Romantic trip

Day after day it’s always the same
Same shopping, same cooking, same cleaning;
My only excitement is Netflix, Tik Tok,
And neighbours, constantly drilling.
But all this routine could be pleasant enough
If there was somebody to share;
But I’m stuck with my horrible Rover for life,
And him, I can’t even bear.
Thirty years of marriage, the years of hell,
So empty and loveless and hateful!
I hardly remember myself before him,
Bright eyes, lovely smile, all lost in these years uneventful.
Am I really going to end up like that?
No, it isn’t too late to start over
Time to find that young girl that is deep in my heart
And break up with my horrible Rover!
I decided to go on a cruise by myself,
Packed my suitcase, my best things to wear,
Emptied horrible Rover’s accounts, oh well,
After life with him it’s only fair.
Warm sea breeze in my skirt and the sun in my curls
Now I’m finally free, independent!
With an elegant cocktail in one of my hands
I’m enjoying my happiest moment.
I waved to the waiter to get me refill,
But he didn’t notice at all.
I had to get up, walk gracefully there,
But my walk ended up in a fall!
Not just on the floor was my fall, but for Him!
And He didn’t give me a glance.
I decided that he will be surely with me,
And all others won’t stand a chance!
So tonight, I am shining, the brightest of stars,
Going down to the bar for some booze.
But the man I was looking for, wasn’t in there,
He was painting kid’s faces and children’s tattoos.
After three or four whiskeys I’m coming to Him,
Saying, “Hey, after them you are mine!”
He was confused but agreed all the same,
I sat near to wait with some wine.
And at last, it’s my turn, and I’m sitting in front
Of the most handsome man in the world.
I’m asking a tiger to draw on my hip,
And I stare in His eyes with no words.
When my tiger is finished it’s already late,
And I ask Him to walk to my room.
And after that night my happiest days
Came back and started to bloom.
Long walks in the moonlight and dancing all night,
I fell for him beyond and above.
I was giving him most precious presents, and he,
He was giving me all of his love!
So spontaneous, lively, romantic He was,
Giving me all his time and attention.
He knew how to have fun and knew what I wished,
Unlike Rover, with prudence and tension.
Passed a great trip to Venice, I’m back on the ship
Looking for Him, my gorgeous Prince Charming.
There he is, with a friend, showing him a new watch,
Which he got as a gift from some “darling”.
Standing still right behind him, I’m listening to words,
So cruel and painful and burning.
“That one? She couldn’t afford it, come on,
It’s from my new, slightly older, rich darling”.
A villain! A cheater! I hate him so much!
I’m running and not hiding tears…
What an old fool I was, so stupid, naive;
How could I trust him in my years?..
There is no more hope and love in this world,
What did I expect? It’s all over.
Feeling guilty and broken, like never before,
I’m back with my horrible Rover… ;
