Wild 3 One Thing

'One thing' exists
Which I can't explain to others.
More than that. I shouldn't explain,
But others should accept It.
No matter what It hides inside.
No matter what the opinion had.
Without a try to remake It.
Without a naive thought
That always will be comfortable.
And what belongs to It
Others have no right to rule.
And every time when others ruins It,
It recreate Itself and fight all others
'Till they die cursed and suffered.
No matter how the others purpose
Was 'blessed' and 'good'.
Destruction of that colour of life
Always is the road to personal hell.
Victory forever march with It.
And then It builds a universe
Full of wisdom and wonders
As a gift to upcoming new souls
Whose dreams will find a home
In the ancient songs of the Wild
Which this creation sings.
Invisible, but here It.
After Death. Safe and sound.
'One thing' which is mine and only.
Uncorrupted, great, harmonised.
Real unlimited power in It hands
Covered by responsibility
Of the universe's postulated
In a fantasy world which creates
 New realities out of everyone on Earth.
"One thing' which most have, but lose.
I protect It from angriness of others
Already more than eternity.
I suppose, they will never learn.
Stay in moods of dying plants
Fighting clean water instead venomed one.
Sad that's sounds. But I hope I wrong.
Sometimes (like this time) better to wrong.

