Life. The War

The earth is poisoned by an excess of doctrines, proving partial  right ,
Where the meaning is distorted by a drop of the poison of life,
Jeweler Changes Necklace , fixing the locks,
For any appetite and any lifestock.

The calendar is laid down with the bitterness of the choice,
Where lies are mistaken for the truth, praying to the Lord ,
There will be a paradise similar to hell,
And nothing will be changed ,humanity is faded.

Currency redistribution waltzes in the sky,
And the flame burns the burden of lives,sowing of death and cry.
A hysterical nightmare consumes the day,
And the wounds of the Earth bleed for a number of stray.

In the bravado of one   the shadow of past is  heard,
The grin of emptiness, teasing the emptiness of thoughts,
With a tear, the earth tightens the moat again,
Rocking the cradle of life from the hysteria of ways.
On his own land, leaving shame and poverty,
Harring up to put things in order,being  in  motherland loyalty
Climbing  the ladder of corpses to heaven,
In a feather bed of expectations, breaking the cross of Heaven.

People should decide for themselves how life should develop,
Cursing the womb that the mother is praying for,
Intoxicated with blood, not listening to the God,
A morbid ambition that renounces the right to equal.

A distorted message will not ascend like an angel,
Flying away from the plains of life in the  stupor of delirium ,
Erasing the mask of time under the sarcophagus of sleep,
A reminder of time, that everyone has the same dream.
