запись Тимати видеообращения к Киркорову «Давайдосвидания» «на манер популярного на тот момент ролика».

Конфликт с Дидье Маруани
В 2016 году лидер группы Space Дидье Маруани выдвинул Киркорову претензии в плагиате музыкального материала песни «Жестокая любовь», которую Маруани со ссылкой на экспертов считал заимствованием на 41 % из песни Symphonic Space Dream. После длительной переписки по электронной почте и телефонных переговоров (которые, как потом выяснилось, вместо Киркорова вели пранкеры Вован и Лексус) Маруани прибыл 29 ноября 2016 года в Москву для урегулирования конфликта и совместной пресс-конференции с Киркоровым, за что, как он предполагал, должен был получить от Киркорова 1 млн долларов отступных. Перед встречей с Маруани Киркоров по совету своего адвоката А. Добровинского обратился в полицию, и в ходе «следственного эксперимента» в офисе Сбербанка Маруани и его юрист И. Трунов были задержаны полицией, а затем отпущены. Правоохранительные органы отказали Киркорову в возбуждении уголовного дела по его заявлению о «вымогательстве» со стороны Маруани. Вся детективная история французским музыкантом была охарактеризована как «подстава и глупая, преступная акция». Маруани обвинил Киркорова в том, что тот «украл у других исполнителей более 30 песен», заявлено о намерении судиться с Киркоровым в США (где у того есть имущество) по поводу «неправомерного использования музыкального материала». Киркоров в интервью НТВ, не отрицая определённого сходства фрагмента мелодии, утверждал, что песня композитора Олега Попкова «Жестокая любовь» создана и записана в 1996—2000 годах, а песня Маруани Symphonic Space Dream — только в 2002 году. При этом себя Киркоров объявил только исполнителем песни, не несущим никакой юридической ответственности за её музыку.

Инцидент с памирскими джурабами
2 января 2017 года в развлекательной передаче «МаксимМаксим» на Первом канале Филипп Киркоров подарил ведущим программы Максиму Галкину и Алле Пугачёвой по паре вязаных шерстяных носков, назвав их болгарскими и сказав, что их связала его тётя. После выпуска программы с этим эпизодом в таджикистанском сегменте социальных сетей начались споры и шквал возмущений. Пользователи узнали в этих шерстяных носках редкий орнамент, который могут исполнить исключительно женщины Горно-Бадахшанской автономной области Таджикистана. Как оказалось, подаренные Киркоровым носки оказались частью национального одеяния памирских народов и некоторых таджиков — памирские джура;бы. Вскоре в соцсетях таджикистанцы и памирцы организовали флешмоб под названием «Знай наши джурабы!». Они призывали Киркорова извиниться перед памирским и таджикским народами и признать свою ошибку. Многие жители Бадахшана, подчеркнув уникальность памирских носков, выразили недовольство тем, что Киркоров не указал их происхождение, а представил их как ручную работу своей тети. Некоторые таджикские журналисты предложили после этого инцидента признать вязаные изделия джурабы шедевром устного и нематериального культурного наследия человечества ЮНЕСКО. Министерство культуры Республики Таджикистан внесло вязку джурабов в список нематериального культурного наследия страны, но ещё не подало официальную заявку в ЮНЕСКО.

Конфликт с Жильбером Синуэ
В октябре 2017 года Жильбер Синуэ, французский писатель, автор романа «Ереван» о геноциде армян в Османской империи, также известный как автор песен, обвинил Киркорова в плагиате его песни «Helwa ya Baladi», существующей с 1978 года. Обвинение было связано с тем, что Киркоров исполняет на русском языке песню «Шёлковая нить», которая идентична французскому произведению.

Конфликт с Нателлой Крапивиной
В 2018 году Филипп Киркоров совместно Николаем Басковым выпустили клип «Ибица», который вызвал шквал критики и отрицательных комментариев за использование низкопробных приёмов (апогеем стало измазывание обоих фекалиями и «доение» козла). В результате им пришлось выпустить клип-извинение перед своими фанатами.

