
[1 verse]

Doves in the air, the rainbow glares
On our faces all at once,
Doves in the air and nothing else,
A weather profet needs advice.


C'mon! Take my hand, the Lord is back,
We'll overcome ~~flush-shower-juice©,
Look at your flat, the pain is bad,
I'll give you the cup of holy truth.

[2 verse]

The queen is lost, heart balloons burst
Under the lustre of the stars,
I'm not her ghost, it's really hurts
Beneath the skin in several parts.


C'mon! Take my hand, the Lord is back,
We'll overcome ~~flush-shower-juice©,
Look at your flat, the pain is bad,
I'll give you the cup of holy truth.

©Все права принадлежат автору, 2017-2021~
(-music available-)

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