
If somebody succeeded to convince you that 2 plus 2 is equal 5, which obviously doesn't add up, you unmistakably didn't make your math ... "
George Orwell


do the math
(you) do the math
Figure out or put together the information for yourself.
Do the math—can't you see that he's just using you to get ahead in the company?
What happened? They convinced you to give them a lump sum as an "investment," and now they've cleared out of town. You do the math.
See also: math
do the math
1. Literally, to do a bit of arithmetic calculation. Primarily heard in US, South Africa.
Well, let's just do the math to see if you have enough in your savings account to afford a new car.
2. To figure out or put together information for oneself. Primarily heard in US, South Africa.
Do the math—can't you see that he's just using you to get ahead in the company?
See also: math
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
do the math! work it out for yourself (used to suggest that the conclusion to be drawn about something is obvious). North American informal
Math is the American abbreviation of mathematics . When the phrase is used in British English, it is usually as do the maths .
2004 BBC News: Business I was faced with the choice of either topping up by using paid holiday or a vast reduction in earnings and a financial struggle when I least need it. You do the maths!
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017
See also:
(you) do the math

"something isn't adding up"

It means the answer/result you see doesn't make sense with the information you have. It comes from math, like 2+4=10 does not seem right, it doesn't add up [to equal the number 10] properly--so you are missing something. This is stretched to many things and situations, especially in mysteries and suspense stories.

Question about English (US)
What does "something isn't adding up" mean??.
(I understand it as "it doesn't make any sense.", am i correct?.)

It means the answer/result you see doesn't make sense with the information you have.

It comes from math, like 2+4=10 does not seem right, it doesn't add up [to equal the number 10] properly--so you are missing something.

This is stretched to many things and situations, especially in mysteries and suspense stories.

English (US)
It means the answer/result you see doesn't make sense with the information you have.

It comes from math, like 2+4=10 does not seem right, it doesn't add up [to equal the number 10] properly--so you are missing something.

This is stretched to many things and situations, especially in mysteries and suspense stories.

English (US) Spanish (Colombia)

Something isn't adding up means that something doesn't make sense in most cases
it depends on the context, in general "add up" means "to sum up" but in this case it looks like a phrase from a detective book/film, so it can mean "something doesn't fit", "something is wrong". for example an evidence that doesn't fit in the theory of an invastigator