Филипп Киркоров в массовой культуре
Олег Непомнящий. «Однажды наступит завтра». — Центр Сирена, 1999. — 344 с. — 100 000 экз. — ISBN 5-936-25001-6.
Фёдор Раззаков. «Филипп Киркоров».
Аарон Зюс. «На грани хаоса. Сны врут».
Илья Резник. «Приключения Бобы Грека».
Жданов Александр Николаевич. «Папарацци».
Жданов Александр Николаевич. «Папарацци: чужой успех».
Лена Ленина. «Миллионеры шоу-бизнеса».
Лена Ленина. «Stars».
Наталья Белюшина. «Алла + Филя. Секреты „Звездной семейки“».
Алексей Беляков. «Алка, Аллочка, Алла Борисовна».
Глеб Скороходов. «Алла и Рождество».
А. В. Саркисян. «Святая к музыке любовь».
Книги по теме «Тайна имени» в разделах «След имени в истории», «Знаменитые люди».
Трофим, песня «Ода вольности»:
Ой, мама, здорово, ай, здорово

Не слышать песен Филиппа Киркорова,
Забыть рекламу прокладок и творога
И тесноту городских площадей.
Здорово, ай, здорово,
Когда Филиппы Киркоровы поровну,
И можно видеть в общественном кворуме

Вполне нормальных, здоровых людей.
Михаил Башаков и группа «Конец фильма», песня «Элис»:
С нами Алла, с нами Филипп. Его никто не звал, он как-то сам прилип.
Гимн проекта «Фабрика звёзд»:
Вот Киркоров в новых брюках — „Здравствуй, Филя, как дела?“.
Группа «НАИВ», песня «Суперзвезда»:
Как же он хорош, какая милашка! Как мы могли не замечать, не обращали вниманья, Он на Киркорова похож, такой же чебурашка!.
Документальные фильмы и телепередачи
«Филипп Киркоров. „Я себе придумал эту жизнь“» («Первый канал», 2012)
«Филипп Киркоров. „Новые страсти Короля“» («ТВ Центр», 2016)
«Филипп Киркоров. „Король и шут“» («Первый канал», 2017)
«Другое „Я“ Филиппа Киркорова» («Первый канал», 2017)
«Филипп Киркоров и Алла Пугачёва. „Свадьба и развод“» («ТВ Центр», 2018)
Собственность и доходы
С 2003 года является учредителем ООО «Филипп Киркоров Продакшн».

По результатам 2017 года Киркоров занял второе место в рейтинге журнала «Forbes» среди российских знаменитостей. Его доход составил 7,4 млн долларов. По результатам 2018 года — третье место с доходом $8,9 млн долларов

Philipp Kirkorov
Russian pop singer
Philipp Bedros Kirkorov PAR (Russian: Филипп Бедрос Киркоров; Bulgarian: Филип Бедросов Киркоров, romanized: Filip Bedrosov Kirkorov; born 30 April 1967) is a Bulgarian-born Russian pop singer. He is a five-time winner of the "Best Selling Russian Artist" title at the World Music Awards ceremonies.

In this name that follows Eastern Slavic naming conventions, the patronymic is Bedros or Bedrosov and the family name is Kirkorov.
Quick Facts Born, Nationality ...
Philipp Kirkorov was born on 30 April 1967 in Varna, Bulgaria. His father, Bedros Kirkorov, is a Bulgarian-born singer of Armenian descent.

In 1990, Kirkorov won the Grand Prix in the competition "Shlyager-90" (Hit-90) in Leningrad with the song "Nebo i Zemlya" (Sky and Earth). In 1992, his music video to the song "Atlantida" was selected as "Music Video of the Year". His popularity began to spread outside of Russia and he toured in the United States, Canada, Germany, and Israel.

In 1994, he proposed to Alla Pugacheva and she accepted. On 13 January the couple announced their engagement in Moscow. On 15 March the marriage was registered in St. Petersburg by then-mayor Anatoly Sobchak. On 15 May the wedding of Kirkorov and Pugacheva took place in Jerusalem. Kirkorov represented Russia in the Eurovision Song Contest 1995 held in Dublin with the song "Kolybelnaya dlya vulkana" ('Lullaby for the volcano') and finished in 17th place. He co-wrote the Belarusian entry at the Eurovision Song Contest 2007, "Work Your Magic" for Dmitry Koldun, wrote the 2008 Ukrainian entry "Shady Lady", performed by Ani Lorak, and also co-composed Moldova's Eurovision entry for the 2021 contest, "Sugar", which was performed by Natalia Gordienko. He was also a judge in the second season of Music Idol in Bulgaria. Kirkorov makes a cameo in Verka Serduchka's video "Do Re Mi". Other than his native Bulgarian, he is fluent in Russian, and is proficient in Spanish and English.

In December 2012 he signed an open letter criticizing a St. Petersburg bill banning "homosexual propaganda", along with pop stars like Dima Bilan and Valery Syutkin.

Public image and controversies

Kirkorov at "New Wave Junior 2015" in Artek
Kirkorov has maintained a "bad boy" public image for most of his career and has caused a number of media controversies.

The most notorious scandal followed an incident in Rostov-on-Don on 20 May 2004. At a press conference he insulted (using Russian obscene language) Irina Aroyan, a female journalist who had asked why so many of his songs were covers of American and European hits. During the ensuing discussion, Kirkorov eventually told Aroyan that he was "tired of her pink blouse, her tits, and her microphone" and demanded that she leave the room immediately. When she eventually did, his bodyguards attacked her outside and destroyed her tape recorder. The incident led to a major response and discussions in the mass media. On 11 August 2004, Kirkorov was found guilty of insults (article 130 of the Russian penal code) and was fined 60,000 rubles (about 2000 US dollars at the time).

Bandleader Bedros Kirkorov is the father of Philipp Kirkorov
At a pro-Viktor Yanukovych candidacy concert during the 2004 Ukrainian presidential election Kirkorov's father, Bulgarian singer Bedros Kirkorov, mistakenly called on Ukrainians to vote for the opposing candidate Viktor Yushchenko – to wild cheers from the audience.

There was also an incident where Kirkorov sent his guards to attack the Russian rock singer and DDT band frontman Yuri Shevchuk after their emotional skirmish in a public place (as known, Shevchuk keeps no guards of his own). The reason for the argument reportedly were Shevchuk's offensive statements against Kirkorov, his wife, and his alleged lip-synching.

On 15 May 2009 Kirkorov resigned as head of the Russian jury at the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest, which has a 50% say in who will be national Russian Eurovision representative, after having been seen posing for cameras with Greek entry Sakis Rouvas and having dinner with Norwegian entry Alexander Rybak. Furthermore, Kirkorov admitted that he and Rouvas had been personal friends for years. Since the integrity of the jury was deemed damaged, Kirkorov had little option but to resign once these stories had been made public.

On 3 September 2009 Philipp Kirkorov, clad in his (in)famous 2008 Music Awards 'gold' suit was caught on camera while 'confiscating' the camera belonging to journalist Veronica Kozlova. Since the act could have been interpreted according to the law as a robbery, some reports said the singer was facing 2 to 7 years' imprisonment and a heavy fine. All charges were dropped, however, and Kirkorov stated that his actions were 'provoked' by the journalist. Kozlova was immediately dubbed 'Pink Blouse the Second' by her colleagues and other journalists.

Another incident occurred on 4 December 2010, when he allegedly slapped a female assistant because he was unhappy with the lighting at a concert venue. The woman, later identified as Marina Yablokova, threatened to sue Kirkorov. As a result, Kirkorov fled to Israel and had himself interned at a psychiatric hospital. On 7 December 2010 the singer publicly admitted that he had psychological problems on his official website and apologized to his latest victim.

