I see grey clouds rolling in..

I see grey clouds rolling in,
Not even black but grey,
The sky was blank, too blank today,
Like hay, left out in the rain,
'T will bring the cow only pain.
The harvest reaped is harvest sowed,
We're paid in time what we are owed.

Weather analogies, they make me sick,
But undesired rain and clouds stick.
For heart so brittle, soft and weak,
I've been too hard, though felt so meek.

I'd like to talk to you today,
See peace and maybe finally find the way
Out of the troubles ever-brewing,
Our bones the moisture's slowly chewing.

The rain is here, been for long.
I tried to sing but no song
Convincing is enough for you.
What am I putting myself through?
What stomach ache I cause your heart?
Weak people choking on life's smut,
In half a whole suddenly cut.
I do not know what's what to me,
When from up close it I see.

Solutions surely will come,
Alas like always way too late.
When night is here and day is done:
A child trying to f-ck with fate.

Obscure oblivion's at the door,
It's smashing windows, breaking in.
The beauty of the past now worn too thin,
There can but hardly will be more.

Falsely smart lines, life's savant -
No guts to say the adressant -
To silence shall forever speak,
None will forgive if you are too weak.

Shall any try to understand?
Held tight one moment,
Pushed away's your hand,
Thus's birthed another silly sonnet -
Unspoken curse to heavens sent.
