Corrosion 2022

ARDALLION - Corrosion (2022)

In Neo Crobizon

Pick me up on a road at night
As the lustful darkness conceals her vanished light
Of morning glow in the even flow
Amplify that intrinsic vibe
That my bosom echoes the ancient tribe
Like our common ground -
The chasing narcoleptic sound

Give myself onto the passion
Ain't it evil in its fashion
Ghost and luminaries of Neo Crobizon
I want you badly screaming silence
Of all songless birds and rusty violins
Corroded sound of the winter roofs of lovers
In Neo Crobizon.

Drag me down from that stuck despair
Old grunge strings I needed to repair
When the rain of time washed losses all away
And I know I will forget them
As like I never knew them
I never loved them
Why should I breathe their wraiths
If only precious memories I can save for keeps?

Drivin' down the alley of the mesmerized warm night
Feelin' like dark sexy emo sob and call so young as might
41 was long enough I hope it's not the end
Bitch, I seem to feel your tiny fingers back upon my hand

Give myself onto the passion
Ain't it evil in its fashion
Ghost and luminaries of new horizon
As waterlilly rises on the swamp I rise upon the mire
From the utter darkness to the neon new life to admire
No more fear and loathing
No more filth and longing
In Neo Crobizon

All Porn Is The Same

Welcome, night. Welcome outta light.
Here is the realm of nothing and realm of might
Here is the prison for a worthless soul
Here is the truth once made out of the foul

You can talk, honey, only after pay
Might be a devil - money make me lay
Give before take - there ain't no repremands
If you got money the world is in your hands

All porn is the same
And all people are the same
I just take for what I pay - I don't need your small talk
I don't want to see your eyes
As inside of me it dies
Like a fallen star of someon'es happiness
And I know why poor men kill
Maybe one fine day I will
Find a strength to tread your soul and keep on walking
Money tells you who you are
Money tells you what you are
Empathize the rape and murder
Odds are you're just no further...

Welcome, night. Welcome outta blood.
All our clothings drenched do smell with sick survival
Welcome, night. Welcome out of light.
Having spent your share you got to face denial

When I treated you like human you were treating me like meat
When I pull the money in you why you ask me for reteat?
Always show me the opposite of what I used to expect
We are just the broken bodies not deserving that respect

All porn is the same
And all people are the same
I just take for what I pay - I no longer need you
I don't want to see your eyes
As inside of me it dies
Like a rising star of someone's wretchedness
And I know why poor men kill
Maybe one fine day I will
Find a strength to tread your soul and keep on walking
Money tells you who you are
Money tells you what you are
Empathize the rape and murder
Odds are you are just no other...

Por Aquella Parte II

I free my soul as I leave the world
The universe is dying at my feet
The meaningful as ever left untold
The filth and pain enthralling our defeat

Cause there's no love, no love
No love at all
And our world is no other
Not the world at all...

If only I could rewrite our bitter end
If I could avoid my turn in wrong direction
How has it gone so far, oh, gone so bad
To leave the ashes and the embers
Behind us...

Cause there's no love, no love
No love at all
And our world is no other
Not the world at all...

The eld destroys my body, the wisdom slays my soul
Inevitable darkness, heights thratening me fall
Eternity has swallowed us, le temps detruit tous
Nothing I can help and there's nothing I can do...


Hopeless day and lonely night
Deliberate self-destruct
Drinking shit and smoking light
For a random interract

Hard restrict to correspond
Your height, your weight, your age
Stars are falling in the pond
And heaven smells with rage

Fake accounts and photographs
Recieve the tiny warmth
Shabby cunts and men of wrath
Swear their disposal oath

Ugly desperate fuckers beg
For a pretty boy's short smile
Air kiss and the swarthy legs
To breathe love for a while

Just a little while....

But nothing is behind their hearts
Indifefrence and scorn
You don't fit - just take it hard
You're outlaw, worhless, worn

And life itself stands cruel and strict
For the fresh meat priority
Your time has gone, you can't depict
Just swallow up your tears

I bless our death, our suicide
Against the filth of life
There's nothing we can still confide
Can't stay that blindfold blithe

Just swallow up your helpless tears
No miracle can help
Believe there are no enemies
But existence in itself
So suck the blood up from your art
And waste until last breath.
Do kill your feelings, kill your heart
And put it all to death

Unending Winter

New blood floods the earth on the cerement of ice
And the confetti of snow keeps on circling in the dance
And our bones break in this cold
And our hearts cannot enfold
All this pain wait for tomorrow
That fine day that never comes...