Russian actor Nikita Dzhigurda during a talk show hinted on non-hetero sexual orientations of several prominent Russian pop stars, including Kirkorov. Dzhigurda concluded with the warning: "Come out! Come out from below ground, before it's too late!"

On 29 November 2016, Russian media reported that Didier Marouani has been detained in Moscow by Russian police on charges of extortion and defamation. The charges were based on a complaint by Kirkorov with whom Marouani had a disagreement regarding a copyright infringement case.

Support for the Russian annexation of Crimea
Due to his public support of the 2014 Russian annexation of Crimea, Lithuania has blacklisted Kirkorov starting from 19 January 2021, meaning the performer won't be able to enter the country for five years. Several of his concerts had been scheduled in Lithuanian cities that year. On 23 June 2021 Kirkorov was included in the list of "persons who pose a threat to Ukraine's national security" and was thus banned from entering Ukraine for speaking in support of Russia's annexation of Crimea.

Honours and awards

Kirkorov receives the Order of Honor from Russian President Vladimir Putin, 15 November 2017
 Order of Honor (30 April 2017) - for great contribution to the development of national music art and many years of creative activity.
 Order of Francesc Skarina (Belarus, 18 May 2012) - For a significant personal contribution to the development and strengthening of Belarusian-Russian cultural ties, high performing skills.
Order of Francysk Skaryna (18 May 2012)
People's Artist of Russia Federation (12 February 2008)
People's Artist of Ukraine (29 May 2008)
Merited Artist of the Russian Federation (2001)
People's Artist of Chechnya (2006)
People's Artist of Ingushetia (2006)
Honorary Citizen of Yalta (2010)
Honored Art Activist of Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2000)
Goodwill ambassador of United Nations (2000)
Medal "10 years of Astana" (Kazakhstan, 2008)
Public awards
Record holder of the Russian Book of Records (2017)
More information Awards, World Music Awards ...
Studio albums
1990: Philipp
1990: Sinbat-Morehod
1991: Nebo I Zemlya
1991: Ti, Ti, Ti
1992: Takoi Sakoi
1994: Ya Ne Raphael
1995: Primadonna
1995: Ckazi Solncu – "Da"
1998: Edinstvenaya
1998: Oi, Mama Shika Dam
2000: Chelofilia
2001: Magico Amor
2002: Vlubloniy I Bezumno Odinokiy
2003: Neznakomka
2007: For You
2011: Drugoy – 2 Edition
2016: Ya
2001: Vchera, Segodnya, Zavtra... (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow... )
2003: Luchshie Pesni (The Best Songs)
2004: Dueti (Duets)
1999: Mish`
2000: Ogon` I Voda
2000: Kilimandzaro
2001: Diva
2001: Ti Poverish`?
2001: Ya Za Tebya Umru
2001: Maria
2002: Zesrokaya Lubov`
2004: Sam P..A?! Ili Kirkorov MAZZDie!!!
2005: Kak Sumashedshiy Ya (duet with Sakis Rouvas)
2009: Zara
Eurovision covers
Philipp Kirkorov has covered a few songs which appeared in the Eurovision Song Contest and its national finals, as well as entering a song in his own right. Songs include:

