The touch of my fingers on your back turned us on. I don't remember being so hungry for anyone.
The light illuminates the room, it is filled with our lovemaking, I'm afraid to choke on your cock, but I'm ready to die in your arms.
We lie naked, for the first time I do not hide my existence. You wrapped me in love. Your eyes are the color of the ante meridiem ocean, mine you compared with andalusite.
We are laughing, sleeping with our arms round each other. Nothing to do, I'm on vacation. I am only 19 years old. During that summer we did nothing but got screwed and snogged. My body still has your lovebites.
You are much older, more experienced, wiser, cherished and handsome.
We are strolling around Moscow; I do not take my eyes off you. I want to sew our hands, want to privatize every part of your being.
Someone greeted you, it did not bother me, but I still felt a pang of envy. You noticed the change in face and said: Let’s get back to my place and get naughty!
I still ask myself - what did you find in me? Was it a game or was it real? Maybe you have a yellow fever?
The hair is short and fair, just the way I like. The bristles are golden, the look is sullen, but I felt at home next to you. It drove me crazy.
Do you remember those days? Remember my bad haircut? You encouraged me, your words were warming. Tears flowed like a waterfall. Thank you for patience.
