You Are The Beauty

You are the beauty, and the light
That shines through clouds in starry skies;
And all the best of life so bright
Meets in your aspect and your eyes;
And mellows to that tender sight
Which manhood frequently confines.

A year one more, and not the less,
Had brought about the great success
Which was achieved with no disgrace,
And lightens dear lady’s face;
Where thoughts serenely would express
The decent might of human race.

And every cheek, and every brow,
Attract us, men, so eloquent,
The smiles that win, and words that flow,
That tell of days in struggle spent,
So mind’s at peace with all below,
And hearts of yours are innocent!

Переделка стихотворения Дж. Байрона "She Walks In Beauty", приуроченная к Международному женскому дню. Посвящается всем женщинам мира.