"Dreamin'" (Ireland 1995 entry) (English and Russian)
"(I Would) Die for You" (Greece 2001 entry) (English and Russian as "Ya za tebya umru")
"Diva" (Israel 1998 entry) (English, Hebrew, Spanish and Russian)
"Go" (United Kingdom 1988 entry) (Russian as "Lish by ty vsegda byla moej")
"Maria Magdalena" (Croatia 1999 entry) (Russian)
"Hero" – Charlotte Perrelli (2008 Swedish entry) (Russian as "Novyj geroj")
"La voix" – Malena Ernman (2009 Swedish entry) (Russian as "Golos", English and French) (with Anna Netrebko)
"Let's get wild" – Helena Paparizou (2005 Greek National Final) (Russian as "Kaif")
"Carnaval" – DJ Mendez (2002 Swedish National Final) (Russian)
"Let your spirit fly" – Jan Johansson & Pernilla Wahlgren (2003 Swedish National Final) (Russian as "Vljublennaja dusha") (with Anastasia Stotskaya)
"Cara Mia" – M;ns Zelmerl;w (2007 Swedish National Final) (Russian as "Koroleva")
"Playing with Fire" – Paula and Ovi (Romania 2010 entry) (Russian as "Igra s ognem")
"Hope & Glory" – M;ns Zelmerl;w (2009 Swedish National Final) (Russian as "Tyi vsyo uvidish sam")
More information Year, Title ...
1995: "Old Songs About Main Things" (as magician from south)
1996: "Old Songs About Main Things – 2" (as Mr. Singer)
1997: "Old Songs About Main Things – 3" (as young actor)
2000: "Salon of Beaty" (as Evgeniy Slavin)
2000: "Old Songs About Main Things.Postscript" (as magician from south)
2001: "Como El Cine" (as himself)
2002: "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka" (as devil)
2003: "Crazy Day or The Marriage of Figaro" (as Count Almaviva)
2006: "The Adventures of Verka Serduchka" (cameo)
2007: "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" (as kite Piliph)
2007: "Stars Holidays" (as Baron Ctar, intergalactic star)
2008: "Goldfish" (as star groom)
2008: "On Back Of Black Cat" (cameo)
2009: "Love in the Big City" (as Saint Valentin)
2010: "Love in the Big City 2" (as Saint Valentin)
2010: "Svaty" (cameo)
2012: "Little Red Riding Hood" (Красная Шапочка) (As Cat Basilio ; Кот Бразилио)
2014: "Love in the Big City 3" (as Saint Valentin)
2017: "Naughty Grandma" (cameo)

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Свеча Украины

Плачь Украины

Ветер войны над детьми Украины

Свет в окне Украины

Ода Украины

33 дня войны в Украине

Любимой Украинке Виктории

Молитва и Пост за Украину

Вавилонская Блудница Сташный Суд

Путь к победе Украины

За Украину

Война и Мир в Украине

Война в Украине окончена

Любовь во время войны в Украине

Значение Z в войне в Украине

Священникам о Войне в Украине

Огненное Крещение Украины

Молебен об Украине

Украина - это Божия Война

Магдалина и Гностик в Украине

Выжить в подвалах Украины и России

Z Война в Украине и Ю Тубе

Беженцы Украины

Христианский пацифизм в Украине

Ядерная война в Украине

Баба Яга в Украине

Мы все в каббалистической Войне в Украине

Пасха на войне в Украине

Молчание Китая, БГ и Аллы Пугачёвой Украина война

Молитва о свободе от войны в Украине

Милой Украинке Виктории

Бог ЗСУ христианство и язычество в Украине

Хотеть войны в Украине

Уничтожение славян как расы в Украине

Загадка во время войны в Украине

Ola Kala - G. Dalaras (LIVE)

Филип Киркоров - Мне мама тихи говорила

Алла Пугачёва- Мне мама тихо говорила

Максим Галкин - Мне мама тихо говорила (на иврите)

Haim Moshe - Ola Kala (;;; ;;;;)

The Toda - Tribes of Nilgiri Hills


Uzi Hitman qui chante Toda

Песня «Мне мама тихо говорила» Katty_covers

(Иврит)Мне мама тихо говорила - Валентин Якушечкин

Мне мама тихо (Саха) на якутском (перевод Дмитрий Ча5аан)- Якушечкин Валентин

African Relaxing Music - Tuko Pamoja

А мама тихо говорила - Hurt Volonsky
