Staring into the sky Дивлюсь я на небо

Staring into the sky/ Дивлюсь я на небо

lyrics by M.Petrenko /слова М.Петренко

I’m having this thought staring into the sky:
Why I’m not a bird, why couldn’t  I fly?
If Lord would’ve given me beautiful wings,
These heavens would hold me forever with ease.

Up over the clouds, away from the surface,
From old whereabouts to finding my purpose,
And begging for warmth from the stars and the sun
Let my gift show off and amaze everyone.

Neglected from birth by my fortune and crowd,
I never felt loved or worth caring about,
I never could fit or belong or relate
Left out and betrayed by the people and fate.

Being loved by the evil, deprived of some fortune,
My bitter existence was merely torture.
Since I'm not at peace on the ground anymore,
The sky is the ultimate place I  should go.