Cruel circles that we run always leaving us undone
Nothing changed but you were here and now you're gone
And no history will teach
Only snow white shroud to bleach
Maybe not wait for tomorrow
As I know it wouldn't come

I would love to go through life
The way of the samurai
Accepting all cruelty as part of the path
Every ugliness, like a part of the beautiful,
Immersed in a riot of elements,
Ready to rip my bosom
And enjoy the last blooded breath
Sculpt from my being
The primordial flower of flesh and blood
But I'm only human
Stuffed with broken dreams
Tired, useless person
Dissolved in the snow
Lost forever in this unending winter.

And our bones break in this cold
And our hearts cannot enfold
All this pain wait for tomorrow
That fine day that never comes
And no history will teach
Only snow white shroud to bleach
Maybe not wait for tomorrow
As I know it wouldn't come
In this unending winter...

Je meurs

Je meurs comme un loup solitaire,
coinc; dans une temp;te de neige.
Je meurs comme un oiseau
dans un pi;ge, comme un poisson
sur terre,
comme une plante dans le vide.

Je meurs sans tendresse ;l;mentaire,
sans chaleur, sans compr;hension,
sans toutes ces b;tises
que'on appellent l'amour.
Je meurs de l'impossibilit;
de d;dier ma pain,
mes r;ves,
ma douleur ; quelqu'un.
Je suis trop vieux pour me jeter
dans les bras de la premi;re personne
que je rencontre.
Je suis trop jeune pour ne pas tomber malade
dans le vide
et le mutisme du d;sert.
Je suis trop fort pour me contenter
du non-sens et
de l'image cynique du monde.
Et je suis trop faible
pour continuer ; marcher
sur les moignons d'mes jambes.

Quelqu'un est amoureux de moi,
mais je ne peux pas r;pondre en nature.
Ceux que j'ai rep;r;s sont toujours
; la recherche de quelqu'un d'autre.
Oh, cette loi d'attraction des sexes,
l'attractivit; ext;rieure,
les empreintes de la petite enfance.
Comme une marque, comme un sceau de Ca;n,
nous condamnant ; la douleur ;ternelle.

Je meurs de n'pas oser exprimer
mes sentiments.
Je meurs sans voir la lumi;re
au bout du chemin.
Je meurs comme Mo;se
de ne pas avoir vu
la terre promise.

Je meurs comme un homme
qui paie ses erreurs tout seul.
Je meurs au m;pris de la haine
et de l'apitoiement sur moi-m;me.
Combien d'ann;es ai-je
juste regard; comment
l';toile du berger de mon r;ve
le plus brillant s'estompe en moi.

donne la paix ; ce monde.
Donnez au loup bless;
un sommeil sans douleur
Donnez ; l'oiseau de nouvelles ailes,
donnez au poisson une surface fluide,
donnez ; la fleur la fra;cheur
de l'air alpin.
Donnez-moi la joie
de l'intimit; -
la joie la plus ;lev;e,
sans laquelle rien n'a de sens.


I won't take you to the stroll...
This long walk through your life
I won't pull you in the cold
Rain of missiles, wind of knives

I won't hazard anything
As it hurts you in the end
Let the silence play the nonexistent strings
Let the dark withdraw your hand
As I will not take your hand

They can teach you going blind
Grateful they can make obey
If one day you change your mind
Life will throw you all away

No, I will not take your hand
Life will throw you all away
Better to have not demand
Than to never satiate

Too much sand and too much ice
Let it never cross your eyes
I won't take you to the stroll
This long walk through your life
No, I won't hazard you at all
The unborn are ever blithe...

Way of the world

No one gives a fuck about another
No one cares of our eternal suffer
Love does not exist
Clench your fist

All your God can do is to frighten
Frighten and terrify
He never forgives always punishes
Your body is sod
Money is god
Money and body that matter
Money is everything

Existence is a torture room
Exquisite in its filth
Be blessed my suicide
Be lustful my slow death

Happiness exists but in the drugs
Smuggle your joy to pay for tomorrow
Pretend thay you want me -
Coz deception is treasure
Deeption is holy grail

The real and true is nothing but our misery...

I wanna buy your body
I wanna kill your soul
I wanna cause you the devilish pain and horror
For sake of my revenge to this fucking world
Rape you, slay you, crash your fucking bones

Every molecule is violent
In this plonk of uiverse
I'm a deadbeat and outcast
Got no place in this world

Uglified and outrageous
I wanna have all the money on earth
I wanna be your black fucking god
Of villainy

Until my last fucking breath

I'm not to blame - this is the way of the world
This is just the way of the world
The only way... of the world...

Falling with You

For another world
For another day
Nurse this dream of gold
Let your fingers play

Touch the black and white
Step into the night
Let Satie and Bach
Melt beneath the arc

Every cup of wine
All yours will be mine
As your kisses burn
In my heart...

