Charming blue eyes

I met the prettiest lady
A person could see.
She looked lost while looking
For a taxi.
Her dark silky hair
Was floating in breeze
And the blue of her eyes,

I was stunned by her beauty
And in a moment so swift
I came up to her, saying:
“Miss, would you like a lift?”
She told me politely,
With a Russian accent
“Oh, thank you, but a taxi
For me has been sent”.
Her deep cosmic eyes
I couldn’t take off my mind;
And my beautiful stranger
I was dreaming to find.
I was driving at speed
With my thoughts far away,
And I didn’t expect
To meet a truck on my way
It happened so fast
With bright blinding light
There was rush, and the sirens,
And people in white
When I was brought about
I thought I was dead,
For her charming blue eyes
Were right by my bed.
She asked me my name
And much to my surprise
I couldn’t remember a thing
But those blue sparkling eyes
“You’re my wife, aren’t you?”
I made a stupid remark
“I remember you, sir
We’ve met by the car park!”
“Can I ask you out?”
She smiled and she said:
“I’ll go anywhere
When you’re out of the bed”.
A few weeks have passed
I felt not so bad
And those days were the happiest
I’ve ever had!
We had a serious relationship
For me love was no game
I wanted a family
And she was the same
We wasted no time
And soon we moved in
Then we got engaged
By the end of the spring
The wedding was grand,
By the edge of the sea;
But planning a wedding
Was as hard as could be
My sweetheart was nervous,
She just couldn’t choose,
When, where and how
And only refused
I worked day and night
Getting ready for feast,
Finding food, flowers, dresses,
The place and the priest.
I spent all my money,
But God, what a mess!
I took a bank loan
To pay for the dress!
The life with my sweetheart
Wasn’t so sweet;
We argued a lot:
At home, at work, in the street.
I loved her so deeply
And I understood
That my love was simply
Not in a good mood.
One day I came earlier
Than was the plan
And sitting in my kitchen
Was another man!
I said: “What the hell?
Who is this dude?!”
My sweetheart just answered:
“I love him, not you!”
I was really furious
We started to shout
She hit me with saucepan
And then I was out…
When I was brought about
I thought I was dead,
For the same charming eyes
Were right by my bed.
She asked me my name,
But I said “No way!
I’m fine, thanks a lot!”
And I ran away.