I'm falling deep with you
In this beauty pure
In this sadness true
My salvation starts...

I'm falling through the years
Dark and snowhte tears
Eons of pain and cold
Now we are beloved ones like
A porteat in the sky
In the still behold...

The Dark Of Blackest Heart

Filthy world, the tortured life
Graveworm people, stench of lies
God of slaves and slaves of god
Eternal comedy of sod

Dogs of fight ands birds of prey
Be cold death my citadel
May black hate lead up my way
Merciless like all this hell

Scorn and abomination
Delusion, complete destruction
Hate evereyone and kill myself
Death is the only true salvation

Nothing but black hate fills my soul
I want to see the heroes fall
I want to see the demons rise
To kill our fucking souls and to gouge out our eyes

Repeating my curse like mantra
Bring up the condemnation
Convicted, enslaved et cetera
Unwind contamination

Hate, hate, hate, hate!!!!

Nothing but black hate fills my soul
I want to see the heroes fall
I want to see the demons rise
Watching the universe final demise

Hand Grenade Impulse

Blue and white trains in the smoke
and the sound of mobs
Plastic cars and faces moving by
The whole world floating by
as cold and hostile
as it has ever been to me

Sell my soul for a filthy hour
Douchey stranger or a skeleton reminder
of my molten past
He would tell me I'm not ok
And the same stenchy sorrow
would stick in my throat
the one I can't throw up

I'm gonna break this silence
These walls are fake, imaginary violence
Imaginary people poisoning my days
Road ends, the countless breaks
closing my ways,
closing my eyes...

I've been waiting my whole life
For a moment of fatal change
Now I feel the impulse inside
Crashing the whole world to rearrange

No mercy and no regret.
No! Nevermore!
Let'em cry, let'em pay, let it break free...
Crashing the walls, pulling the window panes,
driving fast as the insane...
Yeah, I'm not the same
but I'm not insane.

I'm gonna break this silence
These walls are fake, imaginary violence
Imaginary people poisoning my days
Road ends, the countless breaks
closing my ways,
closing my eyes
{Get the fuck outta my way}

Feel like I'm moving through
Surrounded by the enemie's army
Holding a hand-grenade...

I've been waiting my whole life
For a moment of fatal change
Now I feel the impulse inside
Crashing the whole world to rearrange

Feel like I'm moving through
Holding a hand-grenade...

The Silent Odalisque

And my revery so fleet
withers in the night
of smoke and burnt fat
as my momentary sigh
breaks off
in the noise of life
All my passion and my lust
intimacy unspent
and languor
drown in the evening waters
of my lassitude

The running roads
the dust of my survival
die for their feast
as one would get it all
I ain't got nothing
but the pain redeeming
My blood that pays
for their cups of wine

I love nobody
None do I desire
My stealth orates
with hundred flutes of slavery
beholding void
carve at my wizen face
My poste restante life
laid back to rest
for any
of my tedious hours...

Dead Spaces

Drowning into the night
I watch your porn moves
on my screen silver-bright
I see the waste of your soul
That reflects
the waste of my hope

A beautiful face to smear
I always loved
the beautiful faces
I couldn't have known one day
It would become my tragedy

Dead spaces of lost frozen souls
Earnings, estrangement
Not a little engagement
Walking back tired of all
Walk just to fall

Your sexy eyes are like my sad music
Flowing between the strings
Crying among the untold
Of something we all behold
But never call by its name...

Dead spaces of lost frozen souls
Years and failures
Broken ship sailors
We drift just to fall

Dozens of alcohol
To save our souls for a night or twо
Nothing to hold on to
No one to say in the end
"ah, I love you"
No kisses, no single touch
Dead spaces swallow us all deprived
Of simple things
Simple things in life...

Dead spaces of lost frozen souls
Earnings, estrangement
Not a little engagement
Walking back tired of all
Walk just to fall

Dead spaces of embodied souls
Years and failures
Broken ship sailors
We drift  just to fall

Drowning into the night...


Maybe in your previous life your home was somewhere in New York? I don't know why, just an association. The great work you've done, beautiful, deep and meaningful. Unfortunately I can say this only about your poems in English because I know it perfectly well and a bit German, that's all and that's a pitty I think).

Мари Вальтер   28.06.2022 10:31     Заявить о нарушении
Oh, I've forgotten there was French too, lol )
I can’t say I believe in rebirth and past lives, but I can say that London is very similar to the place where I could have lived my present life pretty happy - pipe dreams...
Thank you!

Ардаллион   30.06.2022 09:54   Заявить о нарушении